Hmmmmmmm. This really looks like just another one of those crazy nut-job conspiracy theories to me - right up there with aliens, the moon landing, flat earth and Democrats who drink children's blood - and let's not forget the reptilian queen. That's every 'conspiracy theorists' wet dream.
Are you really sure about this? Are you mocking some of the most prestigious newspapers and journalists in the world, who clearly produced undeniable evidence from the most credible sources available (i.e. intelligence agencies), that the defendant is a traitor, who then directly put millions of lives at risk, along with the national security of the most democratic and free nations of the world, with his subversive actions to undermine our 'freedoms'?
This also looks like an attack on the judicial system and it's very foundations, that protect every citizen and their constitutional rights to free speech. How can anyone possibly question the courts authority, including the extensive education and credibility/integrity of a judge who could never possibly do something as despicable, as partake in a Kangaroo Court to uphold a government mandated and predetermined outcome, before the court proceedings even took place?
I'm really starting to question peoples sanity around here. With all those 'facts' on the table, it's simply impossible to deny the court's decision will nothing but fair and reasonable, which involved nothing more that an independent inquiry into a traitors actions.
As serious as this story is, I'm obviously being extremely sarcastic with that comment above, but it serves as a template for some of the ludicrous bullshit, that we would all hear from establishment run institutions and their proxy's as a way discredit anyone who does not strictly obey to their edicts.
Sadly, it's the same establishment run institutions that leverage their power and influence on a 'normies' mind, that would make them utter absurd statements, such as the opening line.
I did not write this as a sign of disrespect or to derail this post of its intended purpose. Neither did I write this as a sign of disrespect for the defendant in this case, who is likely going to suffer the full and brutal force of the Kangaroo court and its predetermined outcome.
I hope this story gets the continual attention it needs, and the entrants do it justice with some great deep diving research, to set some 'facts' straight.
I also welcome some of those people, who claim that everything is a 'conspiracy theory', to participate themselves. Who knows, they might learn something along the way and respect anyone who attempts to cover stories such as this, in a journalistic fashion.
you've outlined their methodology.
-> aliens -> requires space
-> moon landing -> requires space
-> flat earth -> voids space
-> demon-crats -> voids man, conscious -- people fail to believe possible (all things are possible)
-> reptilian queen -> no conscious, the appearance is thus, reality may be otherwise (human that gave up their soul)
given these facts, their tool for remaining hidden then is discreditation.
I am constantly updating my understanding.
Once you see God in all things, there really is no way to see it otherwise again.
now the question is, can I help others see themselves as That with is All so we can clean this mess up?
because you can't do it if you are a dis-empowered no-thing that believes all life is accidental.
I'd be happy to have someone prove me wrong on any point. The God point is impossibly bound.. that is the only one.
I welcome it, I will be here all day.