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RE: Quack watching the @quackwatch account - A Call on the Hive Community to Take out the Trash

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

If for anything else, do you enjoy the analysis? And the pursuit of truth in the spirit of inquiry?

Yes most certainly, I tend to feel that with the right methodology, by having an opposing force to push against (intellectually/spiritually) we are able to sharpen the essence of who we are.

I didn't leave because I was feeling burnt out or depressed in any way .. just time became an increasingly rare commodity and I just had to spend it wisely, I also began to feel a bit of a captive to my computer, compounded by the fact I'm an outdoorsman. Even so, I've still been writing as and when I can, a few hours here and there .. has turned into 25,000 - 30,000 words and a five-part post I'm still writing. lol I wanted to do something a bit different that merged the religious, spiritual, occultic, scientism concepts of the first parts with the hardcore research of the latter .. so yes, I've very much used the time out to explore areas that are of great interest to me. lol

I think the momentum is too great and people too divided and confused for the direction to be turned by the dissemination of information, and thus it's as much about people trying to psychologically project/retain control of a changing world as it is anything else. Still, I think there are some good (disruptive but very peaceful) community and network-level narratives that could gift local victories and become thorns in the side of the agenda .. little acorns.

In the meantime, for sure, let's go to the beach and swim and walk in the park with the birds and listen to the secret songs of nature! Let's create symphonies and artworks inspired from the thought forms of the ages! Let's embrace the physical world and breathe every breath as if it is our last, content and hungry simultaneously!

Amen to that, I've been out and about exploring and losing/finding myself in nature's embrace as much as time will allow. Observing the birds and animals and how they carry on regardless of whatever we humans are worrying about and obsessing over, who is living the best life? I've also got a new lightweight tent for Christmas so come spring /summer I'll be off for a few weeks on a long-distance hiking trail. :)

I'll be sporadic for the next few weeks, but hope to be more present soon. Catch you later my friend!


Yes most certainly, I tend to feel that with the right methodology, by having an opposing force to push against (intellectually/spiritually) we are able to sharpen the essence of who we are.

I especially like this "we are able to sharpen the essence of who we are."

Isn't it amazing that we can find these 'sharpening stones' in life, whatever they may be and they present a new form of addiction. The addiction of self-knowledge through self-honement. Honing the self into a more refined version of the self.

Which is something seemingly impossible because if we are what we are, then how can we be something we are not?

But here, we are taking the craft of being self into meta-degrees of certainty and finding new horizons in the subtle rifts of molecular sharpening.

Good to chat! I look forward to reading what you have been working on when you see fit to release it.