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RE: Quack watching the @quackwatch account - A Call on the Hive Community to Take out the Trash

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Tax. I am against all forms of Taxation, I see any commitment to anyone other than myself to be an assault on my freedom. I am not here to serve a state, and especially not here to serve the interests of my neighbors. Coexistence is as far as I would like to take my useful definition of a human when specifically not bartering, and exclusively when bartering is when I would like to keep my human activity limited too.

There is way too much common dialogue between lifeforms in political systems like communism, I find I would rather kill myself than work to help someone else support themselves, that's also a religious ideal to support the weak, id rather just be dead if I could not be sovereign and needed support to live.


Have you considered becoming a hermit?

I have considered retiring in the far North East of Iceland the least populated, yet market access economy in the artic, specifically because I hate uninvited guests.

Sort of a low-budget "fortress of solitude".

Then achieve power levels OF OVER 9000!!!!