planning to object to disputed electors in the swing states of Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia, which would kick off a 2-hour debate in each house before a vote would be held to uphold or deny the objection. If a majority voted to uphold the objection in any state, that state’s electors would be rejected. No one expected such an outcome, but millions were hoping to see the issue debated in the halls of Congress.Hundreds of thousands of #StopTheSteal demonstrators flocked to DC on January 6 in support of President Trump, freedom and election integrity, this being the day the joint session of Congress convenes to vote whether to accept or reject the state’s electors for the presidential race. Some 80 representatives and 13 senators were
Many Americans who have seen evidence of widespread fraud in these states were hoping to see Congress take a close look at the evidence and debate the issues that courts across the country have for the most part refused to look at, throwing out some 50 cases filed by the Trump team, mostly for lack of standing and jurisdiction rather than over the merits of the cases themselves, opting not to hear the actual evidence of fraud and the case for unconstitutional voting procedures, particularly the change of Pennsylvania’s voting laws in violation of its own state Constitution. The US Supreme Court declined to hear several such cases, refusing to even look at the evidence being presented by the plaintiffs, so the million of Americans who feel disenfranchised by what they see as a stolen election were hoping Congress would at least address these concerns, with the numerous anomalies, irregularities, illegally casted ballots, illegal procedure changes and unconstitutional election laws presented and debated by Congress in front of the American People for the world to see.
Unfortunately, this is not how the day went down, with things getting crazy shortly after Vice President Mike Pence announced he would not be using his power to object to disputed electoral votes, and would not seek to send them back to the individual state legislatures to either certify or de-certify, as the state legislatures and not the governors or secretary of states hold this power according to the Constitution. State legislatures have been out of session and have thus been unable to take any action, due to governors refusing to call a special session like happened in Georgia, however they will be in session in the coming days, giving state legislatures time to look at these concerns and vote to take action, such as to decertify electors certified by their secretary of states. Dozens of congressmen from these states had sent a letter to the Vice President asking him to take this course of action, while the US senators planning to object to electors in various states were asking Congress to approve a ten-day delay in the vote to accept electors in order to give time for a Congressionally-overseen audit of the state elections in question to be conducted.
Storming of the Capitol
A group of extremist right wing Trump supporters stormed the Capital and breached the Capital building on January 6, shortly after the joint session of Congress convened to count the electoral votes which were expected to give Joe Biden the presidency, disrupting the democratic process in a brazen act of insurrection, and even domestic terrorism according to Joe Biden, an attempt to enact violent mob rule incited by President Donald Trump himself.
This is the story being told to us by the establishment, the same establishment that continues to claim there was absolutely no widespread fraud in the 2020 election, and perpetuating the myth that there is enough evidence of fraud to constitute a stolen election is an absolutely baseless conspiracy theory peddled by this maniac of a president and his deluded followers with the intention of derailing the democratic process and subverting the Constitution, which would overthrow our democracy and destroy our republic forever. Nothing fraudulent occurred in Georgia, or anywhere else for that matter, and anyone who says otherwise is an anti-American, freedom-hating conspiracy theorist.
Those who think the hundreds of anomalies and irregularities across contested swing states amounts to evidence of widespread fraud - including the secret counting of thousands of ballots in major cities after forcefully expelling Republican poll watchers, massive 100,000 + vote dumps for Biden in the early morning hours in Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia, and the secret counting of ballots stashed in containers hidden under tables after the media and poll watchers were told counting was done for the night in Fulton County Georgia - anyone who thinks any of this amounts to widespread fraud is a fanatical Trumpist lunatic conspiracist.
‘No Evidence of Election Fraud’ Compilation:
2020 Election: ‘Nontransparent by Force’:
All such lunacy, and especially Trump himself who perpetuates such lunacy, is directly responsible for the few ‘bad apples’, out of the hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters gathered in DC, who stormed the capital building on Wednesday in a relatively peaceful ‘riot’. Millions of Americans believing the impossibility of such implausible election anomalies is directly responsible for the storming of the capitol, and thus all such anomalies should be ignored and forgotten, for they are a threat to our democracy.
Donald Trump’s repeated calls for peace and for the protesters to go home were in fact deemed by Twitter to be incitements of this violence, while Vice President Elect Kamila Harris’ call for BLM/Antifa rioters to continue looting and burning cities to the ground over the summer was in fact a call for peace and justice, contrary to Trump’s incitement to violence veiled by his words asking for peaceful demonstrations.
Listen to Kamala on BLM/Antifa riots: “They’re not gonna let up and they should not”:
JP Sears has the rundown on the storming of the capitol for you in a comical news update seen below:
We just need to listen to the media and the political candidates the technocratic establishment endorses without question, and if your thoughts are out of alignment with the establishment, they are wrong because the establishment is always right, 100% of the time, even when they lie to you or habitually engage in blatant hypocrisy.
And in case you still have doubts, Trump is a danger to our democracy, and must be removed from office immediately, Nancy Pelosi and the Washington Post have informed us.
Meanwhile all Congressmen who dared to challenge electoral votes from disputed states where widespread allegations and evidence of fraud emerged should be removed from office and maybe even tried for treason, for daring to question the integrity of the 2020 election and point out anomalies and irregularities that would otherwise be considered evidence of fraud.
In response to this horrific act of sedition and violent rioting that rocked our country to its core, despite no buildings be set on fire and no substantial looting taking place, Twitter has permanently banned Trump from the social media platform for inciting violence, despite the tweet that ultimately triggered the ban being a call for peace and for the protesters to go home, following several previous tweets that also called for peace.
The president was also banned from Facebook/Instagram, and Twitter has purged the majority of popular users who were questioning the integrity of the election and the mainstream DC riot narrative, including attorneys Lin Wood and Sidney Powell who filed a number of the election integrity lawsuits, and also General Flynn, effectively signaling the official end of free speech in America, but only free speech that Big Tech deems ‘dangerous’, so you can feel super safe about having your voice suppressed by unelected technocrats who are making billions while you and your family are being sunk deeper into poverty by the day thanks to the new Orwellian Covid1984 policies of 2020.
This is the official establishment narrative being fed to us by the media, but like always there are a number of red flags surrounding the Capitol Building incident, indicating that things are likely and in fact almost certainly not as the media would have us beLIEve.
The biggest red flag for me that something was ‘not right’ about the storming of the capitol, was that video footage from the event shows Capitol Police removing the barriers and ushering protesters into the building!
Once inside, officers appear to continue to lead the way and show protesters where to go, with a cameraman (and in the clip above also a man in a grey shirt beaconing people forwards) always behind the police line and in front of the ‘mob’, making one wonder how exactly they made it past the police line before the barriers were removed, and why they seemed to be working with officers to lead protesters straight to the Senate Chamber.
Video clips of the incident abound, but are being rapidly removed from social media as numerous accounts are terminated and content removed, including tweets I had embedded in this post before they disappeared...
~~~ embed:1345811707411755009 twitter metadata:UkVEX0lOX1BBfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1JFRF9JTl9QQS9zdGF0dXMvMTM0NTgxMTcwNzQxMTc1NTAwOXw= ~~~
Officers opening door and inviting protesters inside, courtesy @logiczombie:
NTD News put together a great video compilation of a number of these clips showing aspects of the incident that don’t align with the official establishment narrative, which can be seen here at this link and should weather the censorship.
The Gateway Pundit published a detailed breakdown of the video of the officers apparently leading protesters into the capitol and straight to the Senate Chamber.
Not only do they appear to be leading a small crowd of protesters into the building, but officers can also be seen peacefully co-mingling with the ‘unwelcome’ intruders inside the Capitol, while police on the outside of the building were busy deploying stun grenades, pepper spray, tear gas and even their batons against the crowds of peaceful protesters.
(Source: The Last American Vagabond)
One female Trump supporter standing behind a handful of protesters allegedly attempting to break into the Senate Chamber was reportedly shot to death by an officer from the other side of the door, with one shot to the neck. The women was both a veteran and a Trump supporter, and the graphic videos of the incident again show these ‘violent rioters’ peacefully co-mingling with police officers. Most of these videos have too since been removed from Twitter, but not all of them yet.
First hand account of this incident by a fellow Trump supporter who was standing right next to the woman who was apparently killed by Capitol Police with one shot to the neck through the Senate Chamber door window:
It all seems a little too much like a professionally filmed act, causing many to question and even conclude that the storming of the capital was at least to some extent a staged false flag event, and there is indeed bountiful evidence to support this theory.
~~~ embed:1347260430587228164 twitter metadata:Q2hyaXNMbzgwNTI1NDc4fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0NocmlzTG84MDUyNTQ3OC9zdGF0dXMvMTM0NzI2MDQzMDU4NzIyODE2NHw= ~~~
Capital ‘siege’ instigated by infiltrators?
Additional support for this plausible theory lies with the identity of several of the prominent instigators filmed inside the Capitol Building, who do not appear to be authentic Trump supporters or the type to challenge these presidential election results.
The Washington Post published a report that immediately went viral, citing an anonymous ex-military source claiming that the security tech firm, XRVision, had positively identified protesters inside the Capitol as members of Antifa. This was completely fake news, but fueled the theory that BLM/Antifa was involved in infiltrating the DC protest to breach the Capitol Building and incite violence and engage in acts of property damage.
XRVision did in fact identify at least three of the prominent demonstrators filmed inside the Capitol Building, standing outside the Senate Chamber.
The notable bull-horned activist with red/white/blue painted face is apparently actually an Arizona actor, Jake Angeli.
He has previously been filmed at BLM demonstrations holding a “Q sent me” sign, leading some to conclude he is a BLM/Antifa activist, and was also filmed at an Arizona climate change demonstration in September of 2019, where he was described by the Arizona Central as a “Shamanic practitioner” who led the climate change activists in a yell before a march in support of climate change activists.
Climate change activists are certainly not your typical Trump supporters, and in fact the two groups would in all likelihood never overlap. Q supporters on the other hand are well known by their hallmark of being fanatical Trump supporters who are willing to overlook every pro-establishment choice made by the President, believing it is all a part of an elaborate 4D chess game being played by the President and a small band of loyalist insiders taking down the deep state.
It does not, however, appear that this was a strategically planned, Q-sponsored event used to give the President the pretext to invoke the insurrection act, declare martial law, and hold a new election in contested states as fellow Q conspiracy theorists opined. This is also the only play that would have helped Trump’s cause, and the fact he didn’t make this play is again more evidence that Trump was actually not behind the storming of the Capitol.
This certainly leads one to wonder if Jake Angeli was actually acting as a paid actor during this event, and if so, by whom was he paid to play this role of a pro-Trump insurrectionist. His loyalty seems not to lie with any political ideology but rather with his unusual and elaborate costume.
Even more interesting is the identity of the bearded man seen standing next to Angeli outside the Senate Chamber, a Jason Tankersley, co-founder of the Maryland Skinheads; and also Matthew Heinbach, leader of the National Socialist Movement; who have both been previously photographed together. Tankersley has the universal symbol of communism, a hammer and cycle, tattooed on his left hand, with the ideals of the National Socialist Movement and supporters of communism having far more in common with BLM/Antifa than with most Trump supporters and self-proclaimed America-first patriots and Constitutionalists attending the DC rally.
While Skinheads are generally known to be white supremacist right wing extremists, it is odd that a number of prominent Skinhead leaders are working alongside the leader of the National Socialist Movement, with at least one also being a communist himself. BLM leaders have made it clear that BLM ideology is Marxist ideology, with Karl Marx being one of the prominent communist thinkers and leaders of history, while the original anti-fascist movement was closely linked to communism, with a large number of original anti-fascists being anti-Nazi communists.
So while none of this constitutes proof of Antifa infiltration of the Trump/freedom rally in DC, it certainly raises the question of whether this storming of the Capitol was a pre-planned false flag event orchestrated by political opponents of the President and his supporters.
There is, however, some additional evidence supporting the theory that at least some of these apparent infiltrators were in fact tied to establishment-supported BLM/Antifa activists.
Representative Mo Brooks, who led the Congressional charge to challenge the disputed election results, cautioned against blindly jumping to believe the mainstream media narrative without doing our own due research, and laid forth some evidence of leftist infiltration of the protests.
~~~ embed:1347171352327954434 twitter metadata:UmVwTW9Ccm9va3N8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vUmVwTW9Ccm9va3Mvc3RhdHVzLzEzNDcxNzEzNTIzMjc5NTQ0MzR8 ~~~
At least one prominent BLM/Antifa activist, John Sullivan, who was filmed calling on the immediate removal of Donald Trump from the White House at a BLM rally over the summer was among those who made it into the Capitol Building, although he claims he was there to document the protests and not take part. He says he climbed in through a broken window and was later arrested and has since been released without bail.
What appears to be Antifa instigators were also filmed attempting to break windows, before being tackled by Trump supporters following cries of “Antifa” coming from the crowd, which can be seen in the NTD video compilation linked above.
Video evidence shows us that some of those who breached the Capitol Building entered through doors, apparently being ushered in by police officers, while others apparently climbed in through broken window(s), presumably broken by infiltrators, possibly affiliated with Antifa.
For his part, Sullivan was fond of using both #blm and #antifa hashtags, and organized a protest in Utah that turned violent.
~~~ embed:1347029463490445312 twitter metadata:dHZoZWlkaWhhdGNofHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3R2aGVpZGloYXRjaC9zdGF0dXMvMTM0NzAyOTQ2MzQ5MDQ0NTMxMnw= ~~~
Utah’s The Deseret reports that Sullivan was arrested for inciting a riot, making a threat of violence and criminal mischief after organizing a protest-turned-riot in Provo that ended with the unprovoked shooting of a passing motorist, described by police as an attempted murder.
The Facebook pages listed the event’s hosts as the groups Insurgence, Solidarity for Justice, Salt Lake Equal Rights Movement and the Salt Lake Antifascist Coalition.
Sullivan is part of the Insurgence USA group, according to a police affidavit.
Sullivan was also seen on video footage threatening a woman in an SUV, and also standing with the man who later shot a passing motorist.
“As a protest organizer, John Sullivan is heard talking about seeing the shooting, looking at the gun and seeing smoke coming from it. John did not condemn the attempted murder nor attempt to stop it nor aide in its investigation by police.”
Whether or not Sullivan was there as an Antifa instigator or just to document the events as he claims, his presence is evidence of some radical leftist presence at the protest, likely responsible for the breaking of windows used by some to enter the Capitol. Besides intelligence that Antifa was planning to infiltrate the protests relayed to members of Congress, Paul Sperry reported that a former FBI agent on the ground identified at least one bus load of Antifa infiltrators arriving.
Several Twitter users reported suspicious activity by people presumed to be leftist infiltrators, with at least one person even witnessing several buses being escorted to the Capitol by black vehicles, reportedly filled with Antifa infiltrators. This witness even recorded video footage of the buses arriving, however his video documenting this has been removed and his entire Twitter account likely also terminated along with countless others.
While there is no solid proof that BLM/Antifa was directly responsible for infiltrating the DC protest, leading the charge into the Capitol and inciting violence; the evidence suggesting the official narrative is a big lie covering up the fact that this Capitol ‘siege’ was some sort of false flag operation abounds, and is not limited to the oddities noted above.
Media hypocrisy: peaceful ‘protests’ vs. violent ‘riots’
Unlike the violent BLM/Antifa riots over the summer responsible for lighting cities on fire, looting of countless private businesses across the country and millions in property damage, the breaching of the Capitol was not about inciting violence and property destruction but rather about peacefully making a political statement, as even Sullivan himself as an admittedly biased anti-Trump witness of the Capitol ‘siege’ admitted.
“Protesters weren’t really, like, trying to burn anything down, they weren’t really trying to break anything, their main motive was to make it into the chambers,” Sullivan said.
The blatant hypocrisy regarding coverage and reaction to large protests coming out of the political and media establishment could not be more glaringly obvious. BLM protests are always peaceful, even when they turn into violent riots that light police departments and entire cities on fire, causing millions in property damage from widespread looting and property destruction; while pro-Trump/pro-freedom protests are deemed violent riots and insurrections, even when no buildings are lit on fire, little to no property damage is sustained, and the protesters remain largely peaceful.
At least one prominent figure representing American law enforcement officers, John Catanzara, elected in May to the position of president of Chicago’s Fraternal Order of Police lodge to represent the city’s 12,000 police officers, is pointing out this obvious hypocrisy and offering support for the protesters.
“The people who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday are getting support from the president of Chicago’s Fraternal Order of Police lodge,” WBEZ News reported.
“There was no arson, there was no burning of anything, there was no looting, there was very little destruction of property,” Catanzara told WBEZ in a Wednesday evening phone interview. “It was a bunch of pissed-off people that feel an election was stolen, somehow, some way.”
The media’s choice to engage in such intentional misreporting echoed by establishment government officials demonstrates that what we are seeing unfold before our eyes is an orchestrated psyop to some degree. This is simply a continuation of the biased reporting that has been ongoing for months, designed to paint leftist radicals as peaceful protesters even when they aren’t, and right-wing, Trump-supporting protesters as violent extremists, even when their protests are equally, if not far more peaceful.
Yes, there were authentic Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol, and yes, they surely wanted their voices heard, just as those protesting against rampant police brutality also want their voices heard. But to report one side as overwhelmingly peaceful and the other as violent insurrectionists, when they should in reality both be painted as largely peaceful protests with some pockets of violence (far more so during the BLM/Antifa riots over the summer to be sure) is intellectually dishonest and proof that the media’s job is to push establishment agenda’s and not report the truth.
Who Benefits?
Interestingly, for being a Trump instigated incident, the storming of the Capitol seemingly accomplished just about everything Trump’s political opponents and more specifically the establishment at large could have asked for to push its tyrannical agenda. The storming of the Capitol followed Mike Pence’s announcement that he would not be challenging disputed electors, at the beginning of the joint session of Congress which convened at 1pm. The breaching of the capitol conveniently disrupted the very beginning of what would have been an hours-long debate over election fraud, triggered when both representatives and senators objected to Arizona’s electors.
When Congress re-convened in the late evening once the Capitol was cleared of all protesters, Congress was suddenly far less interested in looking at election fraud claims and most congresspeople instead used their time to condemn the violence. Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri was the only senator to object to any state’s electors following the incident, objecting to Pennsylvania’s electors alongside 80 representatives, with seven senators and 137 representatives ultimately voting to reject Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes with no period of debate or discussion as would have otherwise occurred in normal circumstances.
Despite simply standing up for his constituents and millions of Americans who have genuine concerns over the integrity of the 2020 election, concerns that were shared by the mainstream media up until the day of the election itself, Hawley has been labeled a traitor and instigator of the DC violence, despite publicly condemning it. Simon Schuster has canceled its publishing contract for Hawley’s upcoming book, just one more aspect of the newest phase of the war on free speech that has now commenced.
Pro-establishment folk have jumped to attack the few senators brave enough to stand up to the establishment on this issue by questioning the potentially fraudulent election results as fanatical pro-Trump traitors - “the seditious six” - who should be removed from public office immediately.
Their only act of sedition, however, was against the establishment and its sacred narrative that there was no election fraud in 2020, a totally bogus claim that has ultimately been walked back to ‘not enough fraud to change the results’. Now I guess no one will ever know for sure the true extent of the fraud...
The war on free speech and to disenfranchise anyone who dares to challenge the establishment narrative has only just begun. One pro-Trump protester who was reportedly punched in the face at the DC rally by a BLM activist was later doxed by her own daughterand has now lost her job - for the ‘crime’ of attending a political rally!
Big Tech social media platforms, Twitter in particular, are purging all pro-Trump and anti-establishment personalities who dared question the integrity of the 2020 elections. Donald Trump has actually been dropped by his email provider, now unable to even communicate with his own supporters, as a growing number of Congresspeople are pushing for immediate impeachment.
There is no way I can see in which the storming of the Capitol has helped the cause of the President, of freedom, or of those seeking the truth about the true scope of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election. And yet the event is being portrayed by the fakestream media as a pre-planned insurrection orchestrated by the President himself and aided by the lawmakers who dared challenge the establishment on the issue of election integrity of the 2020 elections. If this were the case, it would be the absolutely worst possible strategic move to make. If on the other hand it was to some extent planned and orchestrated by establishment opponents of Trump and the cause of freedom for which many of his supporters stand, then it was a brilliant success.
I will let you, the reader, decide which scenario you believe is a more accurate depiction of reality.
Time will surely tell, as more evidence continues to surface, but it sure does look to me like this was indeed the opening act in a new ‘war on domestic terror’, to be waged alongside the ongoing ‘war on Covid19’, to bring about the Orwellian technocratic tyranny being implemented as a part of The Great Reset, as so accurately described by James Corbett on September 11, 2020.
The long-predicted ‘dark winter’ of chaos is now upon us, and is already being used to rapidly usher in the new tyrannical technocratic state, just as independent journalists including myself have been warning about for months.
As always, the establishment is using the left-right paradigm to keep the people divided against one another rather than uniting against the establishment machine. Donald Trump may or may not have truly intended to dismantle the deep state, but it should be clear to everyone that he was either incapable or unwilling to do so, and now that responsibility lies with We the People, where the ultimate power always has and always will ultimately reside.
Additional info & perspective:
Derrick Broze video report:
First-hand accounts of initial breaching of Capitol security:
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This entire thing is one big head fuck.
So many layers of disinformation.
The cognitive effort required to understand what's actually going on far exceeds the capacity of the average Joe and so causes a default trust in the most repeated information in order to find the quickest and easiest refuge of safety in the storm of lies.
And if one truth discerner accidentally latches onto just a little bit of disinformation, their entire perspective is thrown out, the baby with the bathwater, and this little bit of pedalled disinfo is used by the media controllers to justify why the mainstream narrative is correct.
Making it a 'no brainer' for the average Joe and/or average Jean. 'No brainer' here also meaning having no discernment, ironically.
It is in the nature of humanity, in an infant emotionally intelligent form, to polarize things - instead of discerning layers of grey.
What we need for a revolution is a greater political discernment among the masses, a more emotionally intelligent population.
Revolution being the collapse of class culture.
100% this - great comment, thanks!
i wish i could upvote this 100x... nice collection of information.
Great job putting this together. Even though it's only a fraction of what's out there, it's still an excellent collection that I know took you a lot of time. And they're being deleted left and right, like you say. You can't believe the number of bookmarked tweets that have disappeared from my account. I had a great one of the Democrats' double-standard that's gone. It was longer than the one you've included here, and included a bunch more Dems and reporters. Looks like now we've got to download everything we want to keep.
As for the "storming" of the Capitol, a total False Flag in my opinion. Who benefited? Who had the means, motive, and opportunity? Nice article here surmising:
There's no way the false narrative can stand the light of day. It could only succeed if we were all to somehow decide to simply give up on the idea of the existence of any semblance of objective truth. That's not going to happen.
Yes, the censorship, particularly the Twitter purge is indeed unreal. But we knew this day would eventually arrive if BigTech wasn’t stopped. Trump was right about section 230, corporations have far too much power. We are witnessing the rise of the technocracy at warp speed.
Thankfully much has been preserved in videos on alternative platforms by independent media reporting early and archiving.
They only react with so much censorship because they can’t refute truth and number of people waking up to the lies is reaching a tipping point. They are terrified of the truth and of losing control 😊
Thanks for the link too, great article, added to my list of links at the end of the post...
Awesome article thanks 👍
Wow a ton of information here.
we will see what all goes on I'm sure there's going to be multiple plot twists into these stories.
I am just shocked and amazed yet again....
Me Too
For real, what a write up lol! But dam, what a bunch of fishy nonsense thats going on. They definitely want as many people to take the bait as possible. What hypocrisy too, from the left.
Good article and I agree. But we all must tell Trump to expose how police, Antifa, and crazy Qanon weirdos were storming the capitol on Jan6 for example.
I’m with you, but how do we get messages to the President now that he’s banned from social media and even his email platform?!?
What crazy times we are living in 😟
We spread out our messages everywhere online and offline in hopes that Donald Trump Jr sees it or Steven Crowder who can reach out to Don Jr who can reach out to his father, Donald Trump Sr.
Think like a friend of a friend kind of thing. Or somebody who knows Steven. Or somebody who knows somebody who knows Steven.
In other words, we try to get as close to Trump as possible. You reach out to Alex Jones, Robert Barnes, Rudy, Eric, Melania, Don Jr's GF who looks like Rita from the Power Rangers, Diamond & Silk, Kanye West, Ivanka, senators, not Mike Pence lol, not any of the other swamp creatures, Barron, Michael Jackson if he was still alive, Roger Stone, Tucker, Hannity, OAN, RSBN, News Max, Infowars, Fox News to a very small percent, the President of Brazil, possibly the President of Canada, the President of Japan, the President of India, the current leader of like Hong Kong, Candace Owens, any direct relatives of Trump minus like Mary lol, celebrities who might be conservative enough, some of those actors, anybody who has ever met Trump or who has somebody who has met Trump kind of thing.
It's a giant web of contacts and you can eventually get to the center of the circle, which is Trump.
Ironically, I talked to Pastor Sam who talked to Alex Jones who talked to Trump who talked to Putin which makes me only 4 people away from Russia. Oh no, you better lock me up for collusion lol.
This morning on the radio, "the news" kept repeating "violent insurrection" this and "violent insurrection" that.
Apparently, "insurrection" isn't scary enough by itself. They've insisted on adding "violent".
Strangely they didn't call the HONG KONG PROTESTS that occupied government offices "a violent insurrection", even though there was also violence.
Do you know who called the HONG KONG PROTESTS "a violent insurrection"?
Chinese officials.
Tons of good information is available to the public, but still so many people chose to listen to the "fraud-media".
Trump won the election in a landslide and most deep state players who committed to Bidens win are part of the insurrection.
Trump is banned from all social media plattforms and a lot of people speculating that he will use the emergency broadcasting system to communicate.
Only 9 more days to's going to be very wild!
Trump hopefully will de-class everything!!!
Phenomenal reporting.
Thank you and thanks for all the links, I added your video of Capitol Police guiding protesters into the Capitol to my post, I’m also surprised it hasn’t been taken down yet, do you have a copy on Bitchute or 3speak yet? I’d add that link to if you did...
Look out. This could only be the beginning of a long string (that's been widely predicted).
I've heard the insurrection act was signed last night.
"This is not a drill."
@cryptographic, I haven’t seen anything on Trump invoking insurrection act but it does look likely that another wave of false flags are in the works for Inauguration Day, with FBI warning of ‘intel’ that the “same groups” involved in storming the Capitol (Antifa, skinheads, Q, National Socialist Movement ???) are planning violence for Inauguration Day, specifically organizing storming of state Capitols and federal buildings nationwide... 9,000 troops are being deployed to DC for the inauguration to stop a repeat of January 6, ABC News has reported. Maybe this is via insurrection act.
Smells like predictive programming to me, preparing for a ramping up of the predicted ‘dark winter’ chaos.
it seems Trump’s final chance to expose shit would be to release documents exposing Hillary/Epstein/Pence/etc. and use military to oversee a new election with paper ballots and full counting transparency. Otherwise it looks like total tyranny or civil war will be the only options. Or nationwide peaceful uprising by millions.
Interesting times we live in, I guess we’ll see soon enough if it comes to civil war or not and how many people stand up to this totalitarian technocratic takeover.
I've also heard this is coming, but they won't be the first, rather the last. The mid-tier people will be taken down first, and the revelations will be stunning. People who have already seen some of the videos are aghast.
Biden: "What we witnessed yesterday was not dissent. It was not disorder. It was not protest. It was chaos. They weren't protesters. Don't dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists. It's that basic, it's that simple." - - [LINK]