What Do You think of Scott Ritter's comments on the Ukraine?

in Deep Dives2 years ago

I just watched this video, shared by @arabisouri, it has some interesting perspectives in it and I am wondering what people think about the sentiment put forward by Scott Ritter.

Quotes from the Interview;

"we (NATO) do not care about you enough to die for you ... your job is to die for us as along as this war against russia is on Ukrainian soil" - Scott Ritter

"If you (Ukraine) loose the war against Russia, Poland will close its border to you considering your a pro-russian state, you will experience alienation from the west" - Scott Ritter


I have not been enjoying the news I have heard from the Ukraine on either side, if this is the case that we are not going to assisst in the case of ukraines loss, should we consider abandoning the Ukraine to Russia?

Are we NATO nations willing to send our own blood to spill for the Ukraine?

Are you willing to die for the Ukraine?

Lets discuss the divisive narrative about the future of the Ukraine.



The fact that we were supposed to provide security for Ukraine in return for nuclear disarmament?

Or the fact that Russia admitted to the world it lied and committed a proxy war for 8 years in front of the entire world while claiming that it was Ukrainian separatists...

Or let's talk about Nord stream pipeline sabotage that was committed by a Russian submarine rescue ship and then Russia decided to blame Ukraine and say it was a tiny little sailboat that apparently was able to tow four tons of explosive military charges?

It's just a matter of time until we see Russia forced into they surrender if they don't commit to a civil war.

I'm still laughing about the Wagner group insurrection!

Yeah the cost is getting very high for us, so if we are going to loose anything more we should withdraw from the conflict and declare this a Russia Civil War, they should be able to solve their own issue via diplomatic means within their own country.

Every NATO deal is Americans taking the bulk of the risk to fight for countries that don't even appear to be able to have a civil discussion about politics without harming someone.

Here's the problem. Russia is a rogue State and the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

With the Russian federation falling that takes the r out of brics and makes it bics...

Oh yeah then take out the I and the c and it's just going to be BS.

That is basically going to mean that China is now alone on the world stage and Russia is going to be owned by the world banking cartel.

However the Ukrainian weapons deals is the only thing that is keeping the world's economy going. Yep that's right and don't forget that Ukraine is signing on to seven times the amount of debt for the same amount of weapons. Which is the only thing that's keeping the international economy going after cutting out Russia's 10% of the world economy.

By all means please let Ukraine have all of the debt they wish to take on because they can pay it. Russia wasn't able to pay its debt for the United States and Western countries providing food bullet bandages as well as military equipment... Oh yeah that's right if it wasn't for American equipment Russia would be speaking German.

The same thing for china. However China will never pay off its debt and that's the reason why they are forced into buying so much American debt.

At least Ukraine can provide a massive amount of grain as well as other agricultural products being as it is the breadbasket of the world.

If we back off the benefit is recharging oir war chests for future battles, while russia exhuasts its resources in an ideological war with NATO.

We can point fingers, people are responsible, but at the end of the day, we dont want this to become another middle east situation where the state fails to survive without american support.

Ok. The red army is destroying itself. Cool NATO is at 100% full strength.

The world is investing in more armament production.

Russia is going to surrender and leave China alone. Which is going to undermine Iran north Korea China and the rest of the idiot state sponsors of terror...


Send more weapons to Ukraine. They are paying 7 times the peacetime cost. And they can pay the debt they rack up.

China won't ever pay it's debt. That's why they are forced to buy American debt.

Russia defaulted on it's debt and the Soviet state went bankrupt. Oh yeah.... They couldn't pay the debt from WW2. Which means no one is going to lend them money to save it's economy..

And about that Russian economy. 11 rounds of sanctions? I see that Russia will have to trade it's stockpiled nuclear weapons for the removal of economic sanctions.

Scott Ritter is a Russian shill who has been wrong over and over again. This is a bankster war and it will go on forever as they are behind BOTH sides.

Also Scott Ritter is a pedophile, convicted: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-13089135

Is the money in the pipelines and the ports?

Or is this more of a war on attrition where the financial gains are hidden even from the sight of those in charge?

I don't understand who will gain if Ukraine is destroyed and the people who work in the economy are demoralized, the oil pumps itself so I assumed this was always about control of those pipelines in the Ukraine.

The Ukraine War is another war in the grand scheme of the bankers design to create a Multi Polar World Order. Thus creating as Orwell predicted a Eurasian Superstate to face off in a never ending war against “Oceania”, thus you can see the world aligning into the Belt and Road Initiative nations and facing off against the “Anglo-American World Order”. Every war recently i.e. Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Ukraine has been a “Belt and Road” war, as every one of the nations in turmoil are a part of that system being implemented by China and benefits Israel. The re-alignment of the planet into two polar opposites that can face off against each other in warfare that the bankers facilitate through loans and reconstruction loans to the countries once they have been decimated. Ukraine had old soviet infrastructure that needed to be replaced and the bankers wanted to fund another war. They get to demolish a country and loan governments money to buy weapons for the war, then they get to loan Ukraine money to rebuild as a "smart city nation". Putin is a Henry Kissinger plant, he is just put there to look scary to justify military spending by the west. I covered all this a long time ago and I have been correct about Ukraine since before the invasion happened. This is not about Nazis, this is not about Bio labs, this is about geo politics and the restructuring of the planet into the multi polar world order so they can have their forever war. Watch: https://hive.blog/stwt/@titusfrost/stwt-235-the-plan-for-the-greater-federated-states-of-israel-and-the-fiber-optic-network-of-eurasia

Lol the forever war that turns into space wars with trumps space force showing up like team America.

Ukraine is a space war. You can ignore what I say but you cannot debunk it.

Ukraine Space Warfare: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-63109532

Hilarious that you think China is not run by the communist banksters. You are a clown and a pedophile enabler. Scott Ritter is a pedo.

Scott Ritter was convicted of being a pedo and you enable him. Furthermore he has been provably wrong the entire time.

Yes the "capitalist" bankers are actually and always have been communist bolsheviks. Easily provable, they run Israel, they run China, they run Russia. Every country uses the same large multinational banks, the same banks that fund both sides of every war. Just because they are "resetting" the planet to the new Eurasian Superstate doesn't mean it's a good thing.

This is how you sound: "How dare you say Russia is on the verge of collapse when I have been assured by Scott Ritter (totally not a pedo who was convicted of being one that is a UN set up), TLAV, Coach Red Pill, Jack Posobiec, Salty Cracker, Alexander Dugin, Vanessa Beeley, Whitney Webb, Jason Bermas, etc that Russia is winning this war and they are doing it to stop the Nazi’s and the Bio Labs. Russia has not lost a single solder, the West is losing, and everyone in the west is soon going to be out of grain and fuel because Russia is stopping the sale of fuel. It’s going to be a very cold rest of the summer for all western globo homo nations. Once again how dare you. Putin is fighting the NWO singlehandedly." - dumbest take on the internet.

I've seen discussions of Poland becoming the leader of a central and eastern Europe bloc of nations, incorporating Belarus and W. Ukraine, while W. Europe degenerates into penury. Ritter isn't alone in understanding the Ukraine is no longer potential to be a country. The people of the Donbas aren't just 'ethnic Russians'. They are family members of people living in Russia. The Donbas was cut out of the Ukraine by Right Sector and Azov when they were pushed by the CIA into waging genocidal war against it.

The rest of the Ukraine has variously been Lithuanian, Polish, and Russian for centuries. The Ukraine means 'the hinterlands', and it has always been the route to Europe for steppe barbarians invading, or into Russia for conquistadors. It's geographically a corridor for war, not a viable nation. This isn't just relevant in historic times, but clear back to Neolithic times, and probably farther than we have the archaeological acumen to ascertain.


Dmowski was right then, and he's right today. Adventurers and ready men have always been the Ukraines primary resource. As long as it's not divvied up into it's neighbors, like Kurdistan, so it will remain.


It seems dividing it might be the only peaceful negotiation left on the table, I have heard about the Donbas heritage there being deeply Russian as well, all the way to Odessa appearantly is Russia. The W. Ukraine would probably loose access to the port, and it wouldn't surprise me if Russia pushed for that in diplomatic negotiation.

During my travel in Ukraine, besides amazing hospitable people, I experienced 3 facts:

  • west of the Dniepr it is 90% Russian
  • Ukrainian was only spoken in a small area in the west
  • many people liked me being an Austrian because we produced such a great leader in the 30s....

mostly west of dniepr, maybe west of kiev.
In the south (odesa, krim) not at all.

Can you indicate a link to where I can view those pics? I can't see them here.

The realisation that Ukraine is losing badly is starting to percolate through in The West.

For those of us that ignored MSM propaganda, sought out reliable independent sources of information and exercised our own independent rational analysis, this conclusion has been obvious for a long time.

You ask good questions but there are two questions you forget to ask which impacts the others.

Q1: Is NATO currently capable of defeating Russia in a conventional war in or near the territory of Ukraine?

A1: NO! NATO is completely outmatched by Russia in quality and quantity of arms, experience and quality of troops and military industrial capacity.
The Ukraine war has shown that Ukrainian troops fighting with old Soviet equipment do BETTER than NATO trained Ukrainian troops with NATO equipment.

Q2: What are the consequences of NATO directly fighting Russia and losing?

A2: Collapse of NATO and Russian troops in Berlin, Warsaw, Paris and Amsterdam.

Consider this before answering the above questions.

One of my greatest fears as a man who detests communism, is the Canada and the US depleting our reserves in a place like Taiwan, or the Ukraine. If Russia is the dominant military faction on earth, you won't be complaining about Biden or Trudeau for long up here... we will probably loose the entire Arctic aspect of our nation's.

One thing that has to be said to everyone who grew up in the US: Fear of Russia, communism and socialicm has been deeply embedded in your culture over the last 50 years or so.
If you do not overcome this indoctrination, discussion of the events in UA will always be too biased.

Communism, as well as socialism is just like democracy: Great ideas that usually get corrupted. For all three there have been times when they worked ok, and more times when they were not working at all.
Same goes for Russia being the evil nation. The biggest provocatuer over the last decades has been the US... it also did the most damage, globally. Russia has been behaving quite cooperative, and non-agressiv (or can you tell me about one thing Russia did that wouldn't pale compared to the agression of the US?).
There are no doubt forces in Russia that radicalised and have imperialistic ideas. If e.g. Putin would be overthrown, there is a high chance those forces would come to power.

So everybody should try to look at the bigger picture, or their personal REAL LIVE EXPERIENCE. How do you know Russia? How do you know Ukraine? Have you studied the history of Russian warfare? Have you ever been there? Do you know anybody who has been there?
If all those questions are answered 'no', what are you talking about? What media tells you?

Personally, I know Ukraine quite well, I've been in a war run by Russia, I know slawic culture intimately. That is my picture.

Scott Ritter has seen much more, and if anyone wants to trust a source one can see on some internet channel, I would point his direction.
Compared to my limited personal experience, his views are realistic.

Get out of your fears!

I get no where talking about socialism to my peers in Canada but I do try.

I guess it is like they were allergic to it... deeply embedded rejection.

It's some kind of cognitive dissonance, they are very into socialist policy when debating new government funding for various things, but when you say "I would like to achieve the same goals, but in a non-socialist way", they start to get insecure and create excuses as to why your outside of their box thinking has no plausible way to become reality.

The most dangerous and terrible aspect of the Ukraine war is that it has caused Russia to massively increase the size and capability of its military and 10x increase its military industrial production to produce very effective high tech (eg Lancet drones) and low tech (eg artillery) weapons in immense amounts that The West cannot match.

See details of Lancet production in the video 2/3rd the way down this post: https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/kerch-bridge-deja-vu-breakdown

Before the war Russia's military was actually quite small (which was why they couldn't hold all the land they originally took).

But now a monster has been unleashed and every month that goes past with The West deluding itself that Russia is losing increases Russia's quantitive, qualitative and experience advantage over The West in high intensity modern warfare.

Regarding your fear of communism (which I share) by far the greatest danger of communism comes from the woke left in the US itself. Russia has completely abandoned it and runs a more capitalist economy than the US.

What is your source for world reserve numbers? I have seen numbers claiming Ukraine has the largest reserve of military force on earth, is that only because of NATO supporting Ukraine?

Many data points indicate Ukraine is running out of men, including very old and very young on front line. Harsh forced conscription of men off the streets (like old style British Navy press gangs), very large population loss since start of war, very low fertility and bad demographics long before the war etc.

This is an interesting analysis

Anyone claiming Ukraine has the world's largest reserves is utterly deluded and mathematically challenged. How can a country of 30 million have more reserves than India or China with well over 1 Billion.

Scott Ritter's points are hard to swollow (esp. if you are Ukrainian), but I think he is spot on. In this case he obviously felt a lot of urgency as it was an opportunity to talk 'to Ukraine'.
It is also great to hear somebody talking straight. Quite unusual those days.

That'd why I shared this, it's hard to find anything critical and directed, you would think a war would have for critical thinking, but. I guess we are just shooting at butterflies in the hills and waiting for the news, I mean propaganda to explain it to us.

I think that all those assholes are now becoming honest

And eat each other, like in every revolution
especially the children
every revolution always ate its children

I have been saying the whole time, all my friends there in university or traveling left, what Ukraine are they fighting for?

One thing points to Ritter being right: US always underlines how ready Ukraine is to sacrifice lives, and what a great asset that is....

Who is retard?

What specific fuck ups have you seen?

The media is obviously one big giant fuck up, but aside from the information war, anything else you have noticed?

you were baah-ed ;)

The internet us full of unhinged psychic leeches. They feed of others experiences because they have a pathetic life and wallow in self deceit.

Some people think it's intelligent to rob people, but I personally have seen what happened to a theif my friend caught in his garage, words didn't save him lol

More worthless low IQ quips, I can see retarded is something you are very experienced with. I wont question your logic on a topic you have so much experience with.

just needed to flag the original comment, this is all worthless contribution to the constructive conversation i'm trying to have. As I have said before, your low IQ quips and ad-hominem attacks are significantly undesirable and I feel do not produce any value whatsoever. maybe you would have more fun on twitter where people care about this kind of low IQ non-sense.

If you dont like the flags, do not ever comment on or participate in my blogs without providing a deeper insight and perspective. Especially after the insulting you do of other users, I will be down voting everything you post as a comment on my blogs unless it is a significant increase in quality and ethics, expect nothing from me.