Peaceful Warriors of the Light and the Revolution of Love Sweeping Planet Earth Dealing Heavy Blows to the Forces of Darkness Attempting to Enslave Humanity

in Deep Diveslast month (edited)

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“The light keeps shining in the dark, and darkness has never put it out.” - John 1:5

“You are the light of the world. So let your light shine...For if the light within you goes dark, how great is that darkness!” - Yeshua (Jesus), 'Sermon on the Mount'

“Forever man will fight, til’ everyone in the dark world sees the light; til’ every man is equal in the Most High’s sight; doesn’t matter if you’re dark skinned, red or white.” - Anthony B, Freedom Fighter

Darkness, darkness, everywhere… Or so they would lead us to believe

The times in which we currently find ourselves traversing as people of the earth appear to be defined by a sense of increasing chaos, division, and intense polarization; with darkness of every kind all around us everywhere one looks. At least this is the view of our world as seen through the lens of the American Mockingbird Media and controlled corporate media across the planet. And with at least two major wars continuing to rage on with no end in sight, inching closer and closer to the point of exploding into a third world war many analysts project would almost certainly be nuclear; it is no wonder so many are convinced that this darkness on the earth – which cannot be denied – is taking over our planet, and that the proverbial ‘end’ is near.

This take on the state of the world being seeded into the collective human consciousness is not at all accidental, being an integral aspect of the deeply societally entrenched, intentionally orchestrated mass mind-control intrinsic to the enslavement of humanity. It breeds fear, depression, desperation, hopelessness leading to apathy, and also contributes to the divisiveness of an already highly polarized world. This unchecked institutionalized obsession with all things dark and violent is part of the Dark Side's longstanding attempt to increasingly anchor humanity in the lower level frequencies of suffering and negative states of consciousness wherein Mankind is incredibly dis-empowered and thus also feels entirely powerless to do anything meaningful to affect any real positive change in the world. This very real dis-empowerment creating a false sense of powerlessness in turn inevitably leads to huge portions of humanity outsourcing its power to the very systems and institutions responsible for fear-mongering, manipulating, and dis-empowering them in the first place.
Having been molded into the helpless and often hopeless victims that in truth none of us actually our, one naturally look to 'saviors' outside of oneself for empowerment, solutions, and freedom from the insanity. But the truth, that Bob Marley highlighted in his music, always remains the same: “None but ourselves can free our minds.” (Redemption Song)

In the world of politics, people are perpetually manipulated into outsourcing their power to political 'saviors' that inevitably do little to nothing to create any real positive change or 'save' either humanity or the planet from the 'bad guys', who or whatever that is defined as. On the contrary, such thinking and the action or non-action that follows consistently serves to perpetuate the very system of corporate-government enslavement actively dis-empowering humanity through this sick game of manipulative mind-control. The very same mindset and result is accomplished in religion by convincing people that true salvation, redemption, freedom and peace can and will only arrive when a future Messiah figure miraculously appears out of the heavens to 'save' us, and that we must obediently follow the teachings and leaders of the institutionalized religion if we wish to be among those 'saved'.

In both cases, humanity is being actively manipulated into falling for the lie that we have no real power of our own, when in fact the exact opposite is the truth, and we have always had ALL of the real power – or at least direct access to real power within us – while that masquerading on the world stage as power in all of its various forms is but mere force. It is no wonder that so many spiritual teachers and masters have warned their students and listeners of the danger of becoming entangled with the inherent negativity of these constructs of control by involving oneself in politics and organized religion.

The empowering truth that the Dark Side will endlessly suppress in every way imaginable is that we all have the greatest power of the entire universe lying dormant within is – each and every one of us – and this immense power is the very same power that created the universe. And this Power is Love. As captured so beautifully in the lyrics of musician MC Yogi:

“Your love, is the best medicine; I shine like Edison, whenever I let it in; Love is the power that opens every flower, and transformed this coward into a champion; When we are lost, love is there to remind us, providing signs and offering us guidance; Love is infinite, unlimited and timeless; Look inside your heart, that's where you will find it.”

It is no wonder those who wish to control us must first convince us we are effectively powerless; and ever ridicule the notion – true as it may be – that unconditional love extended to all is actually the real solution to all of our problems!

Inevitably, due to the mass awakening to the inherent corruption of the dark global power structures dividing and controlling us, a Great Inversion of the truth is the only way the Dark Side can continue to convince humanity to outsource its power and thus retain its control and domination of the planet. This is accomplished by putting darkness for light and light for darkness, to reference the words of the Hebrew prophet Isaiah; and so it is that in this time of great awakening, false light is becoming an even greater threat to humanity than the overt darkness now becoming plain for all to see.

Any ideology, system or institution that has us outsourcing our power to external forces of any kind and relying upon those same forces for our 'salvation' – whatever one perceives that to be – is pushing a dis-empowering falsehood directly contributing in large part to humanity's enslavement and state of perpetual suffering.

Peace/freedom activist and independent journalist Derick Broze defines this inversion as:

A false awakening whereby the steadily waking masses of freedom lovers are duped (once more) into falling for fake heroes and messiahs, and stealthily manipulated into supporting their own enslavement.

(Video also on Substack)

Unfortunately, this has led to a great number of awakening souls being steered off of the true path of spiritual awakening before completing the natural awakening process within themselves, and millions of minds are in this way being funneled into yet one more false paradigm of enslavement; the paradigm of the false awakening and false light battling the forces of darkness. Both of these 'opposing sides' of the false paradigm feed into the Dark Side's agenda for total control over humanity, and both appear to be equally entranced by the gloom & doom narrative of fear and helplessness that has such a grip on the collective human consciousness. The ‘Doomsday Clock’ well reflects this pervasive state of mind, counting down ever so steadily towards 'Doomsday'; kicked off at '7 minutes to midnight' in 1948 and now sitting at a mere '90 seconds' away from the ‘end’, signaling the fast approach of humanity's self-destruction in recent years.

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But many are seeing through the incessant fear-mongering, recognizing that focusing obsessively on the fear-inducing darkness in our world is no solution to the existential threat itself nor to the fear arising from this fixation; while some media voices are even recognizing the very real danger posed by this obsession – the anxiety it spawns. This anxiety then leaves people in a severely weakened state of helpless, hopeless, dis-empowerment, in which the mind is susceptible to even greater levels of manipulation and the body susceptible to all manner of disease.

This Dark Night which humanity is currently walking through is nevertheless a reality and should not be ignored; but so is the Light dawning in the heart of Mankind and shining into this world of darkness an even greater reality. And this is being highly suppressed and ignored like the plague. Why? Because the true light within us IS the solution, and the real solution threatens the political, corporate, religious, and financial power of all those who are a part of the problem. In truth, none of that is true power, but good luck trying to convince the power-hungry wolves who are drunk on greed that, “it ain't money that's power, it's knowledge that's king,” as musicians Steve Falconer and Alex Michael pointed out in a recently released song entitled You'll Wake Up Someday; an honest and loving assessment of the current state of vast swaths of humanity still plugged into the Matrix of dis-empower mind control.

You think your side is winning but you don't know the score; They ain't beasts in the east, we aren't the best in the west, we don't reason very well wearing bulletproof vests...By believing those dog-lying wolves on the screen, whose words you believe and whose pockets are green...You think you have freedom but you'll wake up someday...

This is spiritual war & the dark forces are steadily losing ground

Those who espouse the positive and in my view accurate assessment that the dark forces upon our planet are in fact steadily losing ground, are often met with incredible resistance from many a soul who is simply yet unable to acknowledge such a beautiful possibility. Understandably, I suppose, as it's not a difficult worldview to reinforce, given the rampant suffering of all types plaguing so much of the planet, especially given the amplification of this darkness by the powers that really shouldn't be.

Just one such prime example being widespread human trafficking, with more human slaves on the planet now than when the slave trade was outlawed across the West in the 19th Century. In fact, there are an estimated two to four times the number of human slaves on the planet today than the total number of slaves taken from Africa during the entire three and a half centuries of the Transatlantic Slave Trade!

The problem of modern human trafficking remains one of the ugliest blights of modern 'civilized' society. And while awareness of the scope as well as the deeply entrenched and covertly institutionalized nature of this deep darkness has grown in recent years, humanity has yet to take the decisive action necessary to root out this corruption from within our midst.

Slavery was finally outlawed when humanity could no longer collectively tolerate it, however slavery never actually disappeared, it simply shape-shifted and went underground; and there it stayed - out of sight, out of mind - until now, that is. And herein lies the key to understanding the nature of the darkness that appears to be so pervasive, out-of-control, and spreading at an alarming rate; as well as the reality that things are not nearly as dark and hopeless as they may at first glance appear to be, given our present bleak and dire looking circumstances in so many regards. For example, the claims that the number of human slaves on the planet had increased by a whopping 10 million in just 5 years – from an estimated 40 million in 2017 to an estimated 50 million in 2022, with these figures way up from an estimated 29.8 million in 2013 – are not likely accurate. Rather, a far more realistic picture of the situation likely being that the organizations behind these estimates have simply gotten much better over time with forming accurate estimates, while the actual numbers of modern human slaves have probably stayed roughly the same over the past two decades, as opposed to growing by 10 million every five years.

The reality is, that the darkness we are all being forced to face is nothing new at all; it is simply the same darkness that has been with humanity all along, the root of which we have yet to collectively address, heal and transcend. The collective darkness on the earth is not in fact intensifying, growing and spreading, but is simply becoming more visible to more people, who for so long refused to see or failed to recognize it for what it truly was.

The reason it seems to be intensifying is simply because it is finally coming to light, and this is because there is also more light on our planet at this time than ever before. After all, the nature of light shining ever more brightly into a dark world is the increasing illumination of that darkness, until the light eventually becomes so bright and its healing rays so pervasive, that the once seemingly intensifying and growing darkness fades away, being transformed into light. This is the nature of light; for when the sun rises, the darkness fades away, as darkness is nothing more than the absence of light. And the laws of our physical universe mirror the laws of the spiritual universe underlying the material world, just as our external world reflects our inner world, both individually and collectively.

This is a very heartening realization, and should serve as a powerful antidote to the sense of depression and hopelessness so many of us no doubt feel in these chaotic and challenging times. Humanity is simply collectively awakening from a long and deep slumber, and is understandably shocked and horrified by the reality she sees upon awakening from the illusory dream world she had been living in when she firsts opens her eyes. The Matrix film was ahead of its time, and serves as a wonderful allegory for the transition humanity is now undergoing.

The true state of affairs on Planet Earth is actually much more positive than society is collectively willing to accept. Since 2020, a Great Awakening has been shaking the collective soul of humanity out of a deep sleep of ignorance, sparking a global revolution the likes of which the world has never before seen, which is currently sweeping across our planet. But many do not see it, for this revolution which has the power to usher in the real change that all of humanity so desperately yearns for, will never be televised. Still others miss it because they are too caught up in the false awakening and are thus convinced that this spiritual revolution is being fought primarily or exclusively on the political stage, when nothing could be further from the truth.

We can all see the desperate need for real change at this point, revolutionary change, and few would go so far as to deny that. But fewer there are who actually see the revolution, now in full swing, that is actually serving to bring about this real change.

Many remain convinced that the revolution is a violent one being fought with material weapons, or that it is being fought upon the political stage and will soon be won with votes in an election. And given the state of world affairs, and the unprecedented number of elections taking place this year all around the world, surely people in many other places also feel much the same. Meanwhile, a great number of people remain distracted by the fear-inducing news cycles perpetually peddling gloom, doom and the divisive polarization tearing humanity apart; and in many respects, the world of social media along with a good number of alternative news outlets aren’t really much better at all in this respect. In some cases, they may in fact be worse.

So it is that, despite millions among humanity fast awakening, many of these are simply still unable to see the peaceful revolution of love that is sweeping the planet and threatening to tear down all of the old-paradigm fear-based constructs of darkness and control that stand between humanity and her birthright. This birthright is nothing less than the peace and freedom she has always desired and dreamed of. And when once this birthright has been successfully reclaimed, humanity will at last dwell in harmony on a beautiful planet no longer ravaged by the machinations of insanity, which are currently inflicting great harm, destruction, and needless suffering upon the very Earth which sustains our every physical and material need. What is needed to speed this transition out of the old and into the new, is a shift of our focus largely away from the darkness we wish to transcend and onto the bright future we are collectively creating as awakened and empowered children of God.

For those who truly desire this positive end, and who wish to see the long prophesied Golden Age of peace and freedom transpire before the alternative negative end of total destruction that society strangely seems so obsessed with arrives; there can be no mistaking that this is a full-blown spiritual war being waged for the very heart and soul of humanity, and indeed for the entire planet. The 'enemy's' goal is “full spectrum dominance” over Planet Earth and the entire human race, as their own documents plainly state; but the peaceful revolution of love sweeping the earth is seriously upending their plans, and, sensing that their end is nigh, the forces of darkness are lashing out like a hunted wolf backed into a corner.

In truth, this spiritual war has been ongoing for ages, however it is now culminating in what clearly seems to be a great final battle for the soul of humanity. And being a spiritual war, this battle for the soul of humanity is not fought with guns, bombs or violence, though the Dark Side certainly employs these tools; but it is rather fought with invisible spiritual weapons that are far more powerful than any guns or bombs could ever be. A fatal flaw of many well-intentioned souls, which only ever leads to empowerment of the very dark forces one thinks to be fighting, is to see the ‘other’ - any of our fellow brothers and sisters of humanity - as the enemy, rather than the darkness within them or the world systems of control which they may be serving.

As the Apostle Paul wisely admonished, one must put on the “armor of God” or “armor of light” in order to prevail against the “schemes of the devil,” and not worldly armor.

For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

As I have come to understand, these dark forces are in fact twofold. First and foremost, the ‘high places’ or ‘heavenly realms’ in which the forces of darkness are battling are the high places within the human body, that is the mind. The mind is home to the ego and its many fear-based thought constructs - ‘the devil and his angels’ - ever 'making war' against the divine light within us. After all, the human body is the true temple of God, and, as Jesus taught: “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” The human mind is the place wherein the ego - but a mental program within our mind and not the mind itself - hatches all of its dark schemes to keep us disconnected from our inner light. In so doing, we are kept in an illusory state of separation from Reality, a state of perpetual dis-empowerment.

All of the external constructs of control upon the planet which do the same - from organized religious and societal institutions to corrupt government organizations and greedy corporate leviathans - are created by the very same fear-based ego thoughts and beliefs which have first taken hold of the mind of Man. They are simply mirroring the mental constructs of control, and the false, limited fear-based belief systems which have hijacked the human mind.

At the same time, there are also low vibrational disembodied spirits roaming earth’s astral plane who feed off of the negative energy of weak-minded men and women - as clairvoyants well know; and also negatively polarized inter-dimensional beings of darkness which are the far more powerful of these two, and which some would call demons. Even these, however, contrary to popular religious belief, are not beyond redemption; for no being can walk the negative path of darkness without eventually reaching a point – a brick wall if you will – where the only way left to go is back into the light from which all beings come.

However, none of these beings, no matter how weak or powerful they may be, have any power over a human being apart from what power is given to them through one's own freewill choice to feed one's ego, essentially the choice to let fear rather than love guide us on our life path.

As Master Yoda in Star Wars rightly stated, “Fear is the path to the dark side,” and it is also by far the most powerful weapon the dark forces have at their disposal, alongside deception. The Dark Side weaponizes fear and employs deception with one single goal, and that is to keep humanity perpetually dis-empowered and cut off from the divine power that lies within us all. This is because, once this inner power is fully realized and embodied, it is game over for the forces of darkness operating on Planet Earth; as their only real source of power is the energy stolen from a humanity deceived and manipulated into giving its true power away.

So we can see that this is a spiritual war being fought first and foremost within the hearts and minds of humanity, collectively and individually. The revolution against the dark forces dominating and controlling the planet is being fought by peaceful warriors of light, whose most powerful weapons are unconditional love and truth. This revolution is being fought by millions of peaceful warriors armed with the love in their hearts, the peace in their minds, and the truth on their lips; united by the same inner power that connects us all, and guided by the wisdom of their own intuition rather than any external leader. The real battle against the forces of darkness in this world rages on in full force, within the hearts and minds of millions and upon the world stage alike, day by day; largely unseen and unrecognized by the world for what it truly is, but ever gaining ground. And so the darkness is pushing back with all it's got, adding to the false perception that we are are in the midst of a losing battle and only a uniquely empowered savior or messiah figure could ever possibly save us now.

Resistance grows in the heart of the Zionist Empire as its genocidal war rages on

The genocidal war on Gaza, raging on for 11 months now, weighs heavy on the hearts of many; and no wonder, as the immeasurable human suffering caused by this insanity is unfathomable. But humanity is rising up in opposition to this madness in greater numbers the longer the madness marches on; with another wave of massive anti-war protests sweeping the planet in recent weeks.

A picture of one particularly captivating banner at a recent NYC demonstration posted on X caught my eye, for it encapsulates the absurdity of the deeply entrenched dis-empowering mentality of western society. In very few words, its message annihilates the widely held falsehood that as a single individual one is powerless to affect change, also pointing to the unstoppable power of a united humanity. It's impressive 1.5 million views, 24,000 shares, and 103,000 likes on a single social media platform in under a week reveals that those of us who often feel so isolated in a world so non-receptive to the empowering message of individual empowerment and unity are far from alone. And this message is reaching millions.

(Post on X)

Meanwhile large protests in Israel erupted once again in recent days, with Israelis taking to the streets in protest of the current insane, tyrannical, extreme right-wing Zionist Israeli government.

A government which, on top of its staunch refusal to end its genocidal war on Gaza, has now also stripped the Supreme Court of its authority to act as a check-and-balance to the out-of-control Netanyahu Coalition, removing its power to strike down tyrannical legislation.

The smallest sparks can light a fire, and back at the beginning of this war on Gaza, a handful of youth taking a stand for peace and refusing to serve in Israel's mandatory military service, acted as sparks that helped to light a fire of resistance in Israel against the injustice and violence of Zionism. Tal Mitnick, featured in the bottom right of the cover photo of the post, was the first of those brave teens to be thrown into prison for his conscientious objection, but he wasn't the only one to pay this price; and the bravery of these young men and women no doubt inspired more to follow in their footsteps.

Only a handful of these 'refuseniks' go public, but there are more than these few, and the few that do courageously speak out about their choice serves as an inspiration to all who are a part of this global revolution of love.

Indeed, Israelis have been increasingly defecting from and refusing to serve in the IDF throughout the war, refusing to take part in this injustice and vicious cycle of violence.

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Ultra-orthodox Jews, or Haredi, who used to be exempt from the mandatory military service in Israel, have also been protesting since June, when the Supreme Court withdrew that exemption and mandated their service. Many of these Jews say they would rather die rather than serve in the military. In Monday's protest, a number of these Haredi Jews blocked a road to a local recruiting office. Nor are these objectors a fringe minority, consisting of over 1 million Israelis!

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Haredi Jews, constituting about 13% of Israel’s population of approximately 9.9 million, have long resisted military service, citing a profound commitment to Torah study, Judaism’s sacred text.

Here we get a glimpse into the real revolution sweeping the planet. This is how Americans brought the Vietnam war to an end, it's how Ghandi won India's independence from the British Empire, and also how the walls of segregation were torn down through the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s. Steadfast, nonviolent resistance to injustice and oppression is how humanity will win her freedom and bring peace to earth, and this revolution is by no means isolated to Israel.

As Henry David Thoreau said in regards to nonviolent noncompliance with tyranny, who was himself jailed for his refusal to pay taxes: “When the subject has refused allegiance, and the officer has resigned his office, then the revolution is complete.”

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And while it may look to be a political fight on the surface, make no mistake: This is spiritual warfare against the world forces of darkness on high, and it is being fought by men and women who have first dethroned the 'prince of darkness' within themselves.

The power of compassion – an everyday hero saves a life

It is important to keep in mind that one need not necessarily stand against corrupt government directly or be jailed for noncompliance with tyrannical laws to be a part of this revolution. Compassion and helping to alleviate suffering of any kind on our planet is a powerful act of resistance to the forces of darkness as well, as the low energy frequencies of suffering give the dark forces strongholds, while relieving any of the widespread suffering on earth weakens these same strongholds of darkness. The following story I stumbled across is a perfect illustration of just such a life-changing act by a regular, everyday hero of the new revolution.

TikTok user Amber Davis shared the inspiring and heartwarming story of how she rescued and rehabilitated a German Shepherd that had been subject to great suffering and abuse in a video posted to the social media platform in late August, that “is winning viewers’ hearts all over the globe.”

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As we can see from the pictures, at the time the dog named Roman was rescued, his condition was so bad that he hardly resembled a dog, and his rotting skin was nearly falling off his bones. The dog had been subject to longtime neglect and abuse by its former 'owner', who also rejected offers of help from concerned citizens and refused to surrender the dog for over a year, before law enforcement finally intervened, at which point Amber adopted him. Additionally, Roman had eye and ear infections, was infested with fleas and severely underweight, and appeared to be on the very verge of death. Thanks to Amber's loving care, however, the scared, traumatized and dying Roman, underwent a profound transformation and made what some are calling a “miraculous” recovery, as we can see.

And while this might seem trivial or insignificant in the bigger scheme of things and in light of the sheer amount of suffering now present across the planet, the dog who was rescued from his misery and whose life was brought back from the brink of death would certainly beg to differ. Nor can we discount the power of such stories to inspire others to take positive actions in their lives, and even the smallest random acts of kindness can eventually serve to change the world in ways we would could ever imagine.

To take the problem of abused, neglected, trafficked and enslaved children, for example, of which there are countless thousands; the film The Sound of Freedom demonstrated what just one man with enough determination, willpower and dedication can do to fight back against such horrific travesties of justice. We may feel helpless to make any difference when an injustice or suffering is so pervasive, but even if someone is only able to help or free or save one such child from their suffering, that one has made all the difference in the world to that child. And even if that is all that one does, that child may grow up to change the world in far greater ways that we could ever imagine.

Not only did The Sound of Freedom illustrate the power that we as individual members of the human family have to make a difference if we just put our minds to it, the powerful film itself dealt a massive blow to the dark forces involved in human trafficking by shining a bright light squarely upon that darkness. And until that which is done in the darkness comes to the light, it will forever remain with us, for we cannot address problems we are unaware of. Just how powerful the unarmed truth actually is, was demonstrated by just how strong the establishment push back against this film was when it was first released.

Many of us don't recognize the power that we as a single individual have, probably because we have yet to see a living example of such power. And we've all been there, I think, as this dis-empowering mindset is an integral part of the default societal programming nearly all of us have been subject to for most of our lives, until at last we begin to awaken and shake off that suffocating programming.

There are countless such real life examples of empowered individuals who make massive positive differences in the world, and here I will share just one that has been especially inspiring to myself and my own journey of empowerment.

What 'just one man' can really do to change the world: 'We are dealing a heavy blow to forces of dark...'

This man's name is John St. Julien. Like so many of us, he was just your average westerner caught up in the soul-sucking 'matrix' of western society, working his life away with no sense of higher/deeper purpose or meaning in life. That is, until the day he had the key realization which I think is necessary for each of us to break the mental chains of dis-empowerment. It was in the early days of his spiritual awakening journey, he had been fasting for a good many days, and was sitting in his UK flat watching a documentary. This documentary, about the plight of African children, was showcasing how the rampant spread of a particular disease at the time was causing so much suffering among African children.

He then began to get angry, wondering why nobody with the power to do anything about it was actually doing anything to help. Then he cried out, “Why isn't somebody doing anything about this?” Immediately he heard a voice within answer his question with the words: “You are somebody.”

And that's when the realization hit him. We all want somebody else that we think is qualified for the job to fix the world's problems, and yet every single one of us are somebody's who can do something to start solving any one of these many problems facing humanity. And we all have the power to do so, and once we tap into our own inner source of power, we become quite qualified for the job, perhaps more qualified than most of those we presume actually are. Shortly thereafter, John sold his belongings, booked a ticket, and moved to Tanzania to help volunteer at a relief agency helping children, or so that's what he thought he was signing up for.

John’s inspiring story - of how he went from being just another random western somebody, to starting and running a non-profit operation including a dog rescue, a special needs children's village and a home for recovering street teens in Tanzania - is a testament to the incredible power of faith, own inner guidance, and how much good ‘just’ one man or woman can do if they but follow their inner calling when it comes. I've followed John's work for quite a few years now, and he has been a major inspiration in my own life and taking my own life-changing leap of faith several years ago.

Now John is expanding his operations and setting his sights on much bigger goals, in the process of building a second children's village and kicking off a campaign meant to light a fire that will eventually burn away the darkness responsible for rampant child suffering in Africa. John is a powerful warrior of the light steadily dealing blow after blow to the dark forces around him, and naturally the darkness pushes back.

“Doing what we do, we are dealing a very heavy blow to Satan,” John explains in this video from early August.

I say we are dealing a mighty blow, as the inter-dimensional forces of spiritual wickedness, we can say; they need anchor points within our reality to be here, to continue to push the manifestation of the fallen behaviors that we see around us. We are not only building a village and villages for special needs children; we are talking about children who live in a perpetual state of torment and torture, sometimes for decades.

John has rescued many such children in his years doing his work in Tanzania, and has seen firsthand just how prevalent these wretched conditions are among so many innocent children who have been 'left behind' as it were. “They just lay there alone,” in their own defecation, he explains, bound and gagged, in a prison of darkness that has been created for them by their tormentors, given only just enough food to barely survive, and subject to being burned, cut and sometimes even raped by their tormentors.

As he notes: “This is a torment and a torture on earth that nobody is going to accept if they know it's there, but it is there, and nobody knows it's there. Because I have seen it now, and that is the story of countless special needs children across the developing world, countless, millions probably, millions.”

Indeed, a 2021 UNICEF report claimed that 10% of the world's child population is disabled, some 240 million children across the planet who are “simply being left behind.”

“This new research confirms what we already knew: Children with disabilities face multiple and often compounding challenges in realizing their rights,” said UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore. “From access to education, to being read to at home; children with disabilities are less likely to be included or heard on almost every measure. All too often, children with disabilities are simply being left behind.”

And across Africa this being left behind equates to a “depth of deprivation” far greater than the abuses outlined in the UN report, as we can see, as this horror story of enslavement and torture of special-needs and albino children John has personally encountered time and time again is the reality for such disadvantaged children across much of Africa.

“Where are they? Who is talking about them?” John asks, adding that: “Those children are our priority, and they will be rescued.”

The Dark Side's push back against this steadily expanding rescue operation is very real, too, as John has had at least one attempt on his life in recent weeks, and has also been repeatedly stalked. This is nothing new, really, but such incidents and threats are becoming more frequent now. Working with local Masai warriors who have helped to guard and protect the village for years, it has now even become necessary to station patrols of men armed with guns to protect their ever growing family of children and caretakers alike.

John explains:

This is a spiritual wickedness pushing back, and for good reason. Because we don't want to only build a village, we want to start a fire in human consciousness, that these children are there, and we need to start talking about them.

Just as such fires have been started for clean water and so many other movements for positive change, John is intent on starting the fire that will put an end to the rampant torture and abuse of children all across Africa.

We want to start a fire for this, this state of endless torture these children are in, and we will. And the enemy knows, and the enemy also knows how much we will take away from the low suffering frequencies that these children are in, from their plate. This situation we are in, this push back that we are getting, it is not only ourselves. The president of Tanzania has called for help in the last weeks, to the nation, to help with the extreme rise at this time, in child sacrifice, in organ harvesting from children. And now it's not only albino and special needs children, as our family is made up of, but it's also regular children.

As reported by the Tanzania Daily News in late July: “In her address to the chiefs at the Chamwino State House in Dodoma, President Samia raised concern on the increase in incidents of child abductions, disappearances, organ harvesting and the mutilation of individuals with albinism.”

This is the reality of the situation in many parts of Africa right now, for when deeply entrenched dark forces begin to lose their ground, they will push back with all they've got. But they're fighting a losing battle, as darkness is incapable of ever extinguishing the light, especially at this time with so much light shining brighter and brighter all around the world.

Thanks to John and his team, hundreds of special needs children and dogs alike have been rescued, dozens of street teens have been given a loving home, education, and opportunity for a much better life; and this is far from all that John's work encompasses and has accomplished. As their work continues to grow and expand, there is no telling how many more children will be saved and souls touched in positive ways because of this one project. This is what one individual tapping into the divine power within them and led by faith rather than fear can accomplish. The reality is that a man who truly walks with God can walk anywhere.

And this is just the visible effects of one single man and the small team that grew up around him. There are so many such empowered peaceful warriors of the light on the earth at this time, who are shining incredibly bright lights into the darkness, that the combined amount of good being accomplished by them is unfathomable. Just two additional peaceful warriors that immediately come to mind, whose lives also demonstrate just how much darkness can be dispelled and how much positive change can be accomplished by a single empowered soul, are: Dr. David R. Hawkins (Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior) and Thom Hartmann (The Prophet's Way: A Guide to Living in the Now).

But these stories, these people, and most others like them are intentionally ignored and suppressed by the Media and the entire ruling class alike, as are the powerful messages relayed by and through them. And so society remains woefully oblivious to just how much ground the darkness is actually losing right now, and just how fast they are losing it. The Revolution is not being televised, and so most are completely unaware of it. But the truth, and the inspiring stories revealing the immense power of each and every one of us, are nevertheless out there. Nor are they particularly difficult to find, either; we simply have to look for them, rather than continuing in our mindless consumption of that which our controllers continue to feed to us.

And at the end of the day, we don't need to move half way around the world and start an orphanage, or launch a massive movement, or even create a life-changing book or film or anything like that, in order to play a significant role in this unprecedented revolution.

Every moment of every day that we choose love over fear, we are dealing a massive blow to the forces of darkness who are ever losing their control over our planet. The 'little' things in life matter more than most imagine. We cannot effectively help free humanity until we have freed our own minds; we cannot effectively help empower others until we have become empowered ourselves; and all of our efforts to help achieve world peace matter little until we first find peace within ourselves.

But whatever we do, let us never allow the false appearances of a pervasive darkness enveloping and overtaking the world to get us down. Live like the warrior you were born to be, as the growing army of peaceful warriors of light upon this earth continues marching on. Forward we are marching, and there is no force strong enough to stop us, nor any darkness that could ever put out our light.

Well I see the way things go, like the things that they don't want you to know; How to prepare for a spiritual war, access the knowledge you have in store; See, we are living in material age, government don't care about the people in the streets; Enough of them are poor, working for a poor wage; To a dollar bill, they appear to be a slave; So I say, hold up your hands if you want real change; Better must come, but not at this rate. We and we have got to break these chains; Forwards we marching!” - Iya Terra featuring Jesse Royal, 'Marching On'


The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.

Frederick Buechner

Do you not think most of us are now slaves? We were sold a vision of slavery that is illusion, and we cannot recognize the many elements of slavery that we are subject to, even now living in a supposedly free country named the US. This was a nifty trick, and one that has been pulled on us a great many times, this telling us that slavery, or war, or famine, or suffering, look like fixed things that do not appear in the same way in our own lives. For instance, we are enslaved by the dollar, as our almighty god, yet the dollar is worthless numbers on a page. We are enslaved by the bankers, perhaps the largest collection of high frequency negative inter-dimensional beings who manage, by feeding on humans, to walk this earth. The medical men are also part of this group, and famine appears today in the form of rampant disease not the absence of food, but the absence of nutritious food.

They are leaving. They can no longer so easily walk among us, thanks to beings such as yourself. I honor you.

Thank you for your kind words! And thanks for sharing the quote, I like it, seems very true.

I do think most are slaves, but also that more are waking up and freeing themselves than ever before. And yes, there are such a great many ways we have been duped into various forms of enslavement, that I think it would be difficult to even count them all! Bankers, Big Pharma, war machines, manufactured disease through toxic food and 'medicine' as you mention, not to mention starvation through sanctions, blockades, greed, and the like. What's going on in Gaza right now seems to be waking a lot of people up to just how evil our puppet leaders truly are. Insane I would say that they can't make a ceasefire arrangement, but able to pause the war for a vaccination campaign to vaccinate the children of Gaza with an oral polio vaccine they also acknowledge was the very cause of the outbreak they are responding to. What madness!

Also withholding of free energy tech and other scientific discoveries which would empower humanity and help bring world peace, while simultaneously weaponizing the new technology hitting the market against us, when it could be used to our benefit, another means of enslavement.

But I think you are right, and they are leaving, albeit not as quickly as we would probably like, but it seems the light exposing the depth of their darkness is making it difficult for them to continue on as they have with their plans of enslavement. And so they are in their final days, those which remain, fighting a losing battle against a fast awakening humanity who can no longer bear to tolerate the obvious insanity for much longer. But I also think things gotta get a little worse yet to shake enough people more fully out of their trance, to the point where humanity clearly sees the problem for what it truly is - an entire system of enslavement, corrupt to its core, and not just some corrupt leaders or policies that need to be replaced or tossed out... I think also that RFK's recent full-on endorsement of both Trump and now even the entire Republican party is serving to wake a lot of people up to the fact that there is likely not a political solution to our problems, at least not as long as we are working withing the corrupt framework they have built for us.

Take care, and thanks for the comment.