He doesn’t do his trash because he wants a sensible discussion, @montycashmusic. You may consider him a parasite of the platform.
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He doesn’t do his trash because he wants a sensible discussion, @montycashmusic. You may consider him a parasite of the platform.
I consider him an autobot... someone built an enemies list and is just being a dick.
I suppose the issue here is that if Hive becomes more popular amongst the mainstream, dicks like this will gain more of a footing. It is best to dispose of them as quickly as possible. In the end, this kind of thing will also have a voice. Having said that, the voice that seeks to remove a voice is the voice that will be quietened on a free platform!
you mean dick heads like you who smear me without even checking my profile?
I was sharing a link to a post @quackwatch is going to be paid out for, so people would go DOWNVOTE QUACKWATCH.
Please check my replies above. I've just got home from work and have had the chance to see the barrage of comments you have made.
I did make a false assumption at the beginning due your botlike comments which appeared to be requesting the above listed's comments to be downvoted on the post in question.
Yes, it genuinely appeared to me without checking you out individually that you were working in cohutz with this user.
If you had bothered to check me out individually, you would not be so fast to make judgements on me either, and see it as an honest mistake.
Hope we can make amends! All the best,
Holy cow this all got out of hand didn't it?
But everyone keeps saying Hive lacks engagement - so this is all good!
Yes, it's all very engaging isn't it? 🤣
Is there a way to fight autobots, @frankbacon?
Not by smearing others who are pro free speech, we have only interreacted a few times but the author of this post just smeared me without even checking a single thing I post on my profile.
Coincidentally... this was the EXACT MO of Hivewatchers!
I too like bacon... Mmmm
Ya I know.. and it's sadly one of us who didn't do our research.
And neither did you do yours. If YOU bothered to check me out, and not been so fast to jump the gun you would have not come to such a fast conclusion about me either and seen it was an honest mistake.
I do not have the time to watch my Hive account constantly, so it takes a little time to reply. Now that I am home, I have seen my mistake and I have made the change.
Truly sorry. Have removed you from the post.
I am very happy to not be associated with communism.
I will stand with you in that fight.
Well done Bruv!
Peace Control!
@frankbacon can you explain to this dipshit @montycashmusic that I am pro free speech and he has wrongfully accused me of being affiliated with this bullshit communist account that is smearing all of us?
he obviously did read my blog before smearing me here.
I genuinely wish I could explain anything to anyone ... sad afternoon in my book inn that category.
but I think it's actually Quite telling that my Name pops up on this list and I post FICTION almost 100% of the time in posts... and just speak my mind in coments... mostly... or it's the other way around, but the point is Free Speech is de facto on HIVE. But the Intelligence behind any ONE account? That shit will cost.
HIVE regards for anyone not acting like a Bot! Save that shit for Twitter! And Leave Twitter!

Cool !
Not the first "Hater" Bot.
But it's good to "air them out" asap & "smash" them 😜
Sure, well so let's then be clear and upfront with our votes that parasites like these are not tolerated. It's the first time I've been put on one of these lists. So in a way, I'm honoured to be put amongst you all. lol
I was honored to be amongst you until YOU associated me with @quakcwatch.
I was linking people to the only post quack watch was going to be paid out for, but YOU OBVIOUSLY DO NOT DO YOU RESEARCH BECAUSE MY ENTIRE BLOG IS ABOUT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION & PRIVACY.
Remove me from you post, I dont want to be associated with this shit stain communist please.
Ok, man, please settle down. I gave my reasons above.
I've removed you from the post.
War!!! Forever!!! Blood feud and some moonshine!!!
Man you need a dab. Let's dab you out until you chill...
Hahaha bet your already chilled...
Yeah I couldn't help it hahaha.
I'm still getting a bong
You better 😉
I just started hammer bong bowls having PTSD wondering why @logiczombie is trying to subvert our freedom of association from downvoting quackwatch if we want.
Subverter... And he didn't read the full thread...
And seems to think internet outrage lasts in all cases.
LOL I rage quit hive when this shit went down. I told my friend id rather kill myself than be communist last week when talking about UBI.