We spread out our messages everywhere online and offline in hopes that Donald Trump Jr sees it or Steven Crowder who can reach out to Don Jr who can reach out to his father, Donald Trump Sr.
Think like a friend of a friend kind of thing. Or somebody who knows Steven. Or somebody who knows somebody who knows Steven.
In other words, we try to get as close to Trump as possible. You reach out to Alex Jones, Robert Barnes, Rudy, Eric, Melania, Don Jr's GF who looks like Rita from the Power Rangers, Diamond & Silk, Kanye West, Ivanka, senators, not Mike Pence lol, not any of the other swamp creatures, Barron, Michael Jackson if he was still alive, Roger Stone, Tucker, Hannity, OAN, RSBN, News Max, Infowars, Fox News to a very small percent, the President of Brazil, possibly the President of Canada, the President of Japan, the President of India, the current leader of like Hong Kong, Candace Owens, any direct relatives of Trump minus like Mary lol, celebrities who might be conservative enough, some of those actors, anybody who has ever met Trump or who has somebody who has met Trump kind of thing.
It's a giant web of contacts and you can eventually get to the center of the circle, which is Trump.