Without your scathing critiques, I wouldn't be here typing this stuff.
You're welcome, our critics are the salt in the soup, without which living with mature development would become very difficult. I could scold my man on a regular basis, but of course I only do it when he deserves it, haha! No, he is my harshest critic and I am his, but it takes confidence, doesn't it? That is built up over time and I think it also happens among bloggers who don't just leave a comment somewhere, but are interested in the others.
I find you in particular amazingly crazy and I welcome this. :D
Did you stop blogging? I am visiting your blog-site on a regular basis but haven't seen you making a new post. Is everything okay with you?
Thank you for asking, I've actually found a new project.
I'm not fully "abandoning" HIVE, but, well, I've become less interested in making "general" style posts.
I'm continuing to gather info, searching for "high-quality-signal" and then only re-transmitting to the individuals I'm convinced are capable.
I am going to miss your texts and challenges.
I've seen so many people come and go.
Still, the german crowd is somehow consistent, lol.
I myself am not very interested in money making, so it's fine for me here. But in the end, if I am having no readers, it makes actually not much sense to blog... well, maybe for the "after-me-era". lol
Sincere greetings to you! I hope, you do well on your new model.
thanks, you're a rare jewel.
it always brightens my eyes when you mention or reply to one of my ramblings.
:) Thanks, I really appreciate your kindness. Sending me a glittering jewel makes me smile. Outside it's stormy, a cloudy sky and I am fine to be inside, warm and protected.
I am happy that you don't disappear in total.