
I don't know, do people enjoy their ability for destruction as well a creation?

For sure like music on the street, you know quick something is up when there are lots of people and no mullah.

It seems there is a merry band that have convened for this attack, so I dare say we expect more of the same.

It is interesting though how definitons of conspiracy theories are changing as more and more actually gets proven or becomes public.

Eg. Is it even rational to conspiracy shame for chemtrails when it's now all public and is euphemised as 'geo-engineering', a practice done 'for the good of the people' without their consent?

It seems the definitions used here seek to drag us back to a previous era of ignorance, namely 10 years ago... We could down play a lot of these derogatory terms into rational terms that don't elicit a reaction.

Eg. Anti-vaxxer (oh the gravity on that thing) can simply be, a vaccine skeptic with well grounded claims of the historical corruption of the pharmaceutical industry - because that much is indeniable.

It seems by using these labels, the 'quack watchers' seek to have done the work for the people, just like a badly written fact-checker article (not all of them are badly written mind you!) which is used as justification for a person to polarize to a subject immediately because they simply trust the article for its namesake and don't look into the finer points themselves.

It takes an effort of will to sift through the greys! Nothing is 100 percent right or 100 percent wrong. There are no simple cut and dry answers to any of this rigmarole.

Anyways, thanks for visiting! Wishing you well!