Apart from having no idea where that total shit-hole is, that sounds too perverted and like an invitation for some poo-jabbing action - disgusting and embarrassing that you would post an open invitation like that on here. I'm not into that shit (pardon the obvious pun), so you should DM taraz poo-jabber and his poo-jabbing boyfriend. You could have some three-way hive action. Could get a little steeeeeemy, with some nostalgia thrown into the mix.....
You are all the same pieces of trash who stick up for each other on this platform. A bunch of elitist entitled cunts, who push others around with your big talk and big wallets, and call everyone else entitled while you rape/exploit everything and everyone within sight. There is no bigger entitlement than posers who keep telling everyone not to be entitled,which is the entire point of keeping everyone down and your dominance in place, because of your superiority complex. People like you are also obvious racist mother fuckers, since you believe in outdated eugenics theories and constantly repeat that garbage as if its some fact that is keeping YOU down. LMAO. GO back to 1535 in your time machine idiot.
Apart from anyone who agrees with you and licks your ass-hole clean.
They just get special invitations to your parties.