Study Suggests 80% of People Allegedly Infected with COVID-19 Have No Antibodies, Were They Even Infected?

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

The media focuses on the seeming negative of more cases of COVID-19. But why is that a bad thing? It's like focusing on how many people get the flu. So what? In fact, the more people are allegedly detected to have COVID-19, the more the fatality rate drops.


The study, although this not passing through peer review, has numerous authors (23) contributing to the research. Off-Guardian did a summary of what the results could mean. COVID-19 could be 5x more widespread, which means it's 5x less deadly. As previously mentioned, the more people that are actually infected, the less the fatality rate is.

The authors of the study indicate that people who are allegedly infected with SARS-CoV-2 have antibodies 1 out of 5 times. Antibodies are only showing up in those with more severe symptoms. The majority of mild cases have no antibodies.

First off, this relates to the inaccuracy of tests. People are told they have "COVID-19", but they could just have a mild cold, flu, or nothing at all and be told they're allegedly asymptomatic. Secondly, it also sheds light on why the media was "experts" were freaking out in previous weeks about how someone could be infected after "already" having been infected. Maybe they never were, and still aren't. The tests don't always work, and there is ab over-"diagnosis" based on symptoms alone.

However, if people are actually infected and don't produce antibodies, 1 in 5 have antibodies, that means only 20% do and 80% don't. This means a larger portion of the population can already be exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and have gone through it without issue.

What is clear for several weeks, is that the original estimates of a higher infection fatality rate (IFR) were wrong. The WHO estimate of 2.4% is wrong across the globe. Earlier antibody sampling in populations shows an IFR between within the flu range. Even the CDC gave data of a best estimate of 0.26%.

The eminent authority on infectious diseases confirms that this is not a real pandemic. It's a scamdemic, through and through! Why? Because it's not even worse than the high-end of the flu which has an IFR of between 0.1% to 0.3%. The CDC still calls this a pandemic though. Yet, the flu NEVER was a pandemic. It's bullshit. At least we can be thankful that they actually put out this report.

In addition, knowing that the death counts are inflated/bloated drives the IFR down even more. Will we ever know what the real death counts are? Probably not, since no autopsies are being done to confirm the death, nor are tests done to even confirm an infection.

Prior to the CDC coming up with their own numbers, the media seemed to ridicule the conclusions of experienced scientists doing studies and putting out data that contradict the fantasy horror story of a deadly disease never before seen since the flu of 1918. Even with the CDC estimates, the media remained and remains silent. Few are admitting they were wrong about the fear-hype hysteria and panic message they put out.

The study even says the immune system's T cells have a recognition for the novel coronavirus due to previous exposure to the coronavirus in the common cold.

Importantly, we detected SARS-CoV-2-reactive CD4+ T cells in ∼40%–60% of unexposed individuals, suggesting cross-reactive T cell recognition between circulating “common cold” coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2.

People are potentially already immune or resistant to what is called SARS-CoV-2 because they've already been infected by the coronavirus in the past. I take this to mean their bodies know what it is and fight it off more easily.

This virus or whatever it may actually be, rather than being ultra deadly as the media, politicians, and "experts" want you to believe, is not that "novel" for the body of many to handle, nor that dangerous. The vast majority of people who've been allegedly infected have had no symptoms or only mild ones.


So many things don't add up about this pandemic. I believe the virus was here in America months before they claim it was. There was a sizable and unusual uptick in 'pneumonia' cases last autumn/winter and I think many of these cases were COVID-19. If the virus hit our shores before it reportedly escaped from that Wuhan lab (or the wet market depending on which story you want to believe) then the narrative is false.

My wife and I believe we were exposed to the virus in January in St. Thomas. Our Airbnb host (and friend) was in Chicago visiting her family for Christmas and caught "the most horrible flu she's had in her life" from her brother. Her brother is a doctor who works in a Chicago hospital and he was dealing with a wave of flu cases in November and December. He caught it and was flat on his back for five days. Our friend started developing symptoms on the plane back to St. Thomas and was very sick for our entire ten day stay with her. Her fever would spike at night to dangerous levels and come down near 100 during the day. This was early January, before any of us had heard about Covid-19. We were helping to nurse her back to health making her hot toddies, tea, etc.

I got sick on the plane ride back home to Minnesota and thought it was the flu because I had the body aches, sensitive skin, extreme fatigue, etc. I started taking black elderberry syrup right away (which they tell you not to do for COVID) and it was gone in four days. My wife never developed symptoms. To make a long story short I'd like to get the antibody test because I'm almost positive we were exposed.

So many things don't add up about this pandemic. I believe the virus was here in America months before they claim it was.

Indeed, I mentioned that in a post earlier on. I plan on doing a follow up. The alleged "vaping illness" had similar xray imagery. Other than that, there are reports as far back as November 2019. Thanks for the feedback. I've heard other people comment about getting sick as well near January.

My brother thinks there's a link to the vaping illnesses being reported too. It'll be interesting to delve into that a bit more!

It's funny that they say only 20% have antibodies when some studies have shown over 30% of the general population have antibodies for Covid19. Not only that, but they took some blood samples from a couple years ago and found that even some of those samples tested positive for Covid19 antibodies. What this means is that the ancestors of this virus have been circulating in the population for years already and that about a third of the population has partial immunity. Then they're saying that of those infected, only 20% have antibodies? I mean, did they cherry pick only AIDS patients for this study or something? Something stinks.

Yes, the population can have antibodies while testing those who "tested positive" have 20%. If you have 1000 people, and then 300 of them have antibodies, ok. They weren't tested "positive" in the PCR test or by some doctor who said "you have COVID-19". If you take 100 people who are allegedly COVID-19 positive, and check their antibodies, then you get 20% of the 100 that have antibodies (20 people). It doesn't negate 30% of the 1000 from having antibodies. It's also possible the antibody tests from before were picking up previous covid antibodies...

Correct. I think I may have confused these numbers because the one study from NY said there were 30% positive. I think the point of the article I mentioned was that there are ancestors for SARS-CoV2 which many people already have antibodies for, meaning that the novel nature of it is called into question. More than likely it mutated from something we already have circulating through the population that previously may have been identified as a cold or flu based on symptoms.

"they took some blood samples from a couple years ago and found that even some of those samples tested positive for Covid19 antibodies". You got sources on that? I just want to read up on it

Okay, well I poked around and I can't find a link to the study I was thinking of. Maybe I saw it somewhere other than facebook, but I did find this YouTube video doing an analysis on the cross-reactivity of antibodies for other viruses being cross-reactive with SARS-CoV2. Kevin McKernan is a genomics expert who worked on the human genome project back in the '90s and early '00s. He goes over a lot of the theory behind why many don't get sick when exposed to Covid-19.

Sure. I originally came across it on FB so it might take me a bit to find it, but I'll track the link down.

I wanted to say something else after finishing what you wrote above. Previous to Covid19, diseases were frequently misdiagnosed as the flu. The reason being that they don't actually run any tests on people to see if they have influenza. They just base it off of symptoms. The reason I know is because I used to work for a company manufacturing kits that tested for other types of viruses. It was in the marketing literature trying to convince doctors to actually test their patients to see what they actually had. The doctors don't really care though because you can't do much for a viral infection regardless of which one, so they figure what's the point? The insurers don't help here either since they are the ones footing the bill for the extra testing. Conflicts of interest and all that jazz. As my grandfather used to call it; guesswork in a white coat.

They just base it off of symptoms.

Yes, spot tests but not on everyone (it costs money too). Symptoms of the flu, cold (COVID) and COVID-19 are often interchangeable.

I am making a good salary from home $1200-$2500/week, which is amazing, under a year back I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now it's my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, Here is what I do….

Media plays duel role as supply information and prevention of covid-19 but also create scenario to scare people by expose death and pandemic, hope media will play a positive role.

It is certainly true that people are immune to this particular strain of virus after recovering. However, the issue we have here is that a large amount of people are being infected at the same time. While the infectivity rate is relatively low for people below the age of 60, it is quite deadly for the elderly. The fact that the hospital are full also denies many patients in need of surgeries.

Some hospitals are pretty empty, yet they deny surgeries. Some elderly also go through the infection like a flu and don't need to go to the hospital, but it certainly is more deadly to the elderly than younger age groups. Imagine that, treatments like HCQ, zinc, vita D, A, C aren't even being provided or suggested... just let them die on killer ventilators.

Wait, srsly wtf? I'm quite ignorant of that. Which country are you referring to?

As previously mentioned, the more people that are actually infected, the less the fatality rate is.

God, you are triggering me. I remember like a month back I was arguing with my girlfriend about this. Her point was that COVID was a big deal because way more people were infected than we thought. I was making this point of, no the more people that got infected the better. It's amazing how this piece of information can somehow be used on both sides. Obviously we realize the actual answer but it seems like we are in the minority.

I think if you explain/show the math, it helps make sense of it vs "high cases = bad, death everywhere, etc." over-simplification from the media.

mark twain easier to fooltrick.jpg

Yes, but the people I talk to end up going into "LALALALALLAALA I'm not listening" mode to the point of rage-blackout. It's like no matter how much evidence you present the other person will just do some mental gymnastic backflip to convince themselves that they live in the world that's compatible with their bubble. I find it extremely alarming, especially when we consider that this is exactly what the MSM counts on and profits from. They have this shit down to a science... the science of bad-science... it's incredible.

Partial immunity due to being infected by a coronavirus in the past would explain why so many people have little or no symptoms. The bad news is that according to this study most people with partial immunity do not have antibodies. So they will be pressured to be vaccinated along with everyone else.

Yup, the "science" is a joke on many fronts. All to push big profits for a vaccine...

It is something I also thought about. That our body is such a brilliant machine and that it might be more likely to already have gone through this without notice and therefore all this drama and fake news to be nothing more than a strategy to induce panic and to control the population

Yeah, dying sometimes happens, but the body is designed to handle infections, as many people demonstrate from not dying from COVID.

I like that our body is so complex and that they haven't managed to figured it out yet😂

This is so true, but the popular media have only one script, the more is infected, the more is its severity and needed more lockdown and isolations..

Yup, more infections = more lockdowns or other dictates from authority.

Media plays duel role as supply information and prevention of covid-19 but also create scenario to scare people by expose death and pandemic, hope media will play a positive role.

Very important data! Also the thing with the cross-reactivity of existing anti-Corona ABs! Slowly the truth reveals itself... All the conspiracy theorists were right.

The worst symptom of SARS2 is it drew Bill Gates out of the woodwork to insist we all need to have our DNA modified by his 'vaccine' that will turn us all into GMOs.

I'd rather be shot.


This has been debunked some time ago, along with the whole recent wave of bill gates terror going around

No. SARS vaccines using live attenuated or dead virus worsen disease upon infection with wild virus. They won't work.

The only kind of vaccine I am aware of being tested is intended to alter our DNA, to improve the function of our immune system to handle the 'novel' SARS virus, it is claimed.

However the CDC recently published a report that pointed out the CFR from SARS2 is .26% overall, and .04% if you exclude nursing homes.

We don't need a vaccine. Most of the deaths laid at the feet of SARS2 are from other illnesses, and just the claim or suspicion the decedent may have had SARS2 infection is justification to declare the death was caused by SARS2, and not diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, or whatever.

It's ludicrous.

Bill Gates has repeatedly stated his intention to forcibly vaccinate everyone - and has funded forced vaccination of millions already - and include a tracking chip in the injection.

Do cite a source that counters credibly any of these statements if you know they are incorrect. I'd love to be wrong. I am unhappy about all of these facts except the CFR being lower than the seasonal flu, and that's with the deaths being dramatically overstated.


What is SARS 2?

Why would we exclude nursing homes? Are they not humans?

You should be careful to claim you know the answers of CFR and vaccines based on a little light reading.

SARS - the original - had a CFR of about 2-3% to begin with. After it passed and years of analyses went through, more accurately it came to about 7-9%.

In the case of CoViD, anyone who claims to know, is wrong. It's impossible to tell when the range of symptoms reaches from death and chronic, prolonged suffering - such as some of my friends who have been suffering deeply for 8+ weeks - to completely asymptomatic.

How does one count this, exactly?

And, given that each nation counts differently, from those who hdie with related illness, or directly virus related, or excluding ones who didn't do tests, excluding entire regions who can't afford to get the data... it's a total fabrication to come up with some specific number without stamping on the end 'our estimation'.

This number is going to change for years to come, and we may never get a complete answer. Sometimes, some things are just impossible and you have to accept that.

Saying we don't need a vaccine is coming from an extremely privileged position, as I'm sure you are aware. You are free to get sick as much as you want, but the second you shake hands with somebody else, you are deliberately responsible for potential death, as that person spreads to their grandmother or even their mother, or they themselves whose immune systems are weakened.

And it's not all about death either. As I said, my friends, and a growing number of reports now, enough to grab the attention of mainstream media just recently, are suffering chronic illnesses, some of which will end up permanent, with lungs destroyed, capacity for breathing reduced to 20%, and so forth.

But hey, no vaccine necessary because you, personally, are a healthy young individual.


As for the rest, No, bill gates has not ever stated anything about forcibly vaccinating everyone. I mean, I'm sure he has mentioned that opinion at some point; that's hardly unusual, there are entire states in the US that enforce it, and this kind of process is largely supported around the world from academics and low-information citizens alike.

I'm citing the CDC when I report the CFR of .26%. Is there some expert you prefer to the CDC? It appears now that early reports of higher CFR were incorrect, according to the CDC. You mention a lot of numbers, and your personal opinion, but you cite no sources.

I'm sure you'll agree your personal anecdotes aren't relevant to anyone but you. Anecdotal evidence isn't statistically relevant, which you should agree with.

"...but the second you shake hands with somebody else, you are deliberately responsible for potential death..."

Mine. I am only responsible for me. Whoever I am shaking hands with is responsible for them. Or do you consider them property and without either authority over themselves or responsibility for their actions?

If you're implying that I somehow own whoever, and am responsible and in authority over them, you're wrong. I own no one. I am the only person for which I am responsible or have any authority over.

"...bill gates has not ever stated anything about forcibly vaccinating everyone. I mean, I'm sure he has mentioned that opinion at some point..."

Do words just come out of your mouth without you having anything in particular you intend them to mean? Because you just said the opposite of what you just said, and you claim you're a scientist who would know the difference between saying one thing or saying it's opposite, and should know better than to say both in one breath.

I think you've been living in China too long, and caught the Communism.

I could cite a totally different number from 3 weeks earlier and 3 weeks later. they are current results. The results change as more data becomes available. You should know this. It's not about how reputable they are.

Whoever I am shaking hands with is responsible for them.

Ok, cough. Bump into, touch a door handle. You name it. It was just an obvious example that applies to thousands of similar scenarios. Picking at straws here.

I don't know where you get this ownership concept from. If I murder someone, I'm responsible for their death. It doesn't mean I own them. Not sure where the confusion is there.

and you claim you're a scientist who would know the different

I never once claimed I'm a scientist... who ever said that?

Again, you're picking at straws. Obviously I said one thing, then considered an exception as I typed that doesn't necessarily derail the first point, but ponders the potential that somebody would say such a thing in general conversation. Like how I might say all kinds of various extreme things in passionate moments, or with something I conceptually thing could be good but would never work in reality (such as the communism pipe dream).

Come on, this isn't how to debate. You might as well start correcting my grammar

" If I murder someone, I'm responsible for their death. It doesn't mean I own them."

Yes, it does. You are exercising the right to dispose of your property as you see fit, as if they were cattle. That's why murder is a crime, and selling steaks is not. People are sovereigns, and cattle are property.

I recall you claiming to work in some field involved in research. I must miss recall. Apologies.

Saying the things Bill Gates has repeatedly publicly said regarding vaccination, his decades long massive focus on vaccination and recent public speaking tour, and his political clout gained at the point of immense financial thrusts into the pharmaceutical industry, particularly vaccine development, is not the equivalent of casual conversation over cocktails.

Your comment was completely self-contradictory, the latter part utterly refuting the former. Other than that you derided my own statement that Gates intends to forcibly vaccinate everyone in the world, I would be unable to ascertain what your position actually was.

My sense is that you will gladly line up to get your DNA altering vaccine. I assure you that after you are a GMO, you will no longer have sovereign rights. You will have become property. This is proven by case law in which Monsanto repeatedly and successfully seized the assets of farmers whose crops were pollinated by pollen from patented GMOs owned by Monsanto.

If you allow your DNA to be modified by Gate's patented vaccine, you will become property of Gates. Worse, those farmers didn't choose to pollinate their crops with Monsanto pollen. Monsanto dispersed that pollen across their fields, forcibly pollinating the farmer's crops. You'd choose to become the property of Bill Gates by voluntarily accepting DNA altering vaccine.

Early in my life someone I know was murdered by agents of the state, in order to take assets which they subsequently sold.

That is when I learned that murder is a form of slavery.

Media plays duel role as supply information and prevention of covid-19 but also create scenario to scare people by expose death and pandemic, hope media will play a positive role.

101% correct! People did not produce Antibodies for this kind of virus because of carelessness! They don't care and did not anticipate that this will happen to people. They abuse their bodies! Drinking alcoholic drinks, cigarette smoking, drugs, overeating, and no exercise! Especially, most of the people do not eat healthy food!

102% correct

It's a little disingenuous to say it's not deadly at all when up to half a million have died from it (depending which numbers you count) with no end in sight.

And, putting quotes around 'expert' doesn't make them any less of an expert. This is a totally new phenomenon, with effects and outcomes in the modern day unlike anything we've ever seen. The process of figuring it out will continue to hit dead ends, find new open doors and solutions to problems. That's how discovery and progress works.

Nothing wrong with that. It's not like this paper was some kind of breaking news headline that totally unravels everything you've been made to believe by corrupt scientists!!

It's just one of thousands of papers - recently it was noted about 23,000 published papers on this virus since January; and it's doubling every 20 days.

Does anyone honestly expect each and every one of them happens to have the correct answer or something?

Disagreement on rewards.

You keep saying that this is not a pandemic (as if a pandemic is defined by the fatality isn't). The fatalities in the US from COVID-19 compared to the estimates of the ones from the current FLU season are somewhere between 4 to 2 times larger with the caveat that the deaths from COVID-19 are still growing.

Sure, it is not an apocalyptic illness by any standards but it doesn't mean it doesn't have severe consequences in terms of human suffering. Downplaying it by saying that "it's just like the flu" is not a good thing to do.

Exactly, from December 2019 to January 2020, especially students were having a very severe and hard flu. Perhaps the virus began to be disclosed in the world media after it became viral.