Love is the law, not your computer code….humble yourself accordingly...An esoteric meander..

in Deep Dives4 years ago


How many times do we hear on Hive, the fallacious argument that ‘code is law’?

Yes.(you blasphemer'!)

A fallacy is the use of invalid or otherwise faulty reasoning, or "wrong moves" in the construction of an argument. A fallacious argument may be deceptive by appearing to be better than it really is. Some fallacies are committed intentionally to manipulate or persuade by deception, while others are committed unintentionally due to carelessness or ignorance.

It doesn’t take an Einstein to work out that ‘code is law’ is a fallacious position to hold if you apply the above description of what a fallacy is.

‘Code’ is written by people.

It's merely the thoughts of humans, made manifest.
It is a point in time - Nothing more.

People decide what the code is.

Ergo. ...'Code is law' is a fallacy – it's merely the representation of a number of people coming to an agreement about a process - one that, in a perfect world, would try to reflect, approximate, or encourage, the best of human values.

What happens then, when ‘the law’- written by humans – is not reflective of human values?

You change the code.

‘The law’ is not inviolate, it's not set in silicon for the rest of time - – it’s as mutable as a piece of plasticine.

Love, however, IS The Law.


Love is the thing that binds nature together.
Love is growth, expansion, positivity, striving, freedom, and yes – conflict against those that would subvert the law...

Love is not the fluffy stuff of novels, the story line of a blockbuster film, filled with flowery music and crying couples.

Oh no – Love is harsh, and cruel, non sentimental, and brave.

It is truth, authenticity, reality - and it fears nothing...NO...THING.

It’s not very sentimental at all in fact…

Love is what makes life worth living.
It is purpose.

Love is the juice, not the unpicked fruit hanging on the tree.

The unpicked fruits are the essential ingredients that go into making the juice - into making love.
...Respect, honor, principle, virtue, and integrity, they are the fruits that must be picked, and they all go into making the juice.

How then, does the current - transitory - ‘code is law’ on hive - written by coders – stand up to the harsh scrutiny of love?
(It takes no prisoners. And it doesn’t suffer fools….)

The current - transitory - and entirely subjective code that's been written by people - IF it is meant to represent human values and act as a conduit to expressing those values - the it is not fit for purpose.

You have failed - as coders - as witnesses - to achieve this... (so far).

It does not reflect or honor the values of love – to reward the good, and disregard or destroy the bad.

Love doesn’t shy away from conflict, for she is always correct.
She is the universe itself.
She IS the lawmaker. She is THE LAW ITSELF.
The ultimate truth, the arbiter of all things.

Down voting allows bad values to flourish – and all , by definition - at the expense of love.

Love is being upvoted, supported for your work, negativity is being penalized for your best efforts.

‘Code is law’ in regards to the current , transitory, code that we have now - rewards cowardice, rewards laziness, rewards negative actions.

That’s hardly very sympathetic to ‘ Love is the law’, now is it?

Love is not a romantic ideal (although it most certainly can be) it is THE SYSTEM OF THE UNIVERSE.

Some call it god, some call it evolution, some call it free will, some call it free markets… matters not.

The principles remain the same.

When ‘code is law’ violates these principles, it violates the natural order of the universe.


When ‘code is law’ is not in sympathy with love - when it flies in the face of loves own structures, then it’s a perversion of the natural order.
A perversion of reality.

When ‘code is law’ supports and empowers systems of tyranny, duplicity, non accountability, irresponsibility, and the evil of small minded people, the answer is quite simple.

Glaringly obvious in fact - to those not blinded by hubris.

All the answers in life are simple.
It’s the weak minded control freaks that try to make it complex.
It gives out the false impression of intelligence (to those not understanding the constructed complexity).
Complexity gives power to those not in a state of love, it lends credence to those without authentic credibility.
Complexity is a mask worn by the disingenuous, just as simplicity is feared by them - for simple needs no masks.

‘Code is law’ is fallacious.
Love is authentic.

Intelligence? .... that's love in ‘contemplation mode’, you idiots! lol

‘Make good code, not war’ – or rather ‘Make the code fit the love’ – it's the only way to go forwards, to grow, to expand, to reach people.

When 'code is law' supports the negative – the evil (an absence of love), then there is only one outcome.

If we use Hive as an isolated model of this, we can see it clearly.
Stagnation, lack of appeal, insular, and very 'nasgul greedy'.

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Sort it out HIVE !

....before nature sorts it out for you.

She is much mightier than your hubris or even ...get this... your stake size!
Shock! Horror!...

Get eating some fucking ‘eating humble pie’ will ya ?

Love doesn’t take prisoners, is not forgiving to evil - and has no care for what happens to the evil that she destroys.
…She has better and far more fun things, to do…

Do you hear the sound of any pennies dropping?

That would be your authentic self, screaming to you, trying to be heard through the cloak of hubris that you’ve wrapped yourself in.
Hubris fears the truth , just as a Vampire fears the sunlight...
Who's the master of your own your ship?
You ?
Or your Hubris?

Nature - or Love - doesn’t give a fuck about your egocentric
She's powerful beyond any measure that we humans can even try to imagine.
Clean your head, before she does it for you - because she ain't very gentle in these matters...'self fixing' is a highly recommended route to take...

Love, Nature, The Universe - call it what you will - she's not a snowflake , call her what you will... She's infinitesimally more powerful than any techy, nerdy, geek , who thinks they have new answers.
Answers that are influenced by too many hours playing computer games, too much shit food, too little exercise, and a pitiful level in the understanding other humans

When code written by those not in touch with the rhythms of universe, not 'in love' - it's demon code, written to create an emerging hellscape…

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...Ask Tesla, a man beyond genius, imo.
He knew.
....Or does your computer nerd hubris that you posses, make you think that you’re smarter than him?....Seriously?
Shhhhhhh! .....Can you hear that disturbing sound in the your cranium?...That's Love laughing at you… She loves to use mockery as a weapon against the weak ego'd.

She has a wicked sense of humor.

So Upvote accordingly , all my real life angels….There are far more of us than there are of 'them'....(call them what you will).

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Oh, and to all the weak minded demons out there...

You go right ahead, and go fuck yourself !

(lets be honest , no one else wants to).


Here have a picture to get comments started...i havn't read your post yet, just about to, but finishing of a bunch of new pictures on the ferry...


' @frot starts the bids with a wonky picture - do we have any other bids in the comment section. ?..'lolol

Back again ive read it now, great post,hive is microcosm for our deranged world isn't it?


Imagine if it could be a blueprint of the route 'out of the derangement' ?

Now THAT, would be really worth something...

You mean instead of circle jerking like we did last summer?


I could never circle jerk on that - copious vomiting?.... maybe....

I must become more wonky.

It will happen


hive is microcosm for our deranged world isn't it?

Ohhhhhh....!!! I like that Mr. @frot... Here's another 100 percenter'ish for you😎

What a brilliant piece! I am sick of here about 'code is law' and technocratic societies. Its just an excuse for people who are afraid to take responsibility, make decisions or accept reality. These are the people who actually WANT to live in the matrix.

Anyway. Impossible for me to add any value to your post so let's leave it at a simple thank you.

Posted via

Thank you, matey!
Very much.


I like how this was written.


Thanks, matey!

Stay the course! Proofs of Brains and real human hearts will eventually win out here in the end...
or so I deluded myself into believing : /

lol - I'm an optimist as well...but it's time to shift the tyrants from the thrones thay sit on, all from a self constructed ecosystem.

It can be done - and with the conviction of only a few good men.
(A post without details, coming in the next hour).

Without details is for good reason...for now...
They will , if things go according to plan - soon be released.I need to clarify some things that are happening (things not on hive), first.

'Code’ is written by people.

So too is law.

Why does fallacious sound rather like fellatio?

er....why yes they are ! lol

An interesting word association that you have going on, there...
(although in fairness, they can both involve the gullible swallowing things without consent)

People write laws, but there are also universal laws that apply to us, whether we write them or not.

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Laws or morals? It's broadly accepted that certain behaviours aren't right, like killing and causing others harm and this doesn't have to be written as law to be accepted. It's still a concept that we decide on, though, and some still find ways to justify themselves doing it or situations where it's okay to do it (eg. war).

Or do you mean the laws of physics, as in what goes up, must come down? Those really don't have to be written to exist.

Hello there @lucylin,

I'm stopping by to check on you, Lucy and the rest of the family. How is everything going? Hope you guys are fine. Well, by your passionate writing in this post, it looks like things haven't changed much? Oh my ...
Good to see you are still active around these parts and voicing your views ....

Wish you only the best, always :)


Well, hello stranger!
How are things with you ? (and the long suffering, mr abigail-dantes)
You disappeared...
Whats been happening in your life?

Everything is very good here, thanks ! I think dinosaurs were still roaming the planet when we last spoke? 'changes' - yeah...some...not too many. It's all good, that's the main thing.

I've never been known for not voicing my views, now have I? lol
(my dwindling list of 'friends' attests to this fact..)

I'm stopping by to check on you,

(Why does that sound very, very, creepy, to me?

Are you writing on here again?

Nice to hear from you !

I did disappear. I'm sorry. It has been one long challenging year .... but things are getting better now :)
Mr. Abigail-dantes has also had his fair share of struggles, but he is a resilient man, he is also well at the moment. Thank you for asking.

Ahahaha yeah! it has been that long! Dinosaurs were indeed still around :P Gosh are we getting old or what?

No, I am not writing here at the moment. Still deciding whether to get my blog active again or not. I mostly came back to say hi to the good people I got to meet and interact with thanks to this platform (people who I always keep in mind, no matter how long I disappear for :)).

You guys take care over there ...

I'm sorry you had a hard year, my dear @abigail-dantes, You were often on my mind and I did worry about you. I hope the future is less stressful.

Of course, I thought of you every single time I came across U.S news.... I know you know that.This is so nice to hear dear @agmoore <3 :).

Things have already improved immensely and I feel calmer now, positive :) looking forward to the future and accepting the losses and changes. There is much to accomplish and achieve and I feel very motivated by this! I always wish only the best of life to you my dear friend from across the ocean :)

Take care and keep safe.

Thanks for the inspiration !

You're very welcome, matey !

Good write up, your writing style is different to the norm. I like it

Cheers, matey.

I do not think it will change on Hive. To many people that do not understand positive and negative actions. To many people that like to hide. To many that see no evil, hear no evil let alone speak no evil, fear rules their lives.

I put my thoughts out on the down vote, my simplified one extra step for the down voter, but much like when proposed on steem, still the same old same old excuse as to why it won't work with no other alternative solution, or even worse not even seeing there is a problem with the down vote system.

I do not think it will change on Hive

...just leaving aside your optimistic exuberance for one of the status quo changes, unless it is made to change...

'When the pain of loss becomes greater than the pleasure of possible gains'...

'Mighty oaks from small acorns', and all that malarkey...

Imagine if Patrick Henry said "Give me liberty, or give me UBI" - where would be be then? lol

Imagine if Patrick Henry said "Give me liberty, or give me UBI" - where would be be then? lol

We'd probably (here in America) all be speaking English like those from Liverpool?

Liverpudlians do not speak English - you need to take a four year intensive course, just to ask for directions in that netherworld...but, due to the Irish lineage there, the girlies are really hot - even if you can't make head nor tail , of what it is that they're saying to you...
I myself, have ventured many times into the netherworld, motivated solely by that quasi-colleen genetics...

I could not agree more with the sentiment here. However, I don't see anything proposed to make it better?

Down voting allows bad values to flourish – and all , by definition - at the expense of love.

Downvoting is a double edged sword that solves some problems while creating others. I have not seen a better solution proposed. Downvoting is exactly what we use to not allow bad values to flourish - spam, plagiarism, etc. Like I've said, it's not without it's problems, but to just get rid of downvotes is not a solution, so what is the solution?

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Plagiarism and spam are like fleas...massive whale circle jerking and content control by using downvoting is the elephant in the room.

Solution, make downvotes affect rep but not payout...once the spammer hits zero they are effectively censored off the platform.

And make the size of those rep downvotes dependant on rep not voting power


Bloody hell, lets identify the problems first, shall we? lol (solutions are easy when the problems are recognized)

‘Code’ is written by people.
It's merely the thoughts of humans, made manifest.
It is a point in time - Nothing more.

Things made by human beings will always be full of imperfections, we cannot do them otherwise because we are also imperfect (body and mind). It is the true "law" of nature. The lack of humility is what makes us think and say these types of phrases. And we live in a time where lack of humility is something... how would I say it? ... normal?

Posted via

I've been accused - many times - of arrogance !!!!yes!..can you imagine that?
It took me a long time to realize it was other people's own insecurities projected onto me.
Humility is an earned position .
It's a willingness to accept 'a greater power' than the self.

I grew up camping , living under the stars many night... that's enough of a lesson for anyone to truly understand our place in the universe.
If looking up into the night sky doesn't humble you, you have a serious 'god complex' problems! lol

I grew up camping , living under the stars many night... that's enough of a lesson for anyone to truly understand our place in the universe.

Same here 😁

It took me a long time to realize it was other people's own insecurities projected onto me.
Humility is an earned position .

It took me a long time to accept my own insecurities and learn not to project them onto others (well, I'm still learning it 😅😋) ... that's pretty complicated and to achieve it you first have to realize our place in the universe (as you well say it) and second is to try to be honest with ourselves about all this. This is the hardest part. It is difficult for many to accept how psychopathic and mentally ill they are 😅😂

... willingness to accept 'a greater power' than the self.

Tell that to a psychopath 🤣

Pd: Edit to correct some sentences 😅

... willingness to accept 'a greater power' than the self.
Tell that to a psychopath

Why waste yer breath? lol

i've said quite a few times the "code is law" is bullshit, the code is "whatever some human puts in there".

"My code says I can steal all your money, take your house!!! CODE IS LAW AND THAT MAKES IT OK!!!"



This throw away one liner needs to be addressed. And mindsets altered.
A multitude of sins lie behind this fake reality.

Entonces Rompamos paradigmas y hagamos una verdadera Revolución de AMOR. con ideas, y expresión real que la ley sea el corazón y no la Hortografia. seria buena idea escribir así, no se, tu dime.

I'm baaaaaack.
And sweet little screaming goddesses am I lost. I turn my back on Steemit for just a few minutes and....

I'm at a loss for words. What the hell happened? (never mind. I've read the sordid history. Chinee stold it?)

So how are you and yours?

I've been doing other stuff. I was involved with Gab for a while. (it's getting very boring)

How is Hive? I have no clue how it works. I'm just mindlessly pushing button. (kinda like I write)

Are you still in Thailand?


helooo, matey !

Everything very good over here, I hope it's the same for you.

Hive is the same shit show as steem, works just the same - just with slighty different oligarchs and with exactly the same arse licking sycophants, funnily enough...

I'm under attack right now for upsetting the cranially challenged.
(they think stake size means intelligence...bless..)

Good to see you, mate...

glad to hear you're doing well.
I've had a few problems myself.
Old age mostly. Not much one can do about that.
I suspect I'll hang around and see how Hive works for a while.
Be talking to you some more after a while I suspect.

The CCP took over Steem.

#informationwar and #deepdives are still running.

Welcome back.

I see you still have @informationwar blocked, if memory serves.... You blocked it because we would leave curation comments a lot.

Thank you.
It's been a long time. I don't recall why I blocked anyone. I suspect that I must have thought that I had a reason.

The Chinese Communist Party owns Steem?

Yes it certainly does - hey have you still got me blocked? - i can't remember why now, but you thought i was a twat back on steemit...

I dunno if you're a twat or not. It's been a few years and my memory is unclear on the matter.

I've unblocked the whole list since I found Hive. Start off with a clear slate.

Heey @everittdmickey. :)

¡Holy cow! I'm glad to see your grumpy old trucker face once again over here buddy. Welcome back to the Cranky tribe!!

Looking forward for your new PoB contributions with your kinky stuff and your often raunchy but honest comments. Hahaha

I've unblocked the whole list since I found Hive. Start off with a clear slate.

And nope loony. Your freaking list is still intact on Hive. @frot is not in it, but @sift666 twat is still in there. :p

Is that prick still blocking me?

Is there any way to 'unblock' the whole list at once? It's rather large, might take a long time unblocking individually.

I probably am a twat, but it's good to see some old timers coming back.

This site is much better than Steemit was but the content and engagement is mostly not! It needs a rev up.

Yes. Justin Sun took it over, he is a CCP agent. He used something like 8 million USD to buy off the Steemit company. Steemit the company had about 100 million Steempower staked so he got it for a huge discount on price. He had all this power and used it to support witnesses who only supported him. Then later he stole 5 million USD(at the price back in 2020) from dozens of different accounts and sent it to his own account. He stole the money from witnesses who spoke out against him. If you look at now it's all chinese posts in whatever that langauge is.

Justin Sun also bought out BitTorrent so that the CCP can spy on all people use torrenting software.

image.png is k.steemit now

ahh, kpop took over.

loving antagonists over here who didn't have you in their "muted list" yet and are always attent & willing to snatch you not less of $20 buck$ off from your lovely tree-hugging posts. LoLWell @lucylin, looks like there are at least two