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RE: Stop spreading the news

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Stop being in denial and trying to move the conversation away from all of your scams and fraud with the use of all your anonymous alt accounts

lols - what anonymous alts? You are obviously not very good at your investigation if you think I am running anonymous alts.

You're just a fucking poser and wolf dressed in sheeps clothing and here to scam people of their hard earned money.

what are you talking about?

So go right and reply, so I can fucking continue to demolish you rubbish narratives and lies.

You live in a fantasy world. Your wording far too emotional, your mind far too fragile to be taken seriously. If you did ever have any credibility with anyone @palikari123, it is long gone.


There it is again. Diversion tactics to hide your scamming.

Funny - with all your accusations, not one piece of evidence, just the ramblings of a feeble mind.

If they are anonymous, then they are anonymous. So fucking retarded you are. Keep trying to play jedi mind tricks, but it won't work.

WTF, you have a pedo account Disgusting pig.

WTF, you have a pedo account Disgusting pig.

Your sheer research incompetence or misrepresentation of the truth is astounding.

It is people like you who bring a bad name to anyone who is interested in narratives alternate to the mainstream. Your own deranged perspective of the world, your eternal victimhood that blames anyone but yourself for your poor position and bad luck in life, and your complete inability to control both your emotions and mind, destroy any credibility on any information you provide. You claim to bring clarity, but your own erratic performance muddies the waters of truth and makes anything you (and unfortunately others) say on any topic, indistinguishable from the rantings of an insane person.

If you want to be taken seriously, you should sort your personal shit out first, like a man.

Your accusations are not only very badly informed and erroneous, the way you present yourself is that of a teen with learning development issues. I will tag @v4vapid here so he can have a read of these threads of yours @palikari123, so he is informed as to whether he wants to offer support in the future.

Get help.

LMAO. Poor baby cant handle an obvious joke, so he makes a fool of himself with a snowflake post.


Not one thing you have ever said has been a joke. You are broken, perhaps fundamentally. Get help.

You are the joke. Your stupid face is a joke.

You want to know who brings a bad name to this blockchain? It's CUNTS like you, who lie, steal, and who outrightly harass other users with flags because of a simple opinion. But you wont be mentioning any of this to all the little fucking sheep who will swallow you lies. So go fuck yourself with you jedi mind fuckery and obfuscation. Go have a fucking cry bitch. You little snowflake mother fucker. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Snowflake? You seem to be confusing me with your shadow. Grow up, it is pathetic.

You're the one who can't fight your own battles, so you have to tag whales to fight them for you. YOU are the pathetic loser. I don't need to tag anyone to help me rip you to pieces with words. I mean seriously, it's so easy since you do half the work for me, with your total idiocy. Yes snowflake. The snowflake that also called his blockchain boyfriend to flag a simple opinion (that was not offensive in any way). That's what a pathetic snowflake really is. Keep calling others to fight your battles, you useless wimp.

Bye snowflake.