The user @quackwatch has been pointing the finger and making ungrounded accusations at various active Hive truthers and independent journalists; labelling us as 'quacks' in an effort to expose us and call us out as 'conspiracy theorists' (the popular derogatory label for any dissent from the mainstream narrative on the latest world issues).
I call on a community disposal of these accounts to actively downvote any and all content it produces in this form or any other.
@quackwatch has not engaged in dialogue with any of its accused parties and instead has decided to deliberately propagate disinformation based on assumptive premises. For example, labelling many truthers automatically as 'flat earthers' without first investigating any of the information it claims to be 'exposing'.
Let's keep free speech and the free and open spirit of inquiry alive on Hive and put the trash out when it is due.
Here is my last comment I wrote in reply to this user on its latest 'Quack Watch' post here:
If you actually bothered engaging in dialogue instead of pointing a finger constantly, you might learn something.
Here's a link to a recent expose on the crimes of Fauci and the unreliability of the mRNA vaccine by Pfizer and BioNTech which is by FDA definition a medical device, that is gene therapy and not a vaccine in the traditional sense of the medical term, to send you on your way:
SPECIAL FREE LIVE BROADCAST 5th Jan 2021: Focus on Fauci
There is a reason why 80% of health workers are refusing the 'vaccine' in Illinois 1.
It's because they don't want to be a guinea pig with this thing because before now no "mRNA vaccine or drug has ever been approved by the FDA."1
It is an old story to point the finger at people and expose them for being a quack without actually engaging in dialogue. It exposes your inability to communicate and in this it exposes your advocacy of a totalitarian state that no longer allows both sides of an argument, censoring in the name of 'growing stronger together'.
There is a war on free-speech at this time (regardless of which side of the fence you sit) and many believe the censorship used in the last year by big-tech to be justified.
The type of state that you advocate with your actions here is the same totalitarianism threatened by Hitler.
The funny (sad) thing is, it's not a conspiracy, or a joke - yet you treat it as one. This is actually happening and you have no control.
The little control that you do have left, you are using to put down the tall poppies that dare stand up and talk against the mainstream narrative.
The assumption that you are right in the first instance is the first crime of justice you commit. The true spirit of inquiry allows all perspectives and encourages dialogue.
You represent a future that is not my future.
The world will ultimately make its choice and when you look back one day and see how your actions have effected the soup of things - you'll wonder in regret how the hell could you have been so fucking stupid.
I am grateful that you have taken the action to do this, because it has given me hope - any reaction is better than no reaction as the majority seem to be sinking into a world of collective apathy, which is no life for me.
Good luck with your future endeavours! If this comment proves to you what you say I am. I am glad to be that. If I cannot stand up and fight against this machine, I no longer exist as what I am but instead as a drained piece of essence, a lifeless crumb, a single drop filled sponge; within a caked, rusting shell.
I prefer life, so I actively choose it with my life, my words, my thoughts and my actions. I look forward to the day that you do the same.
Thank you for this opportunity!
Stand for free speech on the uncensorable Hive blog platform! Thanks all for your amazing work to keep Hive free!
I see now the user's rep is down to 0 (which is a win for the censorship resistant Hive community!) - this will not be the last attack as 'truther exposers' will start oozing out of the woodwork geared with the tools of a pseudo-intelligent labelling system and popular counter-intelligence propaganda.
@ackza @amaterasusolar @activistpost @article61 @arabisouri @theycallmedan @apshamilton @austinsteinbart @babyqplus @barge @brianoflondon @canadian-coconut @captainquack22 @crosheille @cryptographic @ctime @dailyeagle @dandays @deepdives @dollarvigilante @drutter @familyprotection @felix.herrmann @foxkoit @frankbacon @frot @sift666 @fulltimegeek @fyrstikken @ganjafarmer @gardenofeden @hive-168088 @j85063 @jasonliberty @hamismsf @jimbobbill @joeyarnoldvn @kennyskitchen @klausklaus @klevn @krnel @leavingtheherd @libertyacademy @lighteye @logiczombie @luca1777 @lucylin @mariuszkarowski @mers @mes @mikemullens @missagora @mmmmkkkk311 @movingman @mstrashworthy @newworldfreedom @nickhintonn @non-partisan @oldoneeye @opidia @pavelsku @perceive @perceptualflaws @phusionphil @preparedwombat @quinneaker @pressfortruth @redline-aviator @resetciviliz @richq11 @rt-international @samstonehill @saramiller @stayoutoftherz @sweecee @taliakerch @tlavagabond @tommyrobinson @tonygreene113 @trucklife-family @truthforce @truthproductions @ura-soul @v4vapid @valued-customer @venomnymous @wakeupnd @woelfchen @xchng @xeldal @zedikaredirect @zyx066
Downvote party!!!!
This guy earned it. Especially judgemental and obviously with a axe to grind.
I'd have a further look into this guy's actions. Bet he is a person we dealt with before. Then we also manage the downvote pool to cover his further abuses and harassment.
Hive watchers? They willing to back the community?
I'm totally willing to donate my downvote daily to dump on this guy.
And I don't really downvote...
I'm actually NOT in favor of downvoting @quackwatch
If you only support speech you agree with, you DON'T support free-speech.
I think you kind of missed where we made up...
Do you want to see the the history of downvotes they gave me for simply denouncing Chinese communism.
Downvoting is freedom of expression, and you are encroaching our freedom to express ourselves by suggesting we do anything other than make up our own mind independently about what we want to downvote.
I understand your sentiment, but its eye for an eye downvoting the Bernie sanders thrashing mob who has attempted to incite a device amongst the right wing people here on Hive.
I'm just a libertarian who watch this assault on freedom of association take place in from of me, and I will happily link you to over 150 plus posts where I was targeted by the quackwatch accounts with downvotes much akin to how we are treating them now.
As they say, what goes around comes around.
Because I believe in freedom of expression, and duality as well as human psychology interests me, no one said life was fair right?
I'd consider it cognitive dissonance to be ignoring things that I don't like, almost like something a child has to do when encountering feelings they don't like... fortunately I am mature enough to handle the idea of someone being hated for their beliefs, life isn't fair... get used to it.
So, instead of "religious freedom" do you believe in more of a "religious cage-match"?
I don't believe in religion.
Also, downvoting someone into oblivion is PRACTICALLY THE SAME (from your perspective) AS "MUTING" THEM.
You're basically trying to "erase" them.
You're not changing their minds.
You're not challenging your own preconceptions.
I just like to zero out their post to prove a point that if they are using hive to talk shit, they will get shit on.
He doesn’t do his trash because he wants a sensible discussion, @montycashmusic. You may consider him a parasite of the platform.
I consider him an autobot... someone built an enemies list and is just being a dick.
I suppose the issue here is that if Hive becomes more popular amongst the mainstream, dicks like this will gain more of a footing. It is best to dispose of them as quickly as possible. In the end, this kind of thing will also have a voice. Having said that, the voice that seeks to remove a voice is the voice that will be quietened on a free platform!
you mean dick heads like you who smear me without even checking my profile?
I was sharing a link to a post @quackwatch is going to be paid out for, so people would go DOWNVOTE QUACKWATCH.
Please check my replies above. I've just got home from work and have had the chance to see the barrage of comments you have made.
I did make a false assumption at the beginning due your botlike comments which appeared to be requesting the above listed's comments to be downvoted on the post in question.
Yes, it genuinely appeared to me without checking you out individually that you were working in cohutz with this user.
If you had bothered to check me out individually, you would not be so fast to make judgements on me either, and see it as an honest mistake.
Hope we can make amends! All the best,
Holy cow this all got out of hand didn't it?
But everyone keeps saying Hive lacks engagement - so this is all good!
Yes, it's all very engaging isn't it? 🤣
Is there a way to fight autobots, @frankbacon?
Not by smearing others who are pro free speech, we have only interreacted a few times but the author of this post just smeared me without even checking a single thing I post on my profile.
Coincidentally... this was the EXACT MO of Hivewatchers!
I too like bacon... Mmmm
Ya I know.. and it's sadly one of us who didn't do our research.
And neither did you do yours. If YOU bothered to check me out, and not been so fast to jump the gun you would have not come to such a fast conclusion about me either and seen it was an honest mistake.
I do not have the time to watch my Hive account constantly, so it takes a little time to reply. Now that I am home, I have seen my mistake and I have made the change.
Truly sorry. Have removed you from the post.
@frankbacon can you explain to this dipshit @montycashmusic that I am pro free speech and he has wrongfully accused me of being affiliated with this bullshit communist account that is smearing all of us?
he obviously did read my blog before smearing me here.
I genuinely wish I could explain anything to anyone ... sad afternoon in my book inn that category.
but I think it's actually Quite telling that my Name pops up on this list and I post FICTION almost 100% of the time in posts... and just speak my mind in coments... mostly... or it's the other way around, but the point is Free Speech is de facto on HIVE. But the Intelligence behind any ONE account? That shit will cost.
HIVE regards for anyone not acting like a Bot! Save that shit for Twitter! And Leave Twitter!

Cool !
Not the first "Hater" Bot.
But it's good to "air them out" asap & "smash" them 😜
Sure, well so let's then be clear and upfront with our votes that parasites like these are not tolerated. It's the first time I've been put on one of these lists. So in a way, I'm honoured to be put amongst you all. lol
I was honored to be amongst you until YOU associated me with @quakcwatch.
I was linking people to the only post quack watch was going to be paid out for, but YOU OBVIOUSLY DO NOT DO YOU RESEARCH BECAUSE MY ENTIRE BLOG IS ABOUT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION & PRIVACY.
Remove me from you post, I dont want to be associated with this shit stain communist please.
Ok, man, please settle down. I gave my reasons above.
I've removed you from the post.
War!!! Forever!!! Blood feud and some moonshine!!!
Man you need a dab. Let's dab you out until you chill...
Hahaha bet your already chilled...
Yeah I couldn't help it hahaha.
I'm still getting a bong
You better 😉
I just started hammer bong bowls having PTSD wondering why @logiczombie is trying to subvert our freedom of association from downvoting quackwatch if we want.
LOL I rage quit hive when this shit went down. I told my friend id rather kill myself than be communist last week when talking about UBI.
Make sure you downvote on every current post and comment by this idiot. There are at least 2 current posts.
His Rep is already zero and soon will be negative.
I've downvoted 100% on all my accounts.
I'm actually NOT in favor of downvoting @quackwatch
If you only support speech you agree with, you DON'T support free-speech.
Hive offers censorship resistance but also a form of stake-based crowd-sourced content moderation (upvoting and downvoting).
This Quack can speak freely on Hive and people that don't like the fact that he is attacking lots of great Hiveans can downvote him (or not depending on their preference).
His content will always be on the blockchain and accessible via a range of block explorers, but will be hidden on major front-ends.
This is the right balance between free speech and hate speech - decided by large numbers of intelligent humans with a financial stake in the Hive platform.
I'm not sure @quackwatch rises to the level of "hate speech".
If you only support speech you agree with, then you DON'T support free-speech.
Calling an Israeli Jew like me a Neo-Nazi IS hate speech.
I support the right of people to speak and have a platform to speak.
I also have a right to down-vote it.
Downvoting is not incompatible with free-speech.
It is an exercise of free-speech.
If you only support speech you agree with, then you DON'T support free-speech.
People have the right to express their opinions, even if those opinions are about you.
If you don't want to see their opinions, why not simply "MUTE" them?
Because this Quack is not just expressing opinions I disagree with, he is conducting defamatory, ad hominem attacks on a whole lot of good Hiveans.
If you express an opinion I disagree with I will not downvote.
If you engage in defamatory labelling and personal attacks on valuable members of Hive I will downvote.
For example, there are a small minority on Hive who occasionally engage in Holocaust denial (which I obviously and innately disagree with).
However if it is expressed as an opinion and they are open to it being debunked, I will not downvote, especially if the vast majority of their content is fine.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
But defamatory labelling of people is a personal attack, not an opinion.
The downvote belongs to the individual, I can downvote it for literally any reason I want, with as many friends of mine as I want.
#freedomofassociation may not be a right in your home country, but here in Canada I have the right to freedom of association.
Obviously you can downvote whatever you wish.
I don't agree with downvoting @quackwatch simply because of their OPINION.
I mean, really, @quackwatch thinks we're idiots and we think @quackwatch is an idiot.
I really don't see the difference.
Just believing someone is an idiot is NOT a good reason to downvote.
Are all christians idiots?
Are all muslims idiots?
Why would we expect to NOT be downvoted by (high-powered) accounts that disagree with us and yet still downvote accounts we disagree with?
It just doesn't seem very "principled".
My downvoting power is always nearly recharged, I save it strictly for stuff I am very against. Like communism and protecting groups of people who don't give back.
I also saw that post mentioned here and then I followed like a couple dozen users because of it. I cannot argue against downvoting this libelous post. I was able to use it but there are those with less critical thinking who would take it for its face-value.
I'm actually NOT in favor of downvoting @quackwatch
If you only support speech you agree with, you DON'T support free-speech.
As you rightly pointed out also in previous posts, the flagging mechanism on Hive and Steem is too often used as a kind of cancel culture. They should have included me because I am a flat Earth denier.
Have you heard of BLURT.BLOG?
Key feature, no downvote buttons.
Yes, I have a @leprechaun and @steemfiles account on blurt and also on whaleshares. I sometimes browse with because this way I can see steem, hive, blurt and whaleshares posts all in one website. Sometimes a post is on multiple chains. When that happens I can vote them up on all of the chains at the same time. I couldn't get golos to work. I think its a dead chain.
That sounds awesome.
Is this a neutral, no-rep portal?
That's right.
Again, you do not get to encroached others freedom of expression, they are free to downvote who ever they want.
Why are you trying to subvert the downvotes?
Because downvoting is only used by the RICH to obliterate the POOR.
It's another form of FEUDAL HIERARCHY.
A fudal heirchy that we choose to participate in by using Hives monetary aspects for personal gain, yes that is in fact so.
Why would someone who doesn't enjoy heights be on the swing set, telling us what we should enjoy when we are on the swings?
I know that last one is a rhetorical fallacy, but its a reflection u had of this situation that I am interested in.
Ok, I'm on HIVE because it seems "less bAD" than the alternatives available at the time.
BLURT.BLOG seems more like what I thought STEEMIT was going to be when I first joined.
Parler was the only other place I felt like I was connection with other libertarians with conservative roots.
@phusionphil, once again, I'm sorry for the honest mistake. I have removed your name from this post.
It was this comment by you that was posted on the post in question after many of the above listed's comments that made it appear to me you were working with this 'quack'.
It is an honest mistake and another onlooker might think the same, because you do specifically use the word 'comment' (not 'post' or 'article') and you replied to comments that were awaiting payout by the above listed. The link you provided afterwards to me appeared that you were actually redirecting users to the post thus validating it.
Then you repeated this comment on many people's replies that were awaiting payout. For sure, it doesn't make much sense that it is 11 hours... you also used the word 'they', if you had been more specific and actually named the user, I would not have made this assumption. By 'they' I considered you were with him and talking about the above listed.
I don't know you and I haven't had much interaction with you on Hive. I've followed you now because it looks like you make material worth a look.
If for anything else, it has caused us to get to know each other, then great. lol
Hi my name is Monty
I appreciate the apology, the last year has motivated me to stand against communism.
I am sorry for the insane downvoting and spam, but I am of Ukrainian decent and basically will loose my mind at the very sight of communism, its my biggest trigger aside from cognitive dissonance that a few religions have about the creation of man.
Fair enough! Glad to be in this battle together with you!
I have a friend in Macedonia who says a similar tale. They say it feels like communism is back again with curphews and police hours.
Historically I'm an anarchist. But now I don't think labels suit the activist of the future. We just want our fucking freedom!
Can we all get a bong now? Finished reading the comments...
A delicious wine-filled bong would be awesome to start my day off here in cloudy Tampa
Posted via D.Buzz
I second the motion
I'm going to get my vape out and chill out after reading all these comments!
I'm going to dab out with my oil right now
I had a fat dab of some slimy shatter stuff lol BHO of some sort, some guy had a fancy name, I just dab it lol
Oh no don't dab it and that's bad that's very bad
Its just terpenes, luckily I know the trick up this BHO suppliers sleeves and its all natural.
Oops. Well Phil is t always perfect... Lol but yeah he is with us on this.
I do get triggered every now and then 😆
Yeah you're a spaz dude.
But you are our quack spaz...
Lol this really started some shit
Yup, it is all expected as some people will do anything for money, and running disinfo troll bots is one of them. I'll take it as a good sign that Hive is starting to get noticed!
i was posting a link to a thread @quackwatch was going to be paid out for, how am I affiliated with it? for asking people to downvote the looser running this free speech assault?
I am with you for pro freespeech, you obviously didnt even check out my blog before smearing me here...
Sorry for the mixup @phusionphil I saw requests by you on the post in question to downvote comments yet to be paid out. I made the false assumption that you were asking this downvote for the comments made by the above listed on that post.
Please forgive me for my oversight, I hope never to make such a mistake again!
In truth,
It's all good he deserves a raft of shit every now and again
Make sure he apologized... Lol
I downvoted it : /
Thanks for the suggestion... keep it up!
No no no no no no no no no you hate free speeches.
Only paid speaches...
GREAT POST, but @phusionphil is one of us, cut him some slack, he is not a fan of numpty nuts either!
Lol what is a numpty nutter
Wasn't allowed to nut...
Or was he repressed and not allowed to nut...
his nuts just shriveled up and dropped off
I can definitely go for that one
No it's non nutter... Hehe. Like celibate? Was he wondering.... Nevermind. I'll let this one pass.
Better squeek one out since you can.
lol i have a feeling its a tranny beta male, aka Antifa lol thats a real no nutter
"I am 45 genders, cut my nuts off and take estrogen, stfu you mother fucker, ill rape you and get away with it cause I am gay BITCH!" - Example of #nonutter NPC dialog
My apologies to @phusionphil, an oversight I hope not to make again. I gave my reason for doing so below in reply to his comment.
This is one of several accounts that used to pull this bullshit on Steemit, which thankfully seemed to disappear after the hardfork to Hive.
One of the reasons this platform is so much better than Steemit was, is that when one of these maggots pops up we are ready for them. They are an insidious attempt at censorship and it is really interesting that one should start posting this week of all times.
These accounts generally don't work alone, and it's important to see who is supporting them.
Right now is Hive's time to shine as a censorship free platform. This twat is free to post so I'm not downvoting him myself, I am upoting everyone who is standing together here though!
Oh tag is in an in-depth analysis of this. And yeah sounds like we need some backup.
@frot can you explain to this dipshit @montycashmusic that I am not affiliated with the communist shit head who I was trying to get downvoted?
Yeah, I will comment, I suspect that is an honest mistake triggered by all your repeat comments that look a bit botlike. We are all on the same page here, we just need to cut each other a bit of slack this week because shit is tense.
I'm even being respectful to flat earthers at the moment, some of them are very onto it with some other stuff!
I would suggest reading someone's public posts before immediately smearing them, this is nearly unforgivable as an intellectual, its sad to see thevauthir diminish his intellectual like this because now I will have to read everything he posts twice before taking his word on anything.
I am very active resistance to hive watchers misuse so this account could even be a shill for Hive watchers if we want to use our brains here, seems like I was singled out for no reason that is worth anyone's time.
This is exactly why I singled you out.
Sorry for the honest mistake.
If you made an effort to read my posts on the other hand, you would think twice before coming to such quick conclusions and calling me a 'dipshit'.
Hope we can make amends.
All the best,
Ahem... Achoo
lol having fun with the popcorn tonight? 🍿
What flat earth where?
Just over from Mordor!
Oh no you didn't bring the cat into this! No not the cat
Nope your totally the troll of the hour. Naw the author is. Sigh.
I can't tease you too much.
I powered up for this week of Shittery,... and the coming price explosion!

Looks like I picked a good time to come back! :) Thanks for the heads up, I hope you're keeping well.
Welcome back! Missed you and your mind a bunch, hope you are well!
Thanks my friend, and likewise, I've just been so busy with general life and multiple commitments that I needed to step away from the screen and fully focus. I've also taken a great deal of time to contemplate what difference this all makes, and indeed whether it's all a factored component of the macro equation, and if so how to break free from it.
Very valid concerns and reasons to step away.
If for anything else, do you enjoy the analysis? And the pursuit of truth in the spirit of inquiry?
Well let's explore for no other selfish reason than to be ourselves then.
And if people that are listening benefit from it, so be it.
My primary focus in this has often been simply for the enjoyment of discerning. It's an icky energy when it's ego related and also saving the world is just exhausting (I'm trying as of late to save the world less 🌍😂, age is teaching me things lol).
In the meantime, for sure, let's go to the beach and swim and walk in the park with the birds and listen to the secret songs of nature! Let's create symphonies and artworks inspired from the thought forms of the ages! Let's embrace the physical world and breathe every breath as if it is our last, content and hungry simultaneously!
Yes most certainly, I tend to feel that with the right methodology, by having an opposing force to push against (intellectually/spiritually) we are able to sharpen the essence of who we are.
I didn't leave because I was feeling burnt out or depressed in any way .. just time became an increasingly rare commodity and I just had to spend it wisely, I also began to feel a bit of a captive to my computer, compounded by the fact I'm an outdoorsman. Even so, I've still been writing as and when I can, a few hours here and there .. has turned into 25,000 - 30,000 words and a five-part post I'm still writing. lol I wanted to do something a bit different that merged the religious, spiritual, occultic, scientism concepts of the first parts with the hardcore research of the latter .. so yes, I've very much used the time out to explore areas that are of great interest to me. lol
I think the momentum is too great and people too divided and confused for the direction to be turned by the dissemination of information, and thus it's as much about people trying to psychologically project/retain control of a changing world as it is anything else. Still, I think there are some good (disruptive but very peaceful) community and network-level narratives that could gift local victories and become thorns in the side of the agenda .. little acorns.
Amen to that, I've been out and about exploring and losing/finding myself in nature's embrace as much as time will allow. Observing the birds and animals and how they carry on regardless of whatever we humans are worrying about and obsessing over, who is living the best life? I've also got a new lightweight tent for Christmas so come spring /summer I'll be off for a few weeks on a long-distance hiking trail. :)
I'll be sporadic for the next few weeks, but hope to be more present soon. Catch you later my friend!
I especially like this "we are able to sharpen the essence of who we are."
Isn't it amazing that we can find these 'sharpening stones' in life, whatever they may be and they present a new form of addiction. The addiction of self-knowledge through self-honement. Honing the self into a more refined version of the self.
Which is something seemingly impossible because if we are what we are, then how can we be something we are not?
But here, we are taking the craft of being self into meta-degrees of certainty and finding new horizons in the subtle rifts of molecular sharpening.
Good to chat! I look forward to reading what you have been working on when you see fit to release it.
Hey my friend hope you’ve been well! Look forward to connecting again and seeing how you are doing!
Hey, thanks @cmplxty, I didn't mean to stay away as long! lol I've had a lot going on that required my full attention and focus. Hope you and your family have been keeping really well and life in and out of #hive has been good! I'll be back soon, and look forward to having a good catch up. :)
Cool! Good work 👌
Posted using Dapplr
I had posted about @quackwatch shenanigans too but couldn't be bothered compiling the list of 'quacks'........have therefore plagiarized yours, hope you don't mind :)
What? That's quackdiculous! 🤣
That's quack-errific of you to turn the spotlight on this cockroach. Policing speech like my favorite asshole, @hivewatcher has been the detriment of my inspirations here on #HIVE
Quack-tastic! I suppose the 'policing' when done by the community doesn't rely on a single arbiter or a powerful weapon (aka, whale's downvote).
We need to stand for the values of what Hive means to us, as the ability to get an independent eye on the world is 50 percent of the reason I'm even on this thing. The other 50 percent is my music and creative endeavours of course.
All the best and thanks for dropping by!
tonygreene113 was blacklisted for perpetual plagiarism and copypasta spam.
The blacklist has nothing to do with what was in the writing.
He confuses freedom of speech with freedom to steal someone else's writing to publish it as own while also attempting to monetize it.
Interested to know @hivewatcher, what is the post or posts in question?
And is it possible to get off the list if someone retracts the posts by editing them?
Also, is mirroring material that would otherwise be censored by centralised media considered plagiarism by your standards?
What are your standards?
I'm genuinely curious.
I keep an eye on them for the same reasons.
Permanent blacklisting! That doesn't just prevent Hivewatchers from seeing their content, but everyone who follows a blacklisted person's works on popular platforms.
I know a new user who has felt compelled to spam post daily apology posts on his blog for a month, attempting to redeem himself to Hivewatchers, and they continued to spam comment all of their future original works as well with warnings of plagiarism, even after they corrected their ways.
Anyway, I'm off topic from this main post.
I am willing to support countermeasures to keep the Quack from attacking those who are peacefully expressing open free speech of ideas and opinions.
.........just watching where the Qurious Qunning Quackwatcher seems to be heading :D

I want to mention, too, that these trolls are a good reason to get rid of the downvote button/pool.
I never liked it...bad energy...
Ignoring is enough.
#community #hive #witness
I don't know, do people enjoy their ability for destruction as well a creation?
For sure like music on the street, you know quick something is up when there are lots of people and no mullah.
It seems there is a merry band that have convened for this attack, so I dare say we expect more of the same.
It is interesting though how definitons of conspiracy theories are changing as more and more actually gets proven or becomes public.
Eg. Is it even rational to conspiracy shame for chemtrails when it's now all public and is euphemised as 'geo-engineering', a practice done 'for the good of the people' without their consent?
It seems the definitions used here seek to drag us back to a previous era of ignorance, namely 10 years ago... We could down play a lot of these derogatory terms into rational terms that don't elicit a reaction.
Eg. Anti-vaxxer (oh the gravity on that thing) can simply be, a vaccine skeptic with well grounded claims of the historical corruption of the pharmaceutical industry - because that much is indeniable.
It seems by using these labels, the 'quack watchers' seek to have done the work for the people, just like a badly written fact-checker article (not all of them are badly written mind you!) which is used as justification for a person to polarize to a subject immediately because they simply trust the article for its namesake and don't look into the finer points themselves.
It takes an effort of will to sift through the greys! Nothing is 100 percent right or 100 percent wrong. There are no simple cut and dry answers to any of this rigmarole.
Anyways, thanks for visiting! Wishing you well!
Yeah, He's poked His finger at Me a time of two. He left with tail between His legs. Haha!
It's obviously a new account designed for this purpose. I wonder who sits behind the computer?
Anyone know who user adm is?
No clue, and I will not be wasting My time on researching that question. Haha!
Me neither! 😂
C O N N E C T E D .BzZZzzzZz 💥
@rawbe @darkflame stand against communism, Hive watchers is officially a toxic entity now.
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I'm actually not in favor of downvoting @quackwatch
What's your logic there?
If you only support speech you agree with, then you DON'T support free-speech.
When someone makes numerous false allegations about you do you sit down and take it?
If a person comes at you with a knife do you let them exercise their freedom of movement or do you defend your body?
If this person or group has something to say, write an article and publish it.
But what they have to say, using their 'free-speech' is accusations against others under false premises.
People have a right to express their opinion, even if it's their opinion about you.
Words are not physical attacks.
It seems strange to advocate silencing someone who accuses you of promoting "free-speech".
I see your point.
Unfortunately it's not so simple, while downvoting exists it can be said that no, true free speech does not exist on this platform.
This is because the content is decided by the community and the definition of free speech that the community as a whole upholds.
This account and others like it, given the chance to grow incites others that agree with the slander to downvote us and thereby threaten our ability to post freely.
It first has to be acknowledged that this is a community and the community decides what content is on here.
My definition of free speech is not outrageous. It's quite reasonable and others here share it.
If there was an article written as a direct response to something I wrote and criticised it, I would be happy to engage in dialogue and listen to their viewpoint.
But this is literally slander which incites others with less of an ability to think for themselves to simply take these derogatory and misused labels at face value without looking into each individual account.
I as a part of this community choose not to allow this kind of malicious behaviour.
Obviously you can downvote whatever you wish.
I don't agree with downvoting @quackwatch simply because of their OPINION.
I mean, really, @quackwatch thinks we're idiots and we think @quackwatch is an idiot.
I really don't see the difference.
Just believing someone is an idiot is NOT a good reason to downvote.
Are all christians idiots?
Are all muslims idiots?
Why would we expect to NOT be downvoted by (high-powered) accounts that disagree with us and yet still downvote accounts we disagree with?
It just doesn't seem very "principled".
Maybe we can all start a band, called "Soul Gestapo," and send @quackwatch a singing telegram? Here's my ornithological answer to "Peanut Butter Jelly Time," feel free to steal it: