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in Deep Dives5 years ago

Yes. It is happening in different states in America. Cops in red states refuse to enforce anti-constitutional suggestions. The mask law is not a law or a rule. It is technically a recommendation that they try to force people to comply to in blue states in the USA in 2020. Bill Gates patented the virus in 2019.


Bill Gates didn't patent the virus in 2019. There were other corona viruses that were patented in relationship to working on a vaccine for those viruses, like sars, mers, for example.

Bill Gates did patent Covid in 2019 through other groups indirectly. Follow the money back to the parent companies and you will see Bill Gates and others behind it all.

No there was not a patent for covid 19 in 2019 and I highly doubt you can provide a link that proves otherwise.

You have not been looking.

Conspiracy sites, all the others debunk what you are saying and show the cause...a meme of a statement made with them then adding a statement relating it to covid 19.

Your reply only reiterates that you have nothing.

Did you see what CDC said a few days ago?

Are you deflecting away from your conspiracy?

You mean about the comorbidity? If so then yes. That doesn't mean the death rate is lower due to covid. What that means is that the eighty million Americans walking around with a terminal or chronic health issue still face more of a threat from covid, those who have died with diabetes, for example (because covid strikes down a lot of folks who are diabetic), would still be walking around if they hadn't gotten covid. They didn't die from diabetes they died from covid. That's all comorbidity really means, they had a pre existing condition but that pre existing condition didn't kill them.

Thanks for the fact-check.

Bill Gates did patent Covid in 2019 through other groups indirectly. Follow the money back to the parent companies and you will see Bill Gates and others behind it all.

Links please.

There are many links and many things relating to this. I can give you dozens of links relating to several different things. Lets start with this 060606 patent. Oriental Review wrote this article in April of 2020. It references and links to a few different things. But that is only the tip of the iceberg. Also, they're not the only ones writing articles about it. So, that is why I say there are so many links I can give you. It really depends on how deep you want to dive into this topic. It's multifaceted and pretty gradual over the years in the preparation, including the 2010 Lock-Step, the 2019 Event 201, and the list goes on and on. To be continued.

Nice, thanks.

This should get me started.

So billy wants to be able to pay your for doing jumping jacks or being at a particular place at a particular time?

The case described below relates to an officially documented fact, although there is something rather biblical about it. Patent WO/2020/060606 was registered on 26 March 2020. The patent application was filed by Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC, headed by Bill Gates, back on 20 June 2019, and, on 22 April 2020, the patent was granted international status. The title of the patent is “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data”.

So, what is this invention that the people at Microsoft decided to patent? The abstract of the patent application online states: “Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.”

Yeah, you're right about Billy Grahams, I mean Gates. I got my info from Alex Jones many months ago. But Infowars is not the only group talking about it. I just hear it and I pass it on. I googled it and found some of this in a few seconds.

Why are you living in denial? Someday, you will find out about what I am talking about. I can easily tell you how I know assuming I didn't already.


Red and Blue are doing the same thing.