Excellent scene, on every level. Need to rewatch the whole thing -- it's been far too long. So, given my limited knowledge regarding this topic, if you don't want to be a slave to the system, it seems that there are two choices: Either opt out of the system entirely (start your own village, live off the grid, etc.) or do as Andy does and find the loopholes. Is there something I'm leaving out? Perhaps it's a faulty analogy but I had libertarian-minded friends who didn't approve of the government's excess spending, but were basically of the mind that hey, if the government's going to be so stupid, might as well take as advantage of it. So they lived off unemployment and kept claiming that check, year after year. I'm not saying it's necessarily the "right" way but it's a way.
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Hey Kat
I think you have the crux of the matter identified.
I love this scene because for us who are not only interested in the Society we live in, but are also looking for ways out of the control system, it speaks a lot. Though to a layperson Stephen King's execution of this part of his story is genius and makes logical sense, when you get down to it, it doesn't work like that at all (especially in the 21st century where everything is biometrically tagged and linked, where every damn thing requires ID verification). But that's beside the point.
We have to know what the System is. The subject is too broad and too deep to get into, nor will I bore you with it. I'll link you to a very fairly short interesting video down below though, about the letter/correspondance of Edward Mandel House to President Woodrow Wilson, where E.M.H reveals his grand scheme.
You have to know that the whole society all around the world operates on the Vatican created Trust system, of Administrator, Creditor and Debtor offices. We cannot truly get out of the entire system, but we can get back to the correct standing within this Trust system (which is a banking system btw), and put things right. You must look into the Cestui Que Vie Trust that the whole world operates on.
So in that sense you're sort of right: we either opt out of the control system of the debtor-office in the Trust system (where we have been deceived, via the birth certificate that you and i were given since birth, to act as the trustee of the State) and return back to the creditor side of things (whereby placing the State/Government/Vatican banking system back to where they belong when the entire Trust system was set up: our Trustee), or find loop-holes.
Regarding the second matter, only a few countries truly have this privilege such as England, America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, as it's not run by total dictatorship and outright blatant corruption where the State truly doesn't give a fck (as compared to say...Mexico...you know the score...). But it's not the total solution.
Going off grid, forming your own village/community etc is not opting out of the system...what it actually is...is changing infrastructure...from the mainstream infrastructure given by the State/Government to something alternative...but that is still within the system...and often times within the system control of the debtor-office.
Regarding your friends "leeching" off the State, to an average well programmed supporter of society that is a bad bad thing...but if you know what the Cestui Que Vie is...and how the Trust System was originally set up, and how it all ties into the (fraudulent) birth certificate that bears the State-owned SURNAME incorporated (that means "merged together") with ones given name(s)...thereby creating something called a "legal person"...if you know these truths...and how it all ties into how money is created (money is created by one's autograph), where it actually comes from (it comes from ones Creditor account within the Trust System, which is your true birth right, your Equity, and this account is limitless...as money is just a fiction...so this currency is a fiction...this fiction has value in this messed up system)...then your friends "leeching" off the State isn't such a bad thing after all!
(after all, the truth is: the State/Governments/world bankers/Vatican were originally our Trustees...we entrusted our natural, mineral wealth, share of the land which has monetary value, equity and all our estates to the State...they stole it from us the people via a monumental banking fraud).
Sorry for the long response. Here's the vid i spoke about:
Cool, I will check out the video! As always, I appreciate your thorough and thoughtful response. Fascinating stuff! I definitely want to learn more about this topic. But I think it starts from within and by claiming your sovereignty.
And yes, considering how much the system has taken from me, I'm all for taking back at least a piece of my share or at least find ways to prevent it from taking more! Sometimes it's actually quite simple. I grew up being one of those people who played by the rules and feared the consequences of not playing by them, but more and more I'm seeing how the whole thing is really one big game. The other day, I was opening a new bank account, and the woman said I had to pay a $2,000 peso "insurance fee." I simply said I couldn't pay it, and she didn't even bat an eye, just kept handing me forms and eventually opened my account!
Here ya go:
Awesome, thanks!