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RE: Introducing... Subversive meta-disinformation!

in Deep Dives5 years ago

We must be willing to be wrong at every turn but we must also be firm in where we have proven for ourselves what is true. We must learn that we can trust things to be what they are and not anymore. It's a fine balance on a knife's edge.

And an uncomfortable one. I think we can be (and I include myself in this, because I am not perfect) really reluctant to see 'other truths' or the meta narrative because it can be quite painful to undo the fabric of your existance - the one that's been carefully constructed to protect an identity that you can live with.

I am blessed - or cursed - with flexible thinking. Makes me a little uncertain often - and I can easily be swayed with argument, because I dont really hold what I know to be the absolute truth. How can it be, when I know that I'm a product of a range of factors that has created this version of self that I am in this lifetime? What I do want to do, however, is scream at some people and say 'why do you believe THIS truth, when my truth is equally valid' - which is pointless, because all of it is 'not truth'.

It seems that this world is faster and looser with the truth than ever before - 'they' have the means to create the world and our identities to suit a particular purpose. Have you see the last series of Westworld? No sausages, but something like them.

All this makes me want to do is retreat to the truth I know - the rough feel of bark against my skin, the blue sky, the incessant roll of waves, the rainbow lorikeets. This I know to be 'true'.

But I'm not really allowed, am I, because I too have a part to play in this wider narrative that is at play in the world, whether I want to or not, whether I accept this truth or not.

I have a craving for veggie sausages.
