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RE: A Tale of Two Truths

in Deep Dives5 years ago

There are precious few APODICTIC (logically necessary) TRUTHS.

Most logical truth is purely tautological.

There are precious few claims that are PROVABLY FALSE.

MOST claims hold no "truth-value" (either OPINION or GNOSIS).

Here's a hint, if a claim is emotionally charged, it's OPINION (neither "true" or "false").

Click to watch 23 seconds,


Hello! The quest for truth is difficult, few embark on that journey. How much of our society has been shaped by truth vs by opinions? People are emotional creatures who often think and make decisions based on emotionally charged informations. It is difficult to adress the truth and nothing but the truth to a creature who understands the language of primary emotions rather than logic. Great leaders and liars in parallel had this task of convincing people of their beliefs, based on their own truth. Which, under the microscope of Logic, might lack complete sense. But if charged with emotion, it might have all the sense in the world for those listening