Stop spreading the news

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Stop spreading the news

These are the "lesser known" Sinatra lyrics.

As I have spoken about before, I am not a news consumer and prefer to have information reach me through more organic channels that will affect me directly. The reason is that the news media has such a massive amount of source material to choose from that they are able to cherrypick and curate the content and rather than being useful, it has become entertainment, often morbid entertainment.

I was talking to a private client yesterday who was telling me about an early morning car accident in his town, where a drunk driver hit and killed a young man. Now, the relevancy for him due to location is higher than for me as he might know the people concerned, but for me, that is less likely. While there is the lesson of don't drink and drive in there, the story is of low value to me.

However, how much of the news the average person consumes is of value when most of what actually happens is so far removed from daily reality and is essentially non-actionable in any way? Not only that, the frequency of bombardment to satisfy the "trending" factor means that we tire of the current news and want more new.

This sets up a monetized (incentivized) structure for media to pound a story very, very hard and as soon as it starts to fade, drop it cold for whatever is to come next. And they choose what comes next, with our thirst for "new" overpowering our sense of value. They can literally throw any story into our collective eye-line and engineer it to be "newsworthy" and we will consume it.

Not only that, we will share it and because they are incentivized by engagement, it is in their best interest to make sure the content they deliver gets shared a lot. This means that they want it to not only engage the emotions, but engage the emotions of the largest audience possible. The best approach to this is to polarize the content views, so that people who love it will share it as a representation of their beliefs and - people who hate it will share it as a representation of their beliefs. Same, same.

With the amount of perspectives and "alternate facts" that they are able to deliver with impunity, they are able to pour an enormous stream of incomprehensible information into the public sphere with little concern in regard to accuracy or relevance - just firehose it and see what sticks, then firehose what sticks with more of the same with a ramp up for emotional triggers. Any errors they make will soon be forgotten in the blur of emotional blinding and the rapid change in topic from one day to the next.

But, we as consumers feel we are getting what we want as we have been conditioned to believe that there is value in the valueless - but with the lateral volume of information we are exposed to, we end up filtering for what we want to see anyway, which is almost invariably whatever is popular, as it is at the forefront of our mind. What is "popular" is dictated by the news media, not the consumer of news.

We hear what we want to hear even if what we are hearing is not reality at all and we onboard it as our narrative of the world, even if it doesn't apply to our world. I would predict that not only does most of the news people consume have very little practice bearing on their lives, what they engage with out of the news has little bearing also - it is just that it has evoked an emotional response, which is what it was designed to do.

In many ways though, the news becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as it essentially trains the masses to first feel and then behave in a particular way. If they decide that one group is "bad" they can portray that group in a way they they will be persecuted. Yet simultaneously, they can target that group with content that makes them feel persecuted and direct them to behave in a way that fulfills the other view. By doing this, there can be an infinite amount of fragmentation along social variables and therefore, an infinite amount of enemies created. Pretty soon, we are all compartmentalized and fearful, as our enemies are everywhere - but there is no real "us" as depending on topic, we will be polarized against each other - there is only me.

We end up forming dynamic little cliques that ramp each other topic by topic in a way that constantly drives fear into the community, which fractures us even further and can make us feel more alone - so we jump on the next advertised bandwagon to feel part of something meaningful - with "meaningful" being used as a synonym for popular. Popularity is a very poor indicator of importance.

Yet, we keep sharing what engages us, regardless of importance, regardless of accuracy, regardless of what damage it could do. The news media is incentivized to engage us at any cost, but what incentive do we have to propel the content further?


Participating in the news makes us feel relevant. And in a world where we have framed people as disposable, we fear that who we are is being replaced - and the media gets its clicks by playing upon our fears.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


The media is really a pile of redundant information. I'm so happy that I don't own a TV and that I stay away from this bombardment. It's obnoxious to keep on hearing the same things. A lot of the times we indeed hear what we want to hear. And media wins with news about panic, scarcity and apocalyptic scenarios which feed scared minds.

When it comes to normal interactions we function the same. We hear what we want to hear. I guess it's because of our ego, which really disrupts the flow of active listening. We need to learn how to listen because this is the only way to actually improve the way we choosw to react to external stimulus.


It's obnoxious to keep on hearing the same things.

Repeated 48 times a day and then people say "I am not brainwashed" :D

Listening is an active skill, yet we often make it a passive process. This is dangerous, especially when we aren't paying attention to what we are listening to.

Passive listening is even more dangerous because you absorb things being clueless about it. There was a saying in which I strongly believe, it goes something like this: always stand in guard at the gates of your mind. From music, to ads, to news, we are bombarded with stuff and cues which can trigger various reactions. Selection is key.

A lot of our habits are learned as children and in general, parents want children to follow what they say, not question it.

Oh that's not good. I would like a child who would ask questions instead of blindly obeying

I agree with this post. On multiple levels. Often times the news hosts stories about trite irrelevant things and people gobble the stories up.

But lately, especially in the united states, the news has turned more sinister. The news here is not news its propaganda. Flat out. The country has two basic factions these days liberal and conservative. Both are polarized to the farthest extent. Both have representative news channels that spout cherry picked data or worse present complete opinion as fact to manipulate their base. Its insulting to anybody with half a brain. I end up having to read about six or so news sources for just one story including many that are international and have no dog in the fight just to get a clear unbiased picture via reading in between the lines.

Personally i think most news is toxic these days. Especially american news. Its a symptom of the pathology that runs through society. Pathology i dont want to partake in. So my rule is i leave a room the second the news is on. People become obsessed with irrelevant news and spout it off interjecting it into every conversation regardless if it had anything to do with the conversation. Its like the news controls their attention so much that they can't wait to jump into conversation about it. Even if nobody else in the party is interested.

My mom asked the other day why nobody invites her back to any social gatherings. Well its because you vitriolically spout news and opinions based on them to an unwillingly reception. They came to have a social gathering. Live life a little not listen to you repeat your version of the news. Is sad really.

Personally i think most news is toxic these days. Especially american news. Its a symptom of the pathology that runs through society.

One of the interesting things that many don't realize around the world is, news is syndicated by companies like Reuters and Allied Press - This means that all news is tainted and translated into global languages. Often, a lot of news stories do not even cite a reporter.

So my rule is i leave a room the second the news is on.

I do the same when elsewhere - it is never on at home.

Its like the news controls their attention so much that they can't wait to jump into conversation about it. Even if nobody else in the party is interested.

I wonder if for a lot of people these days it is also from a lack of other things to talk about - people are consumers far more than creators now.

Well its because you vitriolically spout news and opinions based on them to an unwillingly reception. They came to have a social gathering. Live life a little not listen to you repeat your version of the news. Is sad really.

And many think if not interested in the news, if not watching the news - you are uneducated....

I've found the most educated are the ones that take the news with a grain of salt or at least aggregate their news from multiple sources. And even then they don't prattle on about the news once they've digested what is in it. They're usually the smarter cookies.


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100% agree with this message. I try to refrain from reading/watching the news too, as they are of little value and substance to me. It sucks that so much of the most trending news has crept its way to social media platform, so there is no escaping it unless you go completely off the internet. I do try to be very mindlful of who I follow and engage with, to minimize the news feed to me.

The trick to escape for the most part is to be on Hive - not many people, not much automation :D

Attention to what is consumed is a big part of it. A lot of people are driven by the desire not to miss out on something, so they chase the trends regardless of relevance.

Not so long ago, almost the same music songs were consumed by everyone as the radio stations were the place to listen to music, no streaming services, no youtube, no internet at all. Even the songs you would never have listened more than once became popular due to the money spent by the record companies to promote them and the lack of alternative music sources. Now we can just choose where and how we consume from consolidated bands to independent ones and the long tail of music can reach anyone with an online connection.

Media used to be the same, only a few sources were available and we were all consuming the same (at least region wise). Now there are plenty of independent, local, and amateur sources on top of tweets, blogs, and so on. Anyone can choose where to browse and where to stop and read or watch to get details about anything interesting for him/her. The problem is that there is information overflow so after 5 minutes the same info is reproduced in all the channels, be that professional media or friends we get in touch with.

We need to focus some more on what is relevant to us and not that much on what the media want us to focus on. It is not easy but it is healthy for our heads!

I think the choice (for example music) is also somewhat of an illusion, as while the possibility is there, practically most will be lazy and work from algorithm and suggestion. Spotify and Netflix drive this too and are incentivized to push what lowers their costs, increases their profits.

The problem is that there is information overflow so after 5 minutes the same info is reproduced in all the channels, be that professional media or friends we get in touch with.

Also, the monetization/ advertising model pushes for mass consumption, which again will favour popular. Tweets that get a lot of likes/shares are the ones that comment on topics that are already getting attention.

I would say that the centralized media still controls the independents because they will lead and the independents need to follow if they want to get paid.

Omg so true!!! Thanks for the reminder my friend.

No worries - it is good to stay frosty on some things :)

So, the unspoken proposition then is to bring oneself nearer to the deepest tethers of our personal humanity, seeking answers from within and sharing the spring waters of wisdom found there - because they run the same in all our blood and can be applied at the base layer of our existence.

Similar to a computer engineer learning the basic principles of computer science. Start with learning hardware and assembly languages - because building a solid foundation enables you to access the high-level syntax without limiting you to the never-ending race against the latest trends - ALWAYS being at least one step behind.


Also, be more observational and curious. See what actually affects us, not believe what we are told affects us.

One step behind is where we always are. We think new is new, but it is only new to us who are hearing it for the first time.

We stepped away from the media a long time ago my friend, as it is only a brainwashing machine that is driven by fallacy's and a greed to influence.
No TV means no ads, no violence and no temptations. No false stories and no display of egos.
Just a waste of time methinks!

Definitely a waste of time. The only reason to ever check the news is to remind oneself as why it is useless to check the news :)

This is some of your best work.

Really? You call this "best work" and "journalism"? Can you make yourself look like a bigger ass-licking twat you fucking dipshit. Where the fuck are his links and sources that point to his "facts". No, its just the same opinionated dribble that he spams the blockchain with on a daily basis with his entitled superiority complex, and his circle-jerk voting accounts. And all the wankers who spam his comments section, are only here for one thing. Fucking ass-licking cocksuckers.

While this stupid mother fucker and his pussy boyfriend deliberately harassed and chased away users that did real journalism and research based articles, he now starts wrting in the community where he literally spat on it's users. Interesting 'concidence' NOOOOOOOOOOOOOt. What a fucking insidious piece of shit. You are all the same cocksuckers that suck each others dicks on this scam circle-jerking blockchain.

And you love to spread your "virus" mindset amongst the "elite" on here. Makes you wonder why the fuck an elitist asshole would actually write in this community. Oh yes, entitled superiority complex. It's about being ANTI-ELITIST around here. But you fucking cunts are the pathetic elitists, and only "hang with" and jerk off people who suck your cocks and agree with what only you say, and think. Pathetic scumbags.

I'm at the Jade on Flinders St in Adelaide, from 6pm. Last Thursday of the month.
Be great to see you in person if you're ever in town.

Apart from having no idea where that total shit-hole is, that sounds too perverted and like an invitation for some poo-jabbing action - disgusting and embarrassing that you would post an open invitation like that on here. I'm not into that shit (pardon the obvious pun), so you should DM taraz poo-jabber and his poo-jabbing boyfriend. You could have some three-way hive action. Could get a little steeeeeemy, with some nostalgia thrown into the mix.....

You are all the same pieces of trash who stick up for each other on this platform. A bunch of elitist entitled cunts, who push others around with your big talk and big wallets, and call everyone else entitled while you rape/exploit everything and everyone within sight. There is no bigger entitlement than posers who keep telling everyone not to be entitled,which is the entire point of keeping everyone down and your dominance in place, because of your superiority complex. People like you are also obvious racist mother fuckers, since you believe in outdated eugenics theories and constantly repeat that garbage as if its some fact that is keeping YOU down. LMAO. GO back to 1535 in your time machine idiot.

Apart from anyone who agrees with you and licks your ass-hole clean.
They just get special invitations to your parties.

Yep, it's true.

With some deliberately over-inflated and crude wording - and for good fucking reason. The only way to talk to people like this is with direct trolling. Otherwise, their arrogant and deliberate abuse will never end. At the very least, they should be made accountable with words - even though it won't result in anything changing.

I look forward to all the "spam" tags that will be attached/associated to this account LOL.

I was literally told by a witness in discord that defending yourself against the real abusers, is called "spamming". How is anyone supposed to defend themselves unless they actually write a series of comments and reply to the replies. If they don't like my wording, that's their problem. Some would call it "freedom of speech". But we know that is also allowed/applied arbitrarily based on your opinion of those in power.

Now we can all clearly see what this platform is really all about, and is why I won't be creating content on here any more. They can sit there and farm themselves, or hope that they get their fiecesbook and twatter crown to migrate here.

Another witness downvoted another deepdives post today because they were offended by their opinion and then left their cry baby comment underneath to confirm how butt-hurt they are....awwwwwwww. So, now we know why all the witnesses were all so outraged with the steemit threatened their little mobster monopoly and dominance of the blockhain over there, so they forked it by using a bullshit made-up red scare story to keep farming their scamchain. They are no better than the people they accuse of "fraud" and "scamming".

Making the author/curation split 50/50 also helps too. LOL seriously, what a rort that was.

Another witness downvoted another deepdives post today

I guess I need to get around more.

and is why I won't be creating content on here any more.

You just need to get out and make friends.
The top may take the majority of the pool now, but inflation, and outrage, will eventually run them from the platform.

Honest people will win.
It just takes some time.

I'm in discord if you want to give me an account to follow so I can follow along.

I was literally told by a witness in discord

Nobody rules where none obey.
They want you to leave and stop getting 'their' rewards.

Thank you.

NO. FUCK YOU. This is not "research or "journalism" dickhead. Its your usual opinionated fucking trash. You insidious fucking scumbag piece of fucking shit. How fucking dare you put up garbage like this and call it "research" and "journalism". How dare you act like a piece of trash entitled cocksucker looking for easy votes, after harassing and chasing away people who actually did real research and journalism. YOU FUCKING SCUMBAG ELITIST CUNTHOLE. This research and journalism is about exposing corruption from elitist cuntholes. You are an elitist cunthole, so you have an obvious problem there.

Go back to poo-jabbing your boyfriend on you bullshit fake blog. Don't you already have enough scam circle-jerk votes? Now you come here to take opportunities away from the smaller users you piece of trash. You fucking entitled piece of shit cunt.

@palikari123, perhaps you should try:

You can get help from home, so it might be suitable for you.

Whats wrong cuntface? DOes the truth hurt? Fuck off back to your corner you pathetic scamming trash circle-jerking poo-jabber.

And you need to get your tags right. This account is called @circle4jerks in honour of you and your boyfriend.

Poo-jabbing circle-jerkers. Thats why I write special comments for special people like you and you entitled scamming class of wankers on here. It's all about the name.

YOU are the circles4jerks. DICKHEAD

I got the tag right @palikari123

This account is called @circle4jerks in honour of you and your boyfriend.

Interesting, since I had no idea who you were until a few months ago, but your alt was created in 2018.

Get help and work out why you are so angry. Since you focus so heavily on homosexuality, I would suggest you start there, as you might have some unresolved preferences. It is nothing to be ashamed of and there is help available to overcome your fears.

Stop being in denial and trying to move the conversation away from all of your scams and fraud with the use of all your anonymous alt accounts. It's pathetic that you continue to try and divert the conversation from your bullshit by accusing others of exactly what YOU do yourself. You obviously study the patterns and tendencies of the elitist psychopathic classes, which is why you directly mirror that behaviour right here on this blockchain, by using the same scamming tactics to create a monopoly of reward pool rapage. You know, all that stuff you used to preach against on your try hard blog. You fucking liars and fraudsters.

You're just a fucking poser and wolf dressed in sheeps clothing and here to scam people of their hard earned money. You are fucking trash and always will be.

A complete and utter fucking disgrace of organised mobsters you people are. YOU need help you fucking psychopathic exploitative cunts.

So go right ahead and reply, so I can fucking continue to demolish your rubbish narratives and lies.

CEO's of Poo-jabbers Inc.

Thats not me with the homo-sexuality problem, that's YOU two bitches


How hilariously ironic. You gave more links in your comment than you so-called "research" article. You're a fucking fraud, only looking for whale votes.

This is not research or journalism. It's fucking opinionated garbage.

You moved in pretty fast after removing the competition - what a fucking coincidence NOOOOOOOOOOOOT.

You're a fucking clueless cuntface, with retard sunglasses. I bet your boyfriend loves to jerk all over them.

I am not a journalist - and neither are you.

You moved in pretty fast after removing the competition - what a fucking coincidence NOOOOOOOOOOOOT.

What are you talking about? What competition?

You're a fucking clueless cuntface, with retard sunglasses. I bet your boyfriend loves to jerk all over them.

Again, you probably should resolve your homophobia, as I think you might have some unresolved desires and they are bleeding into all of your thoughts.

Oh man your denial is so deep-seeded that its impossible to even begin the conversation with you....that retardation is obviously irreversible.

You constantly avoid the real topic addressed to you and divert to irrelevant bullshit, because your a fucking SCAMMER. Thats what SCAMMERS do.

You're a fucking psychopathic leech and fraud.

Ah this news. It seems that they have filled our life by 99.9%, because any news is a veiled advertisement of a particular product, or not veiled, often anti-advertising, about a particular product.

Or, Often people start to tell the news at a time when they simply have nothing to say.

"thinly" veiled...

People are walking billboards for products without even having a brand name on their shirt.

I am not a news consumer and prefer to have information reach me through more organic channels that will affect me directly.

I was talking to a private client yesterday who was telling me about an early morning car accident in his town, where a drunk driver hit and killed a young man. Now, the relevancy for him due to location is higher than for me as he might know the people concerned, but for me, that is less likely.

Oh yeah! I guess you are referring here to the well known Trolley Dilemma. Right?

Although nonetheless, I am also of the opinion that it will never hurt us to keep also an eye wide open and very attentive to the cliques, self-fulfilling prophecies and alternate facts that mainstream media use to spread and regurgitate the very same thing everywhere around.

Well, at least to be more aware of what is happening in our surroundings and thus be better protected and prepared to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff between what may be true and what may be not. And so we can react in time to what is coming our way well in advance.

Perhaps all we need to stay more in calm, is just invest in some new foolproof electronic device to tell us beforehand what is of Relevance and what is not as soon as possible all the time. };)

Although nonetheless, I am also of the opinion that it will never hurt us to keep also an eye wide open and very attentive to the cliques, self-fulfilling prophecies and alternate facts that mainstream media use to spread and regurgitate the very same thing everywhere around.

I would say that it would likely be better to keep it in peripheries to see trends, but put most of the time into building locally. I think most people think they are being wise by staying abreast of the news, yet don't realize when they are being led by it.

Perhaps all we need to stay more in calm, is just invest in some new foolproof electronic device to tell us beforehand what is of Relevance and what is not as soon as possible all the time.

Web of Trust algorithms could have an effect on this.

Yeah, not so bad to keep it also in peripheries to see the trends on time and stay well aware of the shenanigans that always will be surrounding you every minute.

Web of Trust algorithms could have an effect on this.

Well, although I still think that if those algorithms could come enclosed in some sort of blackbox or hardware attachment for your TV set, that also would help big time to be wiser. };)

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In many ways though, the news becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

I recently read that experiments showed that people bombarded with the same fear inducing news for a couple of months reach the point where they are so convinced of its reality that even when shown evidence to the contrary, they won't relinquish that belief. I'm beginning to think, more and more, that once enough people believe something it pretty much becomes a reality.

Why are we so drawn to bad news, do you think?

You're right:

This sets up a monetized (incentivized) structure for media to pound a story very, very hard.

What's your opinion about the story about the pandemic?