Many people are needed. Those who identify problems, those who motivate others, those who propose solutions, those who investigate solutions, those who re-evaluate, and so on. Not everybody who is awake, or part of a cause, has to do every single job. Therefore, not everybody has to be proposing solutions. Trying to negate or belittle those who identify problems is petty, unnecessary, ignorant, and potentially harmful to the cause. Please, either get up to speed with what we're doing, or step out of our way. Your involvement isn't required, but if you're on board and motivated to participate, you're welcome to. If you haven't seriously researched this with an open mind, you have little leg to stand on in regards to criticism.
Surprise yourself. Stop waiting for others to prove something to you, to get you to make the connection, to open your eyes for you. Either do it, or sit down and be quiet.