Thanks for taking the time to read and the feedback.
Yeah - I actually did start with something similar and Alan thought I should build some credibility before I shared more of my personal experience.
My initial first draft was much more personal and (I thought) engaging and interesting for the general public because... well... it's more "real" and less academic and cold.
It was more of a story and less of a "paper".
Now I'm wondering if I should look at it again... hmmm.
Maybe I can connect you on Google docs and you can do a read and edit? Heck... I'm happy for you to write the story version if you want to. It's a pretty interesting story. And I don't really want to write it anymore.
This little book (K.I.S.S) is more just information based to get parents and professionals informed about a possibly more effective approach to mental health and addiction to prevent unnecessary medication of the kids. So I want it to be quite clinical and brief, I guess.
Although Ch 2 ended up being 75 pages and it still in final edit :/
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment :) I really appreciate your engagement on this one! 🙏