I could not agree more with the sentiment here. However, I don't see anything proposed to make it better?
Down voting allows bad values to flourish – and all , by definition - at the expense of love.
Downvoting is a double edged sword that solves some problems while creating others. I have not seen a better solution proposed. Downvoting is exactly what we use to not allow bad values to flourish - spam, plagiarism, etc. Like I've said, it's not without it's problems, but to just get rid of downvotes is not a solution, so what is the solution?
Plagiarism and spam are like fleas...massive whale circle jerking and content control by using downvoting is the elephant in the room.
Solution, make downvotes affect rep but not payout...once the spammer hits zero they are effectively censored off the platform.
And make the size of those rep downvotes dependant on rep not voting power
Bloody hell, lets identify the problems first, shall we? lol (solutions are easy when the problems are recognized)