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RE: Peaceful Warriors of the Light and the Revolution of Love Sweeping Planet Earth Dealing Heavy Blows to the Forces of Darkness Attempting to Enslave Humanity

in Deep Diveslast month (edited)

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.

Frederick Buechner

Do you not think most of us are now slaves? We were sold a vision of slavery that is illusion, and we cannot recognize the many elements of slavery that we are subject to, even now living in a supposedly free country named the US. This was a nifty trick, and one that has been pulled on us a great many times, this telling us that slavery, or war, or famine, or suffering, look like fixed things that do not appear in the same way in our own lives. For instance, we are enslaved by the dollar, as our almighty god, yet the dollar is worthless numbers on a page. We are enslaved by the bankers, perhaps the largest collection of high frequency negative inter-dimensional beings who manage, by feeding on humans, to walk this earth. The medical men are also part of this group, and famine appears today in the form of rampant disease not the absence of food, but the absence of nutritious food.

They are leaving. They can no longer so easily walk among us, thanks to beings such as yourself. I honor you.


Thank you for your kind words! And thanks for sharing the quote, I like it, seems very true.

I do think most are slaves, but also that more are waking up and freeing themselves than ever before. And yes, there are such a great many ways we have been duped into various forms of enslavement, that I think it would be difficult to even count them all! Bankers, Big Pharma, war machines, manufactured disease through toxic food and 'medicine' as you mention, not to mention starvation through sanctions, blockades, greed, and the like. What's going on in Gaza right now seems to be waking a lot of people up to just how evil our puppet leaders truly are. Insane I would say that they can't make a ceasefire arrangement, but able to pause the war for a vaccination campaign to vaccinate the children of Gaza with an oral polio vaccine they also acknowledge was the very cause of the outbreak they are responding to. What madness!

Also withholding of free energy tech and other scientific discoveries which would empower humanity and help bring world peace, while simultaneously weaponizing the new technology hitting the market against us, when it could be used to our benefit, another means of enslavement.

But I think you are right, and they are leaving, albeit not as quickly as we would probably like, but it seems the light exposing the depth of their darkness is making it difficult for them to continue on as they have with their plans of enslavement. And so they are in their final days, those which remain, fighting a losing battle against a fast awakening humanity who can no longer bear to tolerate the obvious insanity for much longer. But I also think things gotta get a little worse yet to shake enough people more fully out of their trance, to the point where humanity clearly sees the problem for what it truly is - an entire system of enslavement, corrupt to its core, and not just some corrupt leaders or policies that need to be replaced or tossed out... I think also that RFK's recent full-on endorsement of both Trump and now even the entire Republican party is serving to wake a lot of people up to the fact that there is likely not a political solution to our problems, at least not as long as we are working withing the corrupt framework they have built for us.

Take care, and thanks for the comment.