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RE: Corona Crisis Narrative Fading, Bring On Another Crisis (Riots) to Justify More Control

in Deep Dives5 years ago


The frequency of terror to keep us from developing into powerful, authenticated individuals.


The anger expressed by the furious crowd is understandable. I am concerned that after people burnout & dropout as their convictions wane their anger-responses will have unintended long-term consequences. The opportunistic provocateurs are capitalizing on these seedlings....

I noticed that this particular divisive narrative was bubbling as the COVID1984 myth was fading from people's attention. Another aspect that I also am focusing on is the arrests of corporate "news" network (CNN) and other journalists being arrested. The satisfying, righteous anger that some people expressed in the arrest of these media operatives is VERY concerning. That is not to say I actually believe in their efficacy or ethics as a news network. However, my suspicion is that this political theater is subversively conditioning the public to dispense with journalism altogether.

The dialectic of existential fear and now with this new crisis "righteous anger" are part of the same vein of divide and conquer. My hope is that perhaps people will recognize these patterns and change their approach in some meaningful, purposeful way that unites everyone under a banner of universal freedom.


Don't think they will realize anything, since this has been playing out for years. Too caught up in the conditioning of a "Race war" to see the real enemy: government and police.

Your last sentence raises attention to that what tptb do NOT want to happen, the powers that be in this world have used Divide et Impara tactics for thousands of years as a tool to stay in power, and that is the main reason why they keep dividing us with their bullshit narratives, be it black vs white, left vs right, country vs country, rich vs poor etc etc. Because they know, that a united humanity, working together can eradicate social injustice, poverty, war, famine within the blink of an eye! It is unfortunate that the average citizen does not realize this, and the sheeple do not realize they are being played. So, now these ‘woke’ peoples flock the streets worldwide, thinking they are standing up, doing good and fighting against injustice, while they actually do the opposite, and give these immense power structures another reason to flex their muscles and the only outcome will be a more divided humanity ...

upvote for the orwell quote