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RE: What Do You think of Scott Ritter's comments on the Ukraine?

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Is the money in the pipelines and the ports?

Or is this more of a war on attrition where the financial gains are hidden even from the sight of those in charge?

I don't understand who will gain if Ukraine is destroyed and the people who work in the economy are demoralized, the oil pumps itself so I assumed this was always about control of those pipelines in the Ukraine.


The Ukraine War is another war in the grand scheme of the bankers design to create a Multi Polar World Order. Thus creating as Orwell predicted a Eurasian Superstate to face off in a never ending war against “Oceania”, thus you can see the world aligning into the Belt and Road Initiative nations and facing off against the “Anglo-American World Order”. Every war recently i.e. Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Ukraine has been a “Belt and Road” war, as every one of the nations in turmoil are a part of that system being implemented by China and benefits Israel. The re-alignment of the planet into two polar opposites that can face off against each other in warfare that the bankers facilitate through loans and reconstruction loans to the countries once they have been decimated. Ukraine had old soviet infrastructure that needed to be replaced and the bankers wanted to fund another war. They get to demolish a country and loan governments money to buy weapons for the war, then they get to loan Ukraine money to rebuild as a "smart city nation". Putin is a Henry Kissinger plant, he is just put there to look scary to justify military spending by the west. I covered all this a long time ago and I have been correct about Ukraine since before the invasion happened. This is not about Nazis, this is not about Bio labs, this is about geo politics and the restructuring of the planet into the multi polar world order so they can have their forever war. Watch:

Lol the forever war that turns into space wars with trumps space force showing up like team America.

Ukraine is a space war. You can ignore what I say but you cannot debunk it.

Ukraine Space Warfare: