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RE: What Do You think of Scott Ritter's comments on the Ukraine?

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Let me get this straight, the Chinese are "ran by communist bankers", and they want endless wars.. or is that the "capitalist" bankers? You call me a "pedophile enabler" because I have serious doubts about crimes alleged by pedophile deep state on a whistleblower of the Iraq war, correct?


Scott Ritter was convicted of being a pedo and you enable him. Furthermore he has been provably wrong the entire time.

Yes the "capitalist" bankers are actually and always have been communist bolsheviks. Easily provable, they run Israel, they run China, they run Russia. Every country uses the same large multinational banks, the same banks that fund both sides of every war. Just because they are "resetting" the planet to the new Eurasian Superstate doesn't mean it's a good thing.

This is how you sound: "How dare you say Russia is on the verge of collapse when I have been assured by Scott Ritter (totally not a pedo who was convicted of being one that is a UN set up), TLAV, Coach Red Pill, Jack Posobiec, Salty Cracker, Alexander Dugin, Vanessa Beeley, Whitney Webb, Jason Bermas, etc that Russia is winning this war and they are doing it to stop the Nazi’s and the Bio Labs. Russia has not lost a single solder, the West is losing, and everyone in the west is soon going to be out of grain and fuel because Russia is stopping the sale of fuel. It’s going to be a very cold rest of the summer for all western globo homo nations. Once again how dare you. Putin is fighting the NWO singlehandedly." - dumbest take on the internet.