
You don't know how communities or respect works. I don't need to tag or call anyone to speak on my behalf, because I'm not a little wimp like you. You harass users and silence others and their simple and respectful straight forward opinions with the weight of your stake, because you think you are superior, when in fact you are the cry baby losers who didn't like anyone mentioning the obvious. This blockchain is full of ass-licking try hards, which is why you dont like the unwanted public scrutiny of your circle-jerking and fraud on this blockchain. If it wasn't true then you would have ignored it.

If you want to know what respect is, then start with yourself you hypocritical wanker and look at your original actions you piece of trash. You're just a fucking greed filled pig. That's how this all started cuntface. Because of your pathetic and disgusting actions, only to get the result you wanted. Get rid of unwanted competition or chatter through gang intimidation and harassment.

I'm here alone defending myself against your harassment, while you are attempting to gather people with big wallets to continue with your intimidation tactics. So that makes you a loser and snowflake that needs the protection of whales and dolphins. It simply doesn't get any more pathetic and shallow than that.

I can post the original comment if you like dumbfuck. That would be too embarrassing for you, so I should at least let you have a chance at pretending your lies are truth. It's kind of fun watching you try and lie your way out of your original actions and behaviour.

But now you come here to try and spew your garbage and limit opportunities for people who actually care about this community. You are only here for greed and nothing else.

Maybe you should take a closer look at who has contributed real work to this community instead of pretending you don't know any better, you pathetic deceiver. Go and take a look at all the previous deep dives research entries to see what respect and community really is.

You wont be doing that though, because when reality hits you straight in your stupid face, you will get agonisingly butt-hurt....then again, that could be a fetish you may enjoy.

Go ahead and tag the entire blockchain. GO ahead and organise on discord with your scammer friends....I know how you fuckers work - and your pathetic.

You live in a fantasy world.

You are out of words now that reality has been shoved in your face. Loser.

Now go pick on someone your own size....meh that won't be happening. You will just lick their ass for more votes, and then get the little minions to lick your ass in return for "engagement tokens"...LOL