"what can we actually do with that truth? How does it enable us?"
If truth is the lack of untruths, and untruths harm us by confusing us, misdirecting us, misleading us, resulting in mistakes, and so on, then truth enables us by not doing all those things. If what we know is true, we're unencumbered by falsehoods, lies, and errors that lead us to false conclusions, and worse outcomes.
Information is power, and power is good. Incorrect information is the opposite.
Now that I explained it, I'm not sure if that's what you were asking. Seems a bit too obvious.
I ask the question because many that 'know the truth' that are 'truthseekers' have no game plan. They have no solution. How does knowing the truth provide a solution?
What is the ready solution and is it realistic?
There is certainly a lot of doom and gloom going on, this must be acknowledged.
But, how many 'truth seekers' are enabled to do something about the truth they know, that will actually have an effect in society? By 'enable' I mean, enabled to act, not just sit on a computer in a first world country hooked up to the internet and being 'aware' and finding others online to be in an 'aware-club' together. Besides removing the mental obstruction of deception from our sight, what can actually be done with this truth? What are we actually doing with it?
I feel one of the biggest reasons people that sense the truth but choose not to pursue it is because they feel there is no solution. Because of this to look at the truth is to resort to pure hopelessness and so they instead make the conscious choice to look the other way.
It's pointless to know the truth for many people, so this idea that 'if only we could get people to see the truth then they would 'wake up'' is invalide because it fails to acknowledge a solution. Without a solution most do not care to care, and knowing the truth changes their lives in no way. It only makes them feel more despondent, so as a result they make an active effort to stay in cloud-land.
So if we want people to pay attention we must always bundle this deception bulldozing truth with a realistic solution.
What is your solution?
I'm curious to know because I want a solution. I see only doom and gloom and the solutions that I have seen thus far have been pipe dreams that ignore some pretty major factors in terms of future societal control.
Surprise me
Many people are needed. Those who identify problems, those who motivate others, those who propose solutions, those who investigate solutions, those who re-evaluate, and so on. Not everybody who is awake, or part of a cause, has to do every single job. Therefore, not everybody has to be proposing solutions. Trying to negate or belittle those who identify problems is petty, unnecessary, ignorant, and potentially harmful to the cause. Please, either get up to speed with what we're doing, or step out of our way. Your involvement isn't required, but if you're on board and motivated to participate, you're welcome to. If you haven't seriously researched this with an open mind, you have little leg to stand on in regards to criticism.
Surprise yourself. Stop waiting for others to prove something to you, to get you to make the connection, to open your eyes for you. Either do it, or sit down and be quiet.