The downvote belongs to the individual, I can downvote it for literally any reason I want, with as many friends of mine as I want.
#freedomofassociation may not be a right in your home country, but here in Canada I have the right to freedom of association.
Obviously you can downvote whatever you wish.
I don't agree with downvoting @quackwatch simply because of their OPINION.
I mean, really, @quackwatch thinks we're idiots and we think @quackwatch is an idiot.
I really don't see the difference.
Just believing someone is an idiot is NOT a good reason to downvote.
Are all christians idiots?
Are all muslims idiots?
Why would we expect to NOT be downvoted by (high-powered) accounts that disagree with us and yet still downvote accounts we disagree with?
It just doesn't seem very "principled".
My downvoting power is always nearly recharged, I save it strictly for stuff I am very against. Like communism and protecting groups of people who don't give back.
What's fundamentally "wrong" with "communism"?
It would destroy my deeply rooted life style in the north American economy. Which in turn would effect my quality of living.
Do you live in a "community"?