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RE: Study Suggests 80% of People Allegedly Infected with COVID-19 Have No Antibodies, Were They Even Infected?

in Deep Dives5 years ago

So many things don't add up about this pandemic. I believe the virus was here in America months before they claim it was. There was a sizable and unusual uptick in 'pneumonia' cases last autumn/winter and I think many of these cases were COVID-19. If the virus hit our shores before it reportedly escaped from that Wuhan lab (or the wet market depending on which story you want to believe) then the narrative is false.

My wife and I believe we were exposed to the virus in January in St. Thomas. Our Airbnb host (and friend) was in Chicago visiting her family for Christmas and caught "the most horrible flu she's had in her life" from her brother. Her brother is a doctor who works in a Chicago hospital and he was dealing with a wave of flu cases in November and December. He caught it and was flat on his back for five days. Our friend started developing symptoms on the plane back to St. Thomas and was very sick for our entire ten day stay with her. Her fever would spike at night to dangerous levels and come down near 100 during the day. This was early January, before any of us had heard about Covid-19. We were helping to nurse her back to health making her hot toddies, tea, etc.

I got sick on the plane ride back home to Minnesota and thought it was the flu because I had the body aches, sensitive skin, extreme fatigue, etc. I started taking black elderberry syrup right away (which they tell you not to do for COVID) and it was gone in four days. My wife never developed symptoms. To make a long story short I'd like to get the antibody test because I'm almost positive we were exposed.


So many things don't add up about this pandemic. I believe the virus was here in America months before they claim it was.

Indeed, I mentioned that in a post earlier on. I plan on doing a follow up. The alleged "vaping illness" had similar xray imagery. Other than that, there are reports as far back as November 2019. Thanks for the feedback. I've heard other people comment about getting sick as well near January.

My brother thinks there's a link to the vaping illnesses being reported too. It'll be interesting to delve into that a bit more!