Answer: They all oppose the globalist technocratic new world order... and they all get the same treatment.

After a week of heavy anti-Russian propaganda, 1 in 4 Canadians now wants us to go to war with Russia. The governmedia claims this is enough to make it happen. But a few weeks ago, Canadian truckers peacefully protested useless and destructive Covid mandates, garnering the support of at LEAST a third of Canada, despite the brutal propaganda campaign against them. The state's response was to declare Freedom Convoy illegal, suspend constitutional rights, and use martial law to violently clear the protests. (These facts are clear evidence that Canada is currently under tyrannical dictatorship.)
"Trump is secretly in bed with Russia!"
Trump doesn't conspire with Putin, as the Rothschild-owned media has tried to claim for years. They have been caught lying about this, time and time again. Trump and Putin aren't working together behind the scenes. The simple reality? Putin opposes the Rothschild banking system, and has not allowed it to take over Russia. Trump is awake, and has been attempting to protect the USA from the deep state globalists. The cabal recognizes Putin and Trump as powerful adversaries, and uses their media machine to do everything possible to fabricate some kind of nefarious secret plot between the two.
Same thing with Freedom Convoy. The truckers are awake. It's true that most of them went to Ottawa intending to do more than just win their old jobs back. These are people who know Canada is being taken over, and are trying to change that. They oppose the globalists. Just look at their signs, and you'll know it's about more than just ending a few specific Covid mandates. They want a return to freedom in Canada, and aren't going to stop until they get it. I am with them!
But that puts Freedom Convoy (and me) in the same boat as Putin and Trump - the most hated people in the world, if you believe the corporate media whores. But the whores are in the minority. They're loud, but they're few. They have microphones and speakers all around the country, and can reach just about every person with their disinfo and hatred, but they are still few. Freedom Convoy, Trump, and even people like Putin are obstacles for global financial governance (aka "great reset").
The struggle for Liberty intensifies.
The article using a recent poll to justify war against Russia is ridiculously misleading. It should have been titled "most Canadians are against war with Russia", considering when you look into the details, only 25% support it, while 26% are completely against it, and 33% are against it at this time. But the conclusion in the article is "we’re pretty bullish about entering the fray."
Manufacturing consent for war. Nothing new under the sun.
It's just like consent for the "war" against the truckers was manufactured. Their grassroots support was overwhelming from coast to coast, and yet the media managed to convince at least a core segment of state loyalists that we need to give up our rights so the government can use force to clear a legal protest. There are repeating patterns here.
"Free weapons, armor, equipment, and ammunition for anyone willing to kill Russians!"
You've seen the nonstop stories about people going to Ukraine to take up firearms. Women working together to make molotov cocktails by the hundreds. No ID required to cross Ukraine border to fight Russia. A famous comedian, an NHL prospect, a rabbi, a female politician, the list goes on. Everybody wants to do violence against Russians, or so we're told. The media machine is pushing for war, encouraging hatred, and promoting destruction. Aggression, hatred, and violence are suddenly virtuous. All talk of peace has been vilified and snuffed. Suddenly, the Liberals and Democrats are all about guns and killing.

These are the same tactics used against the Canadian truckers in February. But instead of arming the common person with a rifle and told shoot Russians, we armed the common person with disinformation and told them to hate truckers. They're evil, the corporate media insisted. They're dangerous. They're violent. They're terrorists. They're against your way of life. They hate you. They're barely human. They're disgusting. They're animals. They're infected. They should be exterminated. Their assets will be seized. Their accounts will be frozen. They will be excluded from the human family. We must go to great lengths to crush them, even if it means giving up our own resources and our rights.
Nonsense, all of it. But that's what the average person is being told, over and over and over again, from almost every mainstream angle right now. The psyop is thick, and it came on suddenly. The average statist has little chance of escaping it at this point. Most of them are fully on board, and if you handed them a red button that said "start nuclear war with Russia", they would gladly push it.

The ignorance is so high, and the propaganda so effective, that people are dumping thousands of bottles of vodka into the streets (generating viral videos on social media). These people are operating on 5% facts and 95% emotion. They have no understanding that the vodka is already paid for, and wasting it does nothing to hurt Russia. They also are unaware that much "Russian" vodka is actually produced in nearby Latvia and other countries. There is no way they can hurt Russia, no matter how much of their own alcohol they dump on Instagram. In fact, if they understood free market economics, they would know decreasing supply of something often increases its price. Bunch of useless social-justice-virtue-signalers.
The article manufacturing consent for war noted that "support for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is up, thanks to this particular issue. We’ve turned the page on the truckers, which only a week or so ago had his own personal numbers and character in question." How convenient.
The sanctions and economic attacks are going to damage Canada as well, admits Chrustia Freeland, Trudeau's deputy witch-tyrant. But she's the one who financially devastated thousands of peaceful Canadians, just two weeks ago, including workers previously considered essential, and young families. Hurting Canadians is her thing.

According to Canadian state media, the Russian people are "facing catastrophe" thanks to our economic sanctions, cyber attacks on infrastructure, and segregation from the international community. We're talking about innocent civilians like you and I, not President Putin. We're hurting innocent people, period. Doesn't matter what border they live within, they're innocent. And we're hurting ourselves.
It's like dumping out vodka to hurt Russia/Putin. It doesn't work.
Putin, Freedom Convoy, and Trump have many differences, but they all oppose the elite takeover of Earth, and are all directly in the crosshairs of the globalists.

Haha nice flag, !LUV it. You should've added middle-Eastern dictators to the title haha.
So true. From wars to the COVID "pandemic" this is the same tired playbook over and over again. We thought the ISIS variant would be next because the world is tired of war, but we're all the way back to square one: war in the middle East.
We have always been at war with Oceania...
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Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@girlsofgreen
Join the army, see the world!
I don't really care for Trump or Putin much, but I'm a huge fan of Freedom Convoy, and anyone who opposes the global technocratic elite is at least a partial ally.
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Good analysis except that "Rothschilds" is not an accurate or acceptable term for globalist elites, most of whom are not Jewish and the most problematic ones are in tech not banking.
The actual Rothschild family is pretty small fry in terms of wealth these days.
The Jewish State - Israel (where many things are named for the philanthropy of the Rothschild family 150 years ago) is pro-Trump, neutral on Putin and has its own Freedom Convoy and has now abandoned almost all COVID related restrictions and those remaining are almost completely ignored.
Are you sure? You have quite some Jews in finance as well. Tech is a bit more obvious (Amazon, Google/Alphabet, Facebook/Meta, Youtube, Twitter).
There are Jews on both sides of every ideological divide throughout history, just as there are vastly more non-Jews. Jews are prominent in every area of human intellectual endeavour on every side.
The whole Rothschild thing is irrelevant and distracts people from the real issues of the globalist Great Reset agenda and allows the establishment to tar the Freedom Movement with anti-semitism which turns a lot of people off.
Then please tell your rabbis to stay away from people like Klaus Schwab.
Please note that Judaism is not Zionism. Some Jews are Zionists, but most Zionists aren't Jews. The concentration of Jewish Zionists in the media, banking, and other industries may even be deliberate, to fuel antisemitism and obscure the actual guilty parties.
The Haavara Agreement will provide quite interesting material for your research to further elucidate this matter. I hope you are intent on opposing actual globalist enemies of freedom, and learn to target the actual guilty, rather than their human shields.
Judaism is completely decentralised, like Hive, except that Judaism's decentralising event was 2000 years ago (destruction of Temple in Jerusalem in August 70).
There is no central authority (like the Vatican) and there are Rabbis on every side of every issue.
Not sure which Rabbis are having anything to do with Klaus Schwab (evidence please) but it doesn't mean anything about Jews or Judaism in general.
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Rabbi Arthur Schneier (source: Jewish Telegraph Agency, 2002)
Judaism might be spread around the world, but the main "witness" has been Israel, at least since 1948. Some even push for the 3rd temple to be build in Jerusalem.
I have to disagree that the Rothschild's are irrelevant. They are not alone as power brokers, but David Rothschild is a WEF Young Global Leader, and IMHO this makes him doubly dangerous.
It seems everyone is a WEF Young Leader these days including people who are not young and are irrelevant.
Stop looking for complex conspiracies when the nefarious agenda of the globalists is right out in the open.
You're right about that. I think you discount more that is apparent, but I am happy to work together to counter the evil we agree on.
That's great news about the Israeli convoy, and success against mandates/restrictions.
Have you got some more info on the scoundrels behind the globalist agenda? I'm not terribly interested in their religion, unless that directly impacts their strategy. Mostly I'm interested in their intentions for humanity, not really their name or religious beliefs. I realize many of them are so rich/powerful that they can stay anonymous and we don't even know anything about them.
I think that "Davos crowd" is the non-anti-semitic shorthand for the "scoundrels behind the globalist agenda".
Hmmm, interesting. I don't think I've ever heard that phrase before. I have to admit I don't even know what Davos is. I'll check it out, thank you.
See its use in this article
Thanks, I'll check that out.
A quick search filled me in that "davos crowd" is a nickname for the WEF, which I'm familiar with. Bad guys.
Ernst Wolf has done excellent research into the WEF, and the Rair Foundation has published some of it here. The WEF website is and it has a search function where you can put in your favorite corrupt scumbag, or political saviour, to see if they're one of the bad guys.
I love your hopium. I hate to counter it with realpolitik, but I am confident we can disagree on some facts and either discuss those facts until we agree, reasonably, or reasonably agree to disagree.
My information is that Trump and Putin, like Bidet and Turdeau, are WEF Young Global Leaders. What I see about Trump that gives this credence is that the enemedia - who are without doubt wholly owned propaganda outlets for the WEF - are absolutely not unaware of how little regard people actually have for them. Most people are convinced the enemedia are utterly untrustworthy liars, seeking to do ill.
So, when the enemedia declared Trump to be their enemy, most people considered Trump to be their friend, because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Most people aren't commie leftists, despite that most corporations are. Why are most corporations leftists? Because Larry Fink is the Agenda Director for the WEF, and borrowers are required to implement diversity quotas, turn their logos into rainbow flags, and promote identity politics in every way. It's not an organic philosophical shift in which corporate whores suddenly feel the Bern and become transexual hippies, but the simple obeisance to money power, as wielded by Fink, the CEO of BlackRock that has a controlling interest in ~90% of the stock corporations in the world.
This is part of the WEF plan to implement the NWO. Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn, and is not a businessman, nor a patriot as many people think. Cohn was an extortionist and pimp of children to politicians and oligarchs, and Trump didn't learn some other trade from Cohn. In further support of this understanding of Trump is that after Cohn died of AIDS in 1986, Trump became closely associated with Jeff Epstein. He didn't change careers when he lost his mentor, as that reveals.
The real achievement of the Ukraine 'Special Operation' was attained already by Putin, in his role as an extremely powerful oligarch of the WEF, and that is the devastating sanctions on Russia, which will usher in that desperate existential penury that accompanies famine across Russia. The central bank of Russia has already been testing CBDC, and now that the SWIFT network has been denied them, and their foreign currency reserves seized by NATO, that neoFiat will be unleashed on Russia, which has been oddly at the forefront of biometric ID and similar NWO tropes for some time now, which most people are unaware of.
If NATO sanctions India, driving them into alliance with Russia and China, the horrible result of NATO's blatant thievery and lies will be to cede the whole of Asia to that axis, and probably also Oz and NZ, as well as Africa, which US war crimes has long been driving away or utterly destroying, as in Libya, and has been courted and wooed by China with much success in the last decade.
If you consider these events through a WEF lens as implementations of steps to create an environment ripe for the NWO takeover, the geopolitical machinations, as disparate as the tragic withdrawal from Afghanistan and Tigrayan revolt, become extremely effective ploys, rather than inexplicable disasters.
Sad, but that's how I see things.
I appreciate your analysis and info. Sadly I've got a newborn AND a sick toddler at the moment, and haven't slept much in 2 weeks. So for now, I'll just have to absorb your info and think on it. If I don't get a chance to properly respond, at least you'll know why! Talk soon.
That's for sure. It's sad to see so many ''civilized'' people buying it. I live in Russia and I wrote this : Pass this along to Harry Potter !. The naming of the post is strange, but the idea is that only citizens get hurt in the end.
Thanks for bringing my attention to that article. I agree with you.
Tell me, have you experienced any online hatred, discrimination, or bullying in the past week, because you live in Russia?
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Yup! The majority of people will always be ignorant of the facts and truth. Only 5% of people took the initiative to start the process of changes, the rest will gradually follow later. Got to find your own tribe!
Take care.
"No ID required to cross Ukraine border to fight Russia. "
Which country boarders you mean exactly.. cause its free travel in the EU for an EU citizen. However Poland for example wont allow Ukraine refugees without documents/registration.
And from what i understood you can not join the fight without showing a passport
Just saying.
Thank you for the info. I guess the main point here is that it has been made easier for foreigners to enter Ukraine in the past week, for the purpose of bringing in more people to fight Russia. And they are putting out the call and inviting people to come.
For a Dutch citizen i dont know about changing requirements to enter Ukraine it already was easy just a passport apparently. And you good for 30 days without a visa.
Yes, the Ukrainian president invited "foreign friends to help" but our government regardless the situation strongly discourage to visit Ukraine let alone to fight there.
Here in the news it's nonstop stories about Canadians going to Ukraine to kill Russians. It's insane.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but Ukraine has not been a member of the EU, NATO, nor the Schengen Region heretofore, to my knowledge.
However E.U. is oprn boarders; no visa required. And Ukraine is only a passport required or at least for Dutch citizens. For people in the EU it wasnt made easier to enter Ukraine. Maybe for people outside the EU.
Its not that important but i was just trying to say there is not an active campaign going on to recruit soldiers to fight Russia.
Must say things are already weird enough do.
You are assuredly right about that.
Dammit. That's good vodka they're wasting. Dummies
Isn't that alcohol abuse??
100% and i dont even drink
Me neither! But good alcohol has other uses, for example it can be used to extract cannabinoids from plant matter, safely evaporating off, yielding pure medicinal oil...
We make herbal tinctures, and I sometimes wonder if the staff at Costco think we just drink a lot with all the hard liquor we buy! Good point about futility of reducing supply of products in high demand from Russia. But, it is just a statement. I hope people realize this.
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That looks like a great plan...... for the elites anyway!
Time for a new direction - Liberty!
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Sundae school.
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