Corona Crisis Narrative Fading, Bring On Another Crisis (Riots) to Justify More Control

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

The corona-phobia is dying down and people are getting tired of the drawn out, goal-post moving justifications for a lockdown. Protests were growing. People are demanding an end. More are waking up to the scamdemic as they see the growing surveillance and control grid arising around them.

The CDC's own estimates put the infection fatality rate at 0.26%. This is within the flu range of 0.1% to 0.3% each year. Also, the number of inflated alleged 'COVID-19 deaths' only just reached the minimum yearly world flu deaths two weeks ago. The veil of justification is falling, the bullshit is cracking.

In comes the riots from the George Floyd murder/manslaughter by police in Minneapolis last week. People were protesting yet another cop killing. AS usual in protests, some people try to ignite violent behavior.

But is this natural? Or are these riots provoked by agent provocateurs?

During the protests in Minneapolis, there was a white man, dressed in black, with an umbrella, and what seems to be a police-issued mask on. It has been claimed that he was the first one to start breaking windows at a business and ignited the riots.

He appears to have graffitied a wall telling people to get free stuff. After he breaks the windows, he quickly starts to move away from the scene as he is followed by people.

Apparently, this man's ex wife identified him as a Sp. Paul police officer, which the police department denies:

The Ron Paul team identified police who were undercover and blending into the crowd as well, visible as wearing white bands around their arms:

Protests and riots have been spreading across the US. Which riots have been instigated by ordinary people, and which have been from government employees, like police?

What have the riots led to? Problem, reaction, solution from the government.

Militarized forces were called in to quell the riots. Curfews have been imposed.

The problem was provoked or emerged organically, the reaction was an outcry within by Minneapolis residents who didn't want their city ruined, and the solution was for government to pump their muscles and power and amplify their control of the situation with militarized might.

Watch this shocking video as a family with children is simply on the porch of their house as. The police/military shot at them with rubber bullets.

The media is no longer covering COVID-19 much. All the news is focused on yet another crisis. It's always one thing after another to keep attention moving along and not digging deeper as attention is paid to one thing do too long.

People have had enough of the controlling authoritarian state. The George Floyd murder (whether is "staged" as some people want to theorize or not), was another catalyst to propel people to take to the streets. From COVID control of losing their jobs and not being allowed to live, to more police abuse of power, the kettle has been boiling and now it's spilling over.

People have had enough, and they are venting, whether in protest or riots and violence to other's property. They've had enough. It was an opportunity for people to express this bubbling anger at society and the system.

The authoritarians are having their fun in the sun, so to speak. Shooting rubber bullets at families on their porch because they are outside of their closed door after the curfew. Live fire has now been approved. A new crisis exists to keep force a lockdown.

Times like this show how much people actually have their rights. Government is slavery. You only have rights and property so long as the government authorities allows you to have it. They can take anything away from you anytime they want.



The frequency of terror to keep us from developing into powerful, authenticated individuals.


The anger expressed by the furious crowd is understandable. I am concerned that after people burnout & dropout as their convictions wane their anger-responses will have unintended long-term consequences. The opportunistic provocateurs are capitalizing on these seedlings....

I noticed that this particular divisive narrative was bubbling as the COVID1984 myth was fading from people's attention. Another aspect that I also am focusing on is the arrests of corporate "news" network (CNN) and other journalists being arrested. The satisfying, righteous anger that some people expressed in the arrest of these media operatives is VERY concerning. That is not to say I actually believe in their efficacy or ethics as a news network. However, my suspicion is that this political theater is subversively conditioning the public to dispense with journalism altogether.

The dialectic of existential fear and now with this new crisis "righteous anger" are part of the same vein of divide and conquer. My hope is that perhaps people will recognize these patterns and change their approach in some meaningful, purposeful way that unites everyone under a banner of universal freedom.

Don't think they will realize anything, since this has been playing out for years. Too caught up in the conditioning of a "Race war" to see the real enemy: government and police.

Your last sentence raises attention to that what tptb do NOT want to happen, the powers that be in this world have used Divide et Impara tactics for thousands of years as a tool to stay in power, and that is the main reason why they keep dividing us with their bullshit narratives, be it black vs white, left vs right, country vs country, rich vs poor etc etc. Because they know, that a united humanity, working together can eradicate social injustice, poverty, war, famine within the blink of an eye! It is unfortunate that the average citizen does not realize this, and the sheeple do not realize they are being played. So, now these ‘woke’ peoples flock the streets worldwide, thinking they are standing up, doing good and fighting against injustice, while they actually do the opposite, and give these immense power structures another reason to flex their muscles and the only outcome will be a more divided humanity ...

upvote for the orwell quote

It is pretty insane how the whole pandemic crisis narrative is seemingly dissipating without so much as an explanation or an "all clear". Just transitioning to a new crisis I guess. Hopefully everyone continues to wear masks simply to defeat all the BS facial recognition surveillance that's about to be rolled out.

The pandemic crisis hit the waves just as the impeachment narrative fell apart.

Had it not been for the virus people would have wondered why the media pushed such a narrative for so long.

The riot narrative is pretty nice as it condemns the people who were questioning the lockdown narrative.

I can't wait to see what they next narrative brings.

The impeachment crisis connected to the... COVID crisis
COVID crisis connected to the... riot crisis


It is interesting that the video replaced the words "Now hear the voice of the Lord" with "Doing the Skeleton Dance."

The pandemic is still happening and there will be a massive rise of cases in a week or so from all the people rioting in close proximity

I'm not so sure about that.

Well its a highly contagious disease and 1000s of people are together like sardines...

Yup, it's magic :P They are indeed wearing masks to hide their faces ;)

Absolutely knew those riots were false flags, filled with agent provocateur’s of the government. My wife was showing me some pictures of it and I told her that people don’t do that type of shit organically in these times. They are purposefully incited then mob mentality takes its course and then people destroy things. The average person that’s upset isn’t going to just walk up to a business and throw a brick through the window, the agent does and lets it escalate.

We saw it with Ferguson and in Baltimore, it’s so obvious.

I have reported on these two events in my previous investigations (you can check out my current analysis here, I refer specifically to these two events).


In essence, both in Ferguson and in Baltimore Revolutionary Communists, opportunists, and provocateurs participated in fomenting chaos and co-opting the local community for propagandist victories. These opportunists and provocateurs capitalize on the general sentiment and purposefully provoke one another so their side takes the win.

I interviewed the locals, the young & old, and their sentiment was more realistic and more pessimistic than those of the "change & hope" sloganeers. The realized that they were being used as props and they will be left by the curbside once the show was over. The young knew this too but as they saw it, there was nothing else to lose but their frustation.

The mob mentality, as you point it out, is an inherent feature of the collective conscious of the crowd: whether in a concert or in a protest the principle is the same. The individual possess the rational mind, not the crowd or the state. In my opinion, this is why OCCUPY failed because they were prioritizing how to organize the crowd INSTEAD of building localized networks of freedom-cells.

This PROBLEM. REACTION. SOLUTION. works so very well with crows because all the crowd can do is react...

Funny thing, ... I used to love them, going to big concerts and festivals ... but Crowds have become dangerous places nowadays. I do not like them and do not want to come near them.

Ya that most likely happens every time, although proving it is another thing ;) I consider antifa provocateurs, so I guess it is pretty much every time lol.

THIS POST MADE ME SO MAD, I'M GOING TO BURN DOWN MY LOCAL AUTOZONE!!! Kidding. I was behind the protestors when they were vandalizing police cars and burning down police stations. I was wishing they'd burn down the mayor's house. There is a serious problem with police in America. But they lost me when they started looting private business and burning churches. That's the bad thing about it. They are supposedly protesting police brutality, but by their riotous actions, they are going to turn public support to police, and a year from now, police will be MUCH more brutal than they were pre-riot. And the police will have the full support of the general public. Nobody likes their neighborhood getting torched.

Yeah, wrong targets. The state is the enemy and should be the focus.

They are supposedly protesting police brutality, but by their riotous actions, they are going to turn public support to police, and a year from now, police will be MUCH more brutal than they were pre-riot.


I’m not an American, but these last couple of days i have seen many videos of the riots on social media, and even though i realise that a 2 minute video will not tell you the whole story, i did see and saw some shocking things. Beside that, i noticed something else ... the biggest agitators where often white people dressed in black (just ascumbrella guy in op story), then the mobs followed.

Therefore i think it is perfectly plausible that agent provocateurs are amongst the crowds ...

So ... who benefits?

Did you see hillary’s recent tweets?

Maybe someone wants to win an upcoming election, because stealing them did not work last time

I'm not smart enough to figure out exactly who, or why, but I'm certain that someone is taking some natural anger, stoking it, and channeling it for their own purposes that are certainly going to lead for bad outcomes for the average American.

I wholeheartedly agree with you there ... but, it is not just an american issue anymore. This last week i have seen so called black life matters protestors riot and plunder trough europe, it started in Spain, and yesterday it was Bruxelles that was under siege of plundering and looting gangs.

I do not know where this will end, but it looks like we are going towards gigantic civil unrest in the west

Great piece! I've been working on something very similar covering Agent Provocateurs for DD18. Will add a link in the post to this article as additional evidence of stoking violence by infiltration agents.

Thanks ;)

Great point you're making with this post.
Until now the violence always started from government even undercover..hmmm.
Protest peaceful and find the rats, right?

I wasn't scared of coronavirus but some people are and i understand. I think it's crazy how some murders got out of prisons for it though. Also i don't get why everyones still rioting, the cop is arrested and his house was burned down apparently. They burned down how many precincts idk. Not all cops are bad but i guess they think everyone is.

What are the good cops doing to stop the bad ones? Nothing. They aren't good enough.

Half of these people who are rioting will end up with the virus

Protesting is not the best thing they should have done, because this virus does not permit people being close together. Nice post👍

USA is not Venezuela or Cuba, if you want to see social control go to Venezuela or China!

China is the blueprint. It's coming.

I am a positive covid19 :(, I live in Santiago de Chile, and you have already reported more than 100,000 thousand cases, this went out of control, the economy paralyzed.

Yes everything is a big conspiracy and its all about controlling you, because you are oh so important.