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RE: Biosecurity and Authoritarian Control, the 'War on COVID' is a War on People

in Deep Dives5 years ago

I agree with the sentiment but this isn't really how it works when it comes to COVID and lockdowns, and it's kind of fear-mongering.

To say there is martial law in any Western country at the moment is false. Sure, there are lockdowns imposed, but the military isn't forcing people indoors. It's unlikely this will ever happen, since the situation is improving.

Secondly, there's big problems with this statement:
'People are dying who could have been saved with known information that has been suppressed. People have been intentionally killed to increase the death toll. And still it only reaches the level of a sever flu season.'
Do you have sources for the first 2 claims? You can't make bold claims about misinformation, then leave it up to the reader to sort through this misinformation to prove the claims made. Also, the flu season thing: there are between 290k to 650k deaths per year globally from influenza source, and the current death toll for COVID stands around 450k after ~3 months in most nations. This was also after lockdown were imposed in most countries. There is proof lockdowns work source. It would, therefore, not be unreasonable for COVID deaths to exceed 650k by the end of the year. Moreover, vaccines can be made for influenza; there are no vaccines for COVID.

Overall, I agree with the message about authoritarianism. But look at the responses of Germany, New Zealand and South Korea and compare their deaths and cases to Brazil, the US and Russia (here). It's hard to dispute that taking a proactive approach, rather than downplaying the virus, is a much more effective and less deadly way to deal with it. You might also find this interesting.


Indeed, there isn't a full blown martial law as is normally described, at least not all the characteristics and not everywhere. But it did happen in some places where they imposed curfews, which is a characteristic of a martial law. Preventing people from going out unless "necessary". Forcing people out of work. There may not have been military, but there were police ready to force people to comply with dictates from authority, with fines or arrests.

Do you not know of HCQ and zinc? I've talked about these things many times before, I don't repeat it in every post. Yet the media demonize it at any opportunity. Vitamin D is also another known immune booster to lessen severity and duration, if not hardly get sick if at all. Doctors who have treated people with vit D, A, C zinc and other non-drugs have been told not to say they have been doing so by the FTC. Some clinics have been raided by the FBI for offering vit C treatment.

People have been intentionally killed due to this suppression. As well as nurses reporting on people being put on ventilators when it's known they won't likely survive if they do get intubated, rather than give them HCQ and zinc to treat them. Nurses have been prevented from resuscitating when family explicitly refused DNR.

You can also look at Japan and see how non-lockdown approach has worked for them.

WHO 'Solidarity' and UK 'Recovery' HCQ Trials Designed to Fail and Create FUD (and kill people)
Undercover COVID Nurse Exposed Immoral Practices at NYC Hospital
Nurse Speaks Out on Hospital Incompetence/Neglect Killing COVID Patients

P.s., pay attention to Occam's Razor.