So due to various exposed realities of disinformation for all to see (that want to see it) in this age of professional subversion - and institutions and government organisations now publically known that are dedicated to the operations of disseminating such information -
It is the next logical conclusion that we must now assume that meta-disinformation is already a part of the all pervasive propaganda machine!
If I was a smart intelligence agency I would plan for the eventual inevitable probability of enough people to discover disinformation and how it works.
I would then plan to introduce a new layer of disinformative bias within the truther community.
[if you need proof that such agencies exist take the 77th Brigade in the British Army for example as mentioned in this insightful articlethis news article portraying such agencies that control the narrative on social media as being a self-evident necessity for the survival of society.] by @perceptualflaws - referenced in
Whereas, at the first realisation of disinformation it is almost too simple to dissect truth from the opposing sides of narrative. The aim of disinformation being to control both sides of the narrative in order to disorient the reader/viewer from the truth in order to propose ready solutions by 'approved authorities' whose opinions (not facts) then stand unquestioned without scrutiny. This successfully imposed 'fact' is then used on the scales of public perception, ready to be used as fodder in the next disinformation release/campaign.
A framework/network of carefully implanted 'facts' to supplant the perception of reality - so the 'thinker' actually lives in a world that exists through this carefully augmented reality of collective perception (no trans-humanism necessary!).
The general public is NOT generally capable of dissecting usable truth from disinformation and dis-informative bias. But as more people discover how to dissect disinformation it is probable to assume that subversive methods to cause people yet again to only discover the coat-tails of truth and not truth itself, are being utilized.
The collective intelligence of the people increases slowly over time and this must be factored into a progressive intelligence agency that seeks longevity.
[For an example of successful disinformation dissection: take this post regarding new data released by the CDC by @jasonliberty - he successfully dissects the two layers of narrative in order to find the important truth that would shake the current narrative like an earthquake if it was realised to its full potential. The actual implications of a reduced casualty rate (though not even a drastic one as the hyped up fake news projects) would shake trust in government and authority to its core in the collective mind. This truth covered by a layer of fear, then disinformation, then also the general collectively decided presumption of the already approved narrative then leads around to non-acceptance of the new facts as truth and leaves the average individual believing the same thing that they believed at the start. Fear, emotion and blind trust clouds their judgement which is based on well diseminated poor science and very little deductive reasoning capability].
We must then, as aspiring truth connoisseurs, implement a new strategy to 'truth seeking' via dissection of disinformation/information - we must question our own subconscious inclinations and suggestions when we make assumptions about what is really going on.
We must question ourselves - things that have been suggested to us through the media and society - that we then purport as self-evident within our research - at times forgetting its origins consciously.
We must learn to take our own 'inspired ideas' with a pinch of salt and reference them off others also critical of the truth. Only as a community can we 'see' successfully with the authentic spirit of inquiry as our penultimate starting point.
Good luck on your search through the subversive methods of truth manipulation and good luck in your ability to know yourself enough to see where all inclinations, thoughts, ideas and motives originate from within the self.
We must be willing to be wrong at every turn but we must also be firm in where we have proven for ourselves what is true. We must learn that we can trust things to be what they are and not anymore. It's a fine balance on a knife's edge.
It's a funny world when you discover you can't even trust your own conditioning because you are human and the human mind has tendencies that are documented and are repeatable in experiments - time and time again. Admitting being human and admitting having these tendencies is part of discovering the true path to reality - and therefore the true reality.
Of course the wonder of all this is that all this is crazy talk to the individual that hasn't even discovered as truth for the self the first layer of disinformation. Which is an attribution to the genius of this propaganda machine. From one mind to another, this machine works very well.
I leave you with a story that may assist, or it may just make you laugh...
In my travels as a street musician I was volunteering at a community in Copenhagen for a few months at the beginning of 2018 that made boats and things out of recycled material it claimed from recycling plants around Copenhagen.
The community often ran events to raise money for rent for their warehouse. They were running a games night and had an Escape Room, an arcade machine they built themselves and a heap of board games for people to play and socialize with.
Kudos to them it was a pretty good night put on a decently low budget.
For some light evening entertainment a couple of jokesters were walking around putting cold frankfurters in peoples' pockets unawares and laughing their heads onto the floor. Many times people didn't discover the sausages till much later or discovered them when it was suggested they check their pockets.
A moment of embarrassment ensued. Then laughter and it was fun for everyone. Who knew you could have so much fun with frankfurters?
Well, I had no idea they were doing it at the time, I just saw them walking around laughing like little naughty children. I knew these were the cheeky type and didn't think anything too sinister of it.
I was playing the arcade with a friend when they started looking at me and laughing at me and I could sense the ridicule but had no idea what they were on about. I just considered their reaction strange and decided to let them mock me for whatever reason.
The very next thing (because I was considering doing some food to make the people more welcome and I knew we had a lot of sausages) I said to them - I just had a great idea, I'm going to cook some sausages for everyone!
They cracked up laughing and I still had no idea what they were on about! 😅
I went inside and got some sausages out of the fridge and commenced cooking. I was later told by one of them to check my pockets and I felt simultaneously humbled and amused.
I realised that I had succumbed to an unintended subliminal suggestion.
Being someone that prizes himself on his awareness it really made me consider - how aware am I really? And how much really can I trust my intuition if all suggestions came from somewhere in my experience?
The moral of the story:
It doesn't matter how immune we think we are to the programming, conditioning and subliminal messages/advertising - we just aren't - this is part of being human. Admitting it and working around it with the realisation it is there is part of true intelligence.
And with that, I leave you there.
Enjoy your sausages (meaty or otherwise) on your pans, in your buns or in your pockets; on your community games nights peoples!
**EDIT -- ps. We must also consider the multi-narrative and meta-narrative approach. In that certain revolutionary acts may be 'allowed' within a predefined narrative but then roped back in - all narratives being 'part of the plan'. It feels crazy looking at it this deep - but really, it isn't. A predefined multi-narrative agenda where all paths lead to the same place and all paths are given a place. If I was an intelligence agency, I would design it this way. It would be the perfect agenda.
Is there a way out of this? There may be, through the exposure of human ignorance and in humility.
We must consider that mass demonstrations were expected against the measures imposed due to covid and it was only a matter of time before the people stood up. The time in which it took the people to stand up and what countries did it, will now be added as data to the plan - and the next phase readjusted.
It's really quite plain.
We must ask the question honestly - can the 'plan' be escaped?
Holy bazonkas! I opened up another can 'o worms. Gonna need to write a post on the likely possibility of a preprepared multi-narrative agenda! I may need some help to mind map out some possibilities... how can we seek to avoid a map if we know nothing about it? We must first make a picture of something with our best guesses and seek to adapt and change it according to new information and events as they come to pass. Who is game?
And once we have a clear enough picture of their multi-narrative map - the only way to subvert it is to counter it with our own. So a meta-narrative map that allows for the original map to be exposed in all its intricacies and usurps it with our own multi-narrative map...
If this is conceivable by a single individual as myself -
Then it must also be assumed that they have already created a multi-narrative that allows the possibility of meta-narratives to take-over...
It's much like a game of chess isn't it? With all of its many strategies, being ten moves ahead of another player...
It must also then be assumed that multiple powers that be divided against each other are already in the process of enabling, subversion and false narrative play-outs...
Sheesh! Intelligence is hard work!
The idea of a grand 'grand plan' - although somewhat ingenious to consider - is it possible?
If so, where are we going.... I really went down a rabbit hole there... Who else has traveled this path?
And an uncomfortable one. I think we can be (and I include myself in this, because I am not perfect) really reluctant to see 'other truths' or the meta narrative because it can be quite painful to undo the fabric of your existance - the one that's been carefully constructed to protect an identity that you can live with.
I am blessed - or cursed - with flexible thinking. Makes me a little uncertain often - and I can easily be swayed with argument, because I dont really hold what I know to be the absolute truth. How can it be, when I know that I'm a product of a range of factors that has created this version of self that I am in this lifetime? What I do want to do, however, is scream at some people and say 'why do you believe THIS truth, when my truth is equally valid' - which is pointless, because all of it is 'not truth'.
It seems that this world is faster and looser with the truth than ever before - 'they' have the means to create the world and our identities to suit a particular purpose. Have you see the last series of Westworld? No sausages, but something like them.
All this makes me want to do is retreat to the truth I know - the rough feel of bark against my skin, the blue sky, the incessant roll of waves, the rainbow lorikeets. This I know to be 'true'.
But I'm not really allowed, am I, because I too have a part to play in this wider narrative that is at play in the world, whether I want to or not, whether I accept this truth or not.
I have a craving for veggie sausages.