This post is dedicated to @oldoneeye @erh.germany @practicalthought @penderis @joeyarnoldvn @vieira @futuremind @thoughts-in-time @owasco @zyx066 @ura-soul @anomaly @lucylin @valued-customer @angryman @leprechaun @askmihai @woelfchen @frankbacon
Without your scathing critiques, I wouldn't be here typing this stuff.
You made some valid points. And there are some points that are not addressed, such as, How do we stop the erosion of our freedom that happens at a rapid pace?
Here's a good "free-energy" video that made me think of you,
Do you think you can write a phrase, in order to share your opinion?
You're welcome, our critics are the salt in the soup, without which living with mature development would become very difficult. I could scold my man on a regular basis, but of course I only do it when he deserves it, haha! No, he is my harshest critic and I am his, but it takes confidence, doesn't it? That is built up over time and I think it also happens among bloggers who don't just leave a comment somewhere, but are interested in the others.
I find you in particular amazingly crazy and I welcome this. :D
Did you stop blogging? I am visiting your blog-site on a regular basis but haven't seen you making a new post. Is everything okay with you?
Thank you for asking, I've actually found a new project.
I'm not fully "abandoning" HIVE, but, well, I've become less interested in making "general" style posts.
I'm continuing to gather info, searching for "high-quality-signal" and then only re-transmitting to the individuals I'm convinced are capable.
I am going to miss your texts and challenges.
I've seen so many people come and go.
Still, the german crowd is somehow consistent, lol.
I myself am not very interested in money making, so it's fine for me here. But in the end, if I am having no readers, it makes actually not much sense to blog... well, maybe for the "after-me-era". lol
Sincere greetings to you! I hope, you do well on your new model.
thanks, you're a rare jewel.
it always brightens my eyes when you mention or reply to one of my ramblings.
:) Thanks, I really appreciate your kindness. Sending me a glittering jewel makes me smile. Outside it's stormy, a cloudy sky and I am fine to be inside, warm and protected.
I am happy that you don't disappear in total.
Thanks. I'll watch this later or tomorrow when I have a couple of hours to spare.
Cool. Although I understand less than half of what he says. I'm not yet that fluent in English. I guess I'll go with the rhythm. ;)
if the "god" you imagine doesn't look like you, then you've been brainwashed to be a slave to the people who look like the "god" you imagine.
Gimmy the # to call in... I got lots of comments... LOTS!
Benjamin FRANKlin Bacon Introjection - "Do not taunt your neighbour with the blemish you yourself have!"
A 2 hour phone call worth a month of clas$

Good platform from what i understand.
Im still old fashioned... Sticks and stones..
Phones and whatnot.
There it is.