The psychology of cowardice...Part 2....Let's get midwittery...

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Near the beginning of my last post, I wrote:

Cowardly actions can, if left unchecked, become a learned trait.

I've been writing a lot of posts recently regarding the midwit and the problems that are caused by the current infestation of midiwttery - into positions that they wouldn't normally have much sway over.
They may be of just 'a higher than average intelligence' than the norm - Sheepdogs are like that to in the world of canines - but that doesn't mean that you'd let Lassie drive your car, now does it?

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Because 'the psychology of cowardice' manifests itself so deeply through the midwit psyche, this post will use the midwit to highlight the psychology involved.

I'd also be very interested in any feedback from the readers, concerning real life midwits that you know of, as a kind of poll.
From my own anecdotal experiences, the correlations between the midwit psychology, and the general 'cowardice psychological traits' that I present here, are scarily accurate (hence the input from others would be really appreciated, to see if they to, correlate).
*I'll list a few question at the bottom of this post, if you'd like to reply to them..

For those that are not yet au fait with the psychology of the midwit - Here's a very brief outline....

They are very insecure about their own intellect.
They're clever enough to know that they're clever, but not clever enough to understand the limits of their own intelligence (weak ego).
They are exceptionally good at using social skills to gain advantage...They make good politicians !
They are conformists and will follow whatever the dominant/popular point of view is. (moral and ethical codes are not very important to the midwit. It's all about fitting in ).
They see sycophancy as a social skill to improve their position, not a weakness in their own character (this can - and does - lead to many mental and physical health, issues).
They'll use morals and ethics as weapon to justify their actions , but not take any real philosophical positions - i.e virtue signalling.
They support 'the authority' (closely linked to sycophancy).
(If you need any more info concerning 'the psychology of the midwit', see my posts over the last couple of weeks.)

I'll be making the assumption that you understand the basics of the midwit psychology, for the rest of this post....

Indicators that you're dealing with a coward.

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The coward can be dressed in a suit, express themselves eloquently, and show to the world that he can fit in to society (above all else).
He fears upsetting people, especially those that he perceives to be in a superior position. This can be work hierarchy, social hierarchy, and even personal relationships.
He is scared of showing who he really is.

While it is always beneficial to keep cowards from your inner circle, it's not that simple, especially for the midwits.
'Like attracts like', and nowhere is this more true than in midwit circles. (they are collectivist in nature).
The midwit circles ARE circles of cowards, congregating together.
It's their preferred environment_.
They have no desire to stray outside of their echo chambers. ...THIS, in itself, is a tangible expression of their cowardice.
They are mind numbingly petrified scared of criticism.

While researching this post, I came across a few articles relating to 'signs you are dealing with a coward', and what jumped out to me, more than anything else, is how these signs fit so closely into the midwit mindset.

Some examples to illustrate what I mean....(edited down).
My thoughts re :'the midwit and signs of cowardice', are in ...(bold brackets)


He fears honesty.
He isn’t just dishonest, he fears honesty completely.
The coward knows his true character isn’t worth a damn to others,(very low self esteem/weak ego) so he lies and creates a false image for others (image - social masks - are everything to the midwit. Narrative is more important than truth). This is to elevate himself on an illusionary pedestal to tower over others.
(weak ego formation means they feel threatened by those they see as more intelligent than themselves - and quiet condescension to those that they see as less intelligent.)
The coward is basically deluded as he revels in his own fake world. He lives in it and will die for it.
(the psychological pain involved in the long process of knowing yourself will be avoided at all costs. A coward)

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He avoids strong people. (The midwit detests people he see's as being strong - a strong character. The midwit knows that, deep down, they really are cowards. And too weak in character to face upto the fact.
....Hence the deep resentment towards those that they see DO as non cowards. The non conformist, the rebel, the independent thinker.... (Me? lol)

It's very interesting to see the mental gymnastics that they engage in.
It's amusing to watch.
I see the midwit constantly employing these low IQ attempts on hive (do they actually think that it's 'high IQ'? ( bless! ).
In my 'war on the midwit' - They WILL be confronted and exposed, mocked, and ridiculed. Not to intentionally inflict pscyolocal pain (which it will, unfortunately), but to expose them to other people - those who may be blind to the psychological operations they consciously carry out on the gullible.

The cowardly midwit - when in places of influence , acts as a cancer on the ecosystem.

Not just Hive, - ANY ecosystem.


Because he knows he has an inferiority complex towards good, honest folks and fears that they’d call him out on his bullshit, he’s not be able to hide and fight back that way.
(these are not my words - they're from an article, on spotting the coward! I hope you're starting to see the correlations here...)

The irony is that he secretly admires and looks up to strong people, but he ends up trying so hard in the wrong direction (self loathing and masochism).

He hangs out with weak-minded people he thinks he can take advantage of.
(Midwit echo chambers, anyone?)

The coward preys on weak people instead.
He acts super nice towards them at first (social skills) and bares his fangs later on (trying to control) as he starts to extract favors (circle jerk upvoting) like borrowing money.

He manipulates words to manipulate people.
In other words, he uses all kinds of flowery bullshit to get his way.
(Word salads and double think, trying to fake intelligence)

He never apologizes.
(weak ego)

He lay blames on everyone and everything else
He doesn’t dare to face the truth that he’s a fuckup. It has to be someone else’s fault.

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The coward is always ready to cook up some excuse and then swear by them.
They can’t ever shut up and accept the fact that they fucked up.
(I use the example of a steem account for this....A person who had the chance to be debt free - and turned away from being free and chose to maintain a debt slavery existence for himself, and those close to him...Masochism on steroids. I've lost count of the number of times they've tried to justify such a poor strategic decision - unless you're happy in slavery of course - and WANT to be in slavery ,in which case, it was the right decision....Masochism on steroids, anyone?)

He buys into mainstream excuses and thinks it’s okay because everyone else believes the same.
(The conformity mindset, to a 'T')
The 'mainstream' in the hive ecosystem is 'crypto to the moon...'.
Consensus doesn't equal being correct, no matter how many other midwits try to tell you otherwise..

He’s a bully.
The coward is a bully and they take it out on others. passive aggressive, group think, down voting, discord chats...All are expressions of a coward who cannot face upto who he is - the psychological pain is too great)

He doesn’t dare to take on a challenge alone and always try to seek help or get the green light by someone who proved he’s successful.
(the midwit collectivist mindset and sycophantic love of authority)

Moving on...
Ok, this is brief description out of many I came across, but they essnetially all the say the same things.

Now.... do think that you can be a midwit, and NOT a coward?

Have you noticed anything since I've started writing my posts about 'the midwits'?

I have...

Do you wanna know what it is?...

I bet you do...

Ok... I'll tell you....

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How many midwits have come onto my posts, hands held up high, proudly saying...


You don't need to go and check, I'll tell you....0

Why would that be?
That no midwits read my posts? ( I can , 100% guarantee you - that at least 5 do that I know of).

Or is it, like I've just outlined, that they are cowardly in nature ?

Deep down shame is a strong emotion in the midwit mindset.
How could it not be?
They know (despite any protestations to the outside world) that they are playing small, they know that their sycophantic, politicking ways, are the ways of the weak of character.
They know... deepdown...They know that they are too scared to face themselves in the mirror and have an honest look at themselves.
Deep down, they KNOW this...

So it's hardly surprising that no proud midwits have shown up to express themselves, isn't it?

You can be a proud human being and be happy with yourself, or you can be a midwit - but you can't be both..

I hope these posts are helping to illustrate to people the size of the problem that the midwit poses.

It took me several years of research (political science, philosophy, psychology, logic, blah blah...) to arrive at the point where I am now.

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What I first identified as stupid political ideologies, or weak philosophical positions, or even the twisted systemic failures of DPOS, I always felt (nothing tangible), that there was some common, underlying thread, that I was missing.

It was itch that just wouldn't go away, and so it only motivated me to continue my researching.
After discovering the midwit paradigm, it ALL fell into place.

The why's that made sense on the surface - and then caused me some kind of cognitive dissonance when trying to apply that specific why to something else - was an itch beyond belief.

I KNEW (did I fuck know - I 'felt') that there was 'a universality' somewhere in all of this.
For years, it was tantalizingly out of my grasp but hovering, teasingly, on the periphery of my vision.


If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck - it's probably a duck! ( as they say).

My years of research have brought me to a place where the midwit paradigm not only satisfies my current itches, vis-a-vis the world as it is now - it's also laid some 'itchy ghosts' that were hovering around in my noggin' from my past , to rest...

The universality has been discovered.

For now...

This is not to say that this is the end of 'the journey' - a destination - fuck no.
If you stop learning, you stop living (for me, anyways).

For now though, this is the hill to fight on.
This is a hill of value.

We don't need a mindless, non thinking horde of midwits fucking everything up, now do we?

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'The powers that be' CANNOT OPERATE without the midwits support.

De-legitimatizing the insecure, scared, midwit - and showing the world that they are in fact nothing more than an 'intellectual cuckoo' in the nest of society, will bring down the whole goddamn rotten edifice.

I'm starting with HIVE.
Who wants to help change the world?
Who's not a coward?


Interesting read as usual. I'm feeling pretty amped up after reading the end of the post lol. It sounds like you've truly found your calling and the world is about to realise.

It sounds like you've truly found your calling and the world is about to realise.

That's a little dramatic, but you know what? might be closer than you think...

Three decades of partying hard, and trying to push my intellect into the sewer and flushing it away, seems to have backfired...bugger...

....Ah fuck, I've got people telling me things about me now! Wooohooo...that's a 100% upvote ! (it rarely happens..).

Border collides are the second smartest breed of dog, behind poodles, and ahead of German Sheppard.

They are pretty smart for a dog. Yeah they like heading sheep, but they are not midwits.

That would be Irish setters

Yes I chose that breed to wind you up.

I lived on a sheep farm, with at least 4 borders at anyone time. Smart as fuck.

Your attempts to wind me up HAVE FAILED MISERABLY,sir! ....Miserably, I say !

Do you comment on the posts of your five midwits followers, and have you ever accused them of being handbag bitches?

lol...the @frot is impatient!



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I know I posted this elsewhere but I'll post it here:

You speak of very important things.
I am extremely glad you have done so much work on The Midwit.
I have personally done work regarding The Egopath.
@lucylin, our work overlaps.
I have created many models and classifications.

  • The Circle of Slaves
  • Flying Monkey Subroles
  • The Mask of Perfection

My work on the role "Comfort Camper" to be added into The Circle of Slaves led me to you.
I needed to learn about Midwits and if they fit in the Comfort Camper role, they do, and the Comfort Camper role they play keeps them as the Midwits you have so talked about.

I have made some videos with Tyr Ravensohn on YouTube, especially one regarding NPCs / Sheeple / Comfort Campers.

It's only been recently that I've found your posts here on Midwits and it is a GOLDMINE.

I've been developing a model showing just how Midwits are herded around, and this game of manipulation does involve the Hegelian Dialectic (or PRS, Problem-Reaction-Solution). As Hegel once said "[The Hegelian Dialectic framework is about] manipulating consciousness into a circular pattern of thought and action which never leads to a TRUE solution". Sounds like a perfect mental prison for Midwits.

Systems work as designed, not simply as intended. You are not told the rules, as they want you to keep you playing THEIR game following THEIR RULES in a PARTICULAR WAY. Telling you the rules is not in their best interests. Much like the Monty Hall problem, you are told some of the rules, but not all of them. You are not told the rules that the gameshow host must follow. You are told "You must pick 1 of 3 doors" but never told "I will always pick the right door unless you pick that door".

I've commented here so you'd become aware of me in case you are interested about learning what I bring to the table. I plan on releasing an explanatory video on YouTube with my account EgopathTime once I am finished this Mass Manipulation Model.