
Do you believe that other people believe in religion?

I believe whatever that word means to them, should not affect me in anyway or need to be explained to me in order for me to live freely, or else that's not a religion, that's a epidemic of mind control seething at its roots for human slavery.

How is "communism" more "dangerous" than "islam"?

Nonequivocal human enterprises, both are a threat to my quality of living.

What's so dangerous about "communism"?

How would "communism" (negatively) change your life?

Tax. I am against all forms of Taxation, I see any commitment to anyone other than myself to be an assault on my freedom. I am not here to serve a state, and especially not here to serve the interests of my neighbors. Coexistence is as far as I would like to take my useful definition of a human when specifically not bartering, and exclusively when bartering is when I would like to keep my human activity limited too.

There is way too much common dialogue between lifeforms in political systems like communism, I find I would rather kill myself than work to help someone else support themselves, that's also a religious ideal to support the weak, id rather just be dead if I could not be sovereign and needed support to live.

Have you considered becoming a hermit?