Biosecurity and Authoritarian Control, the 'War on COVID' is a War on People

in Deep Dives5 years ago

When thinking of a world war, the obvious reference and imagery is of WWI and WWII. Soldiers were in trenches ready to swarm onto the filed in WWI. Then planes and tanks roamed the battlefield with submarines in the sea. Modern warfare has moved from soldiers to drones and aerial assaults. With computing, there is cyber warfare. But there is always the mind-centric psychological and information warfare that are crucial to manipulating people in covert warfare.


We still have outward enemies pointed at for the authoritarian government to justify their continued building of the war machine. But the controllers have moved inward to establish dominance on their own populations. China is a prime example for others to emulate.

With the scamdemic (and likely plandemic) of COVID-19, was has been declared by many nations. A war on COVID has been declared by many misleaders. It's just a euphemism for a war on society to bow to the dictates of authority as they impose wartime measures on their own people to "protect" them from an "invisible enemy".

Nations have declared war inside themselves, as troops are on the streets, panic is engineered. Martial law has ensued as people are told to stay in their homes (or else). And they blame a virus (or an outward source like China) as the enemy rather than themselves as the executors of the psychological and societal shift. Authoritarians are the wagers of a covert war on their own people.

It might progress externally to an orchestrated battle of the US and Western allies against Communist China and it's allies. Just as engineered as the Cold War who had the US funding the Soviets for decades, but with real lives lost for the dark powers to keep people serving, dying for them, and enriching them via the war machine.

While the West publicly condemns Chinas authoritarian model for controlling it's society, it expects people to support it's adoption of the Chinese model for societal control. This is evident with the manufactured crisis of COVID-19. Lockdowns, forced unemployment, and technological surveillance has risen. While some see it for what it is, others accept and even embrace their imprisonment as security and safety.

The police state is growing globally. "China bad" when they do it, but "it's good" when it happens here. People don't recognize the start of WWIII being waged on thems by their governments. The outward enemy is only a bogeyman to justify authoritarian measures to the inward enemy that the people have been covertly declared to be.

Cyber warfare, psychological warfare, and information warfare is underway within Western nations to stop alleged "disinformation" and "conspiracy theories" that counteract the official narrative propaganda. This narrative must be repeated and become ingrained as the only "reality". Cutting off access to contradictory information is necessary to sustain and strengthen the illusion people are expected to buy into. The media and big tech giants are promoting the false narrative and suppressing or subverting information that contradicts it.

As much as the two-party paradigm is a fraud to keep people going in circles and never escaping their enslavement, the Democratic party has been the biggest pusher of fraud in the political process. The left-leaning press and academia aids the agenda to destabilize society (not that the right is a beacon of light). Denial of rights and freedom was pressed in support of lockdowns against the non-crisis of COVID-19. When that fable was waning, they rushed to support a race war, communists and fascists who pretend to be anti-fascist.

We are the enemy of the controllers and authoritarians, and they need us distracted from seeing what's going on. Divide and conquer. Biosecurity is the new political avenue for imposing greater authoritarian control on society, which the engineered crisis of COVID-19 has propelled forward at warp speed.

A great explanation of this is written by Giorgio Agamben in Biosecurity and Politics (translated from the Italian original). Medical or health security has become the essential means to defend against a perceived "medical-" or "health-terror" as a means to govern. "Worst case scenarios" have been propelled to the forefront of policy to justify authoritarianism.

Even back in 2005, in line with this kind of “worst case” logic, the World Health Organization warned that “avian influenza would kill 2 to 150 million people,” pushing for political responses that nations were not yet prepared to accept at that time.

These imagined and engineered "extreme situations" gave political justification for enforcing changes in government policies towards their own people. Rather than chosing hwo to mange your health safety, "health is imposed on them as a legal obligation (biosecurity)."

Zylberman described the political recommendations as having three basic characteristics: 1) measures were formulated based on possible risk in a hypothetical scenario, with data presented to promote behavior permitting management of an extreme situation; 2) “worst case” logic was adopted as a key element of political rationality; 3) a systematic organization of the entire body of citizens was required to reinforce adhesion to the institutions of government as much as possible. The intended result was a sort of super civic spirit, with imposed obligations presented as demonstrations of altruism. Under such control, citizens no longer have a right to health safety; instead, health is imposed on them as a legal obligation (biosecurity).

This was described in 2013. The pattern was present, and has continued to emerge for those with eyes to see. Tracking, tracing, testing, heat sensors, cough detection, drones, immunity passports, etc. People have been manipulated/convinced to accept things they previously never would have, by creating a fear-hype panic and hysteria that has them abandon freedom for illusory safety.

It is evident that over and above any emergency connected with a certain virus that could in future make way for another, the design of a new paradigm of government is discernible; one far more effective than any other form of government that the political history of the west has known before.

Due to the progressive decline of ideologies and political convictions, the pretext of security had already succeeded in getting citizens to accept restrictions to their freedom that previously they were unwilling to embrace. Now, biosecurity has taken things further still, managing to portray the total cessation of every form of political activity and social relationship as the ultimate act of civic participation. We have witnessed the paradox of left-wing organizations, traditionally known for demanding and asserting rights and denouncing constitutional violations, unreservedly accepting restrictions to freedom decided by ministerial decrees, devoid of any legality. Even the pre-war fascist government would not have dreamed of imposing such restrictions.

The entire concept of human destiny is at stake and we face a future that is tinged with a sense of apocalypse, of the end of the world—an idea adopted from our old religions, now nearing their twilight. Just as politics was superseded by the economy, now the economy too will have to be integrated into the paradigm of biosecurity, for the purpose of enabling government. All other needs must be sacrificed. At this point it is legitimate to ask ourselves whether such a society can still be defined as human, or whether the loss of physical contact, of facial expressions, of friendships, of love can ever be worth an abstract and presumably spurious medical security.

This is horrifically what is happening. The emergence of biosecurity is the "solution" to impose greater control on us as the authoritarian's enemy. People need to wake up to this. The war on COVID is a war on us, on our minds and on our freedom. Dig into the COVID scamdemic deception if you don't yet see it. People are dying who could have been saved with known information that has been suppressed. People have been intentionally killed to increase the death toll. And still it only reaches the level of a sever flu season.

I have to give them credit for the masterful deception. It's incredible, but it's happening. The media and "experts" message is repeated and becomes inculcated into the minds of the masses. They manufactured an unreality into the reality we are living.



They manufactured an unreality into the reality we are living.

True, but could it really be said we were living in reality before?

We've just entered another, deeper, more constricting layer of manufactured reality via tacit consent.

We already existed within one. The collective is taking a team building exercise called cliff diving.

But you have to question how many layers are there to go? And what is this deception covering up of another deception that was already in place or that will be coming.

It's amazing how quickly the focus of global warming as a collective trauma has been disarmed. Whether you believe in global warming or not, the narrative is extremely inconsistent when seen without the fear filter.

We have to ask big questions like, if this is an agenda and there is an end game, what is the purpose of humanity and why am I alive?

It's great to know the truth but what can we actually do with that truth? How does it enable us?

"what can we actually do with that truth? How does it enable us?"

If truth is the lack of untruths, and untruths harm us by confusing us, misdirecting us, misleading us, resulting in mistakes, and so on, then truth enables us by not doing all those things. If what we know is true, we're unencumbered by falsehoods, lies, and errors that lead us to false conclusions, and worse outcomes.

Information is power, and power is good. Incorrect information is the opposite.

Now that I explained it, I'm not sure if that's what you were asking. Seems a bit too obvious.

I ask the question because many that 'know the truth' that are 'truthseekers' have no game plan. They have no solution. How does knowing the truth provide a solution?

What is the ready solution and is it realistic?

There is certainly a lot of doom and gloom going on, this must be acknowledged.

But, how many 'truth seekers' are enabled to do something about the truth they know, that will actually have an effect in society? By 'enable' I mean, enabled to act, not just sit on a computer in a first world country hooked up to the internet and being 'aware' and finding others online to be in an 'aware-club' together. Besides removing the mental obstruction of deception from our sight, what can actually be done with this truth? What are we actually doing with it?

I feel one of the biggest reasons people that sense the truth but choose not to pursue it is because they feel there is no solution. Because of this to look at the truth is to resort to pure hopelessness and so they instead make the conscious choice to look the other way.

It's pointless to know the truth for many people, so this idea that 'if only we could get people to see the truth then they would 'wake up'' is invalide because it fails to acknowledge a solution. Without a solution most do not care to care, and knowing the truth changes their lives in no way. It only makes them feel more despondent, so as a result they make an active effort to stay in cloud-land.

So if we want people to pay attention we must always bundle this deception bulldozing truth with a realistic solution.

What is your solution?

I'm curious to know because I want a solution. I see only doom and gloom and the solutions that I have seen thus far have been pipe dreams that ignore some pretty major factors in terms of future societal control.

Surprise me

Many people are needed. Those who identify problems, those who motivate others, those who propose solutions, those who investigate solutions, those who re-evaluate, and so on. Not everybody who is awake, or part of a cause, has to do every single job. Therefore, not everybody has to be proposing solutions. Trying to negate or belittle those who identify problems is petty, unnecessary, ignorant, and potentially harmful to the cause. Please, either get up to speed with what we're doing, or step out of our way. Your involvement isn't required, but if you're on board and motivated to participate, you're welcome to. If you haven't seriously researched this with an open mind, you have little leg to stand on in regards to criticism.

Surprise yourself. Stop waiting for others to prove something to you, to get you to make the connection, to open your eyes for you. Either do it, or sit down and be quiet.


Indeed, there are interwoven layers of unreality that create the perceived reality most see. This one is really deep and pervasive to change all society, more than 9/11, and quicker. The purpose is to evolve consciousness and be more moral being to live better together and other co-inhabitants on the planet (animals) and the universe potentially.

it expects people to support it's adoption of the Chinese model for societal control

I feel like you don't appreciate at all what life in China is actually like.

"China bad" when they do it, but "it's good" when it happens here

Laughable. Nothing in China has ever happened in the country you are in, unless the country you are in is China, maybe North Korea.

You've seen what goes on in Hong Kong. People aren't dumb. When their freedoms are genuinely under threat, they notice, and they rise up. In the US, freedoms are not under threat. There is a global pandemic that is a risk to the lives of millions and people are being cautious.

In some cases, some authorities overstep. That's what people who taste power do, and have done, for thousands of years. But the idea that the world conspired to make a virus in China that traceably flows from within the country, across the world, trackable step-by-step, killing along the way, so they can... watch you masturbate? I don't buy it.

You're gonna need at least a scrap of evidence to do anything more than preach to your choir.

Spent a couple of years in China with me, see how you feel then.

I don't think you have a clue what freedom actually is. It's not a choice of providers of some service.

It's taking responsibility for your life.

I've lived in the forest in Alaska. You live in Shanghai. Your idea of freedom is dictated to you by China.

I wrote my own.

Edit: oh yeah, read the latest CDC report. The CFR reported by the CDC is .26%. It's not a pandemic. You also need to subtract from the reported deaths from SARS2 those that were from other causes and misreported, as has been financially incentivized, and all but forced by the CDC.

Don't be afraid little one. The plague is not upon us.


Well said. Another good article on this vital issue. THE issue right now.

We enemies of the authoritarians are all that stands in the way of total hard tyranny. I spoke today on the twisted divide-and-conquer tactic of making people call for their own enslavement. In this case, using the BLM movement to carry out and promote racism (disguised as anti-racism).

Yeah it's pretty twisted. It's hard for people to grasp it all, the deception is deep and they are deep into the conditioning to accept.

Very well written! The only way to manufacture a believable reality is to make people feel scared. When the brain is in fear mode, it automatically searches for safety. Therefore the whole population is set on auto pilot. They knew which button to push on the primitive side of the brain and they did it with the help of mass media, medical forces and government. A theatrical mastery at play. With real lives and real stakes. Master puppeteers. It takes effort beyond the first stage of brain panic to awaken from this. Spreading the word about manipulation is the only way. Information is power. Cutting the access to it is what ensures a monopoly of covid lies.

Fear is the mind killer indeed. Get people begging for safety from their mommy/daddy/nanny protector in government. Yup, the only way the deception can break is with info to combat the mainstream lie.

This is the best of what can be done right now. Although our brain is such a wonderful machine, it has some flaws. Obviously they tapped into that. As long as there are people who will spread the right informations, there is still hope

I really hate how the world is. Nothing is really what it is. There is so much plotting and scheming. I've always wanted to be simple minded about these things but these days ( with the added time on my hand) I'm see that the news is not what I thought it was at all. Everything is conscrewed to please a narrative.

Politics is so sickening.

I'm glad the chaos got you to spend more time looking at it to see the deceptions ;)

I agree with the sentiment but this isn't really how it works when it comes to COVID and lockdowns, and it's kind of fear-mongering.

To say there is martial law in any Western country at the moment is false. Sure, there are lockdowns imposed, but the military isn't forcing people indoors. It's unlikely this will ever happen, since the situation is improving.

Secondly, there's big problems with this statement:
'People are dying who could have been saved with known information that has been suppressed. People have been intentionally killed to increase the death toll. And still it only reaches the level of a sever flu season.'
Do you have sources for the first 2 claims? You can't make bold claims about misinformation, then leave it up to the reader to sort through this misinformation to prove the claims made. Also, the flu season thing: there are between 290k to 650k deaths per year globally from influenza source, and the current death toll for COVID stands around 450k after ~3 months in most nations. This was also after lockdown were imposed in most countries. There is proof lockdowns work source. It would, therefore, not be unreasonable for COVID deaths to exceed 650k by the end of the year. Moreover, vaccines can be made for influenza; there are no vaccines for COVID.

Overall, I agree with the message about authoritarianism. But look at the responses of Germany, New Zealand and South Korea and compare their deaths and cases to Brazil, the US and Russia (here). It's hard to dispute that taking a proactive approach, rather than downplaying the virus, is a much more effective and less deadly way to deal with it. You might also find this interesting.

Indeed, there isn't a full blown martial law as is normally described, at least not all the characteristics and not everywhere. But it did happen in some places where they imposed curfews, which is a characteristic of a martial law. Preventing people from going out unless "necessary". Forcing people out of work. There may not have been military, but there were police ready to force people to comply with dictates from authority, with fines or arrests.

Do you not know of HCQ and zinc? I've talked about these things many times before, I don't repeat it in every post. Yet the media demonize it at any opportunity. Vitamin D is also another known immune booster to lessen severity and duration, if not hardly get sick if at all. Doctors who have treated people with vit D, A, C zinc and other non-drugs have been told not to say they have been doing so by the FTC. Some clinics have been raided by the FBI for offering vit C treatment.

People have been intentionally killed due to this suppression. As well as nurses reporting on people being put on ventilators when it's known they won't likely survive if they do get intubated, rather than give them HCQ and zinc to treat them. Nurses have been prevented from resuscitating when family explicitly refused DNR.

You can also look at Japan and see how non-lockdown approach has worked for them.

WHO 'Solidarity' and UK 'Recovery' HCQ Trials Designed to Fail and Create FUD (and kill people)
Undercover COVID Nurse Exposed Immoral Practices at NYC Hospital
Nurse Speaks Out on Hospital Incompetence/Neglect Killing COVID Patients

P.s., pay attention to Occam's Razor.

  • Congrats for speaking the truth!
  • Congrats for helping people have clarity!

Keep up the good work!
There are many people who live in a lie, otherwise,
Why do we have nonsensical rules?

What do we do with these people?
As long as the masses live in a lie, there is no happy end for any of us.

Our challenge is pretty epic, because people deny reality, even when they have it in front of them. i speak from personal experience. i asked people:

What's the proof for believing that this year's flu is greater than last year?

They said:

i don't care. i don't want to talk about it.

What do you think about this aspect of our challenge?

Very well crafted post my friend. Sorry for the late comment, as I am finally starting to get some free time to look through your posts which I often enjoy reading and learn a lot from.

I agree with your correct use of 'scamdemic', as it is clearly and purely a SCAM!

This is a "war" we cannot afford to lose. Hoping that our country through its many corrupt leaders doesn't fall into this trap of biosecurity, or should I say bioscamity.

Highly re-blogged!