you've outlined their methodology.
-> aliens -> requires space
-> moon landing -> requires space
-> flat earth -> voids space
-> demon-crats -> voids man, conscious -- people fail to believe possible (all things are possible)
-> reptilian queen -> no conscious, the appearance is thus, reality may be otherwise (human that gave up their soul)
given these facts, their tool for remaining hidden then is discreditation.
Who knows, they might learn something along the way
I am constantly updating my understanding.
Once you see God in all things, there really is no way to see it otherwise again.
now the question is, can I help others see themselves as That with is All so we can clean this mess up?
because you can't do it if you are a dis-empowered no-thing that believes all life is accidental.
I'd be happy to have someone prove me wrong on any point. The God point is impossibly bound.. that is the only one.