Ghislaine Maxwell, best known as Jeffery Epstein’s “Madame” and procurer of young girls, also has a history of working for foreign intelligence services -- in fact, her involvement with Epstein and his peccadillos may have been more of a hobby than an actual job. Maxwell, along with her siblings -- there are seven of them -- comes from a family ensconced in spying and double dealing on behalf of Mossad, which means MI-6 as well. As I’ve written before, all western intel services, including MI-5, MI-6, GCHQ, the CIA, and Mossad were the creation of the Rothschilds and all serve the same masters. The FVEY (Five Eyes) intel sharing operation is a part of that umbrella network.
Maxwell’s father Robert was a part of the MI-6 intelligence cabal and he brought his daughters into the family business before he died. People typically view intel operations such as the CIA or MI-6 as spy networks that work to keep their respective nations safe, but that is wrong. Like any other businesses, the intel agencies are money-making operations that generate a profit by gathering information before the competition. The CIA is the only US government agency that actually turns a yearly profit. I don’t want to get too far off subject here, but through In-Q-Tel, the tech investment branch of the CIA, invests in tech start-ups and reaps profits from those that prove successful.
One more brief bit of history before moving on -- the British East India Company owed much of its success to their intelligence operation, right up until the Napoleonic Wars when Nathan Rothschild’s intel operatives got him news of Napoleon's defeat far ahead of anyone else. Rothschild parlayed this information into owning a controlling share of British war bonds, which he bought up for pennies on the dollar after using his information to leverage panic selling. Rothschild, for all intents and purposes, had control of the British economy and used it to garner an immense amount of political control. His intelligence services evolved into MI-5 and MI-6 and subsequently Mossad -- remember Rothschild effectively bought Israel with the Balfour Declaration (1917). WWII brought about OSS, an offshoot of MI-6, that turned into the CIA in 1946… these are all controlled by the Rothschild/Rockefeller diaspora, the CIA through the Council on Foreign Affairs (CFA).
Robert Maxwell, media tycoon, used his media empire as an adjunct to his work for MI-6/Mossad. As Project Mockingbird taught us, the control of information is tantamount to intelligence, something Maxwell knew all too well. Along with his media empire, Maxwell passed his intelligence “business” on to his children.
“Out of the seven Maxwell siblings, Ghislaine Maxwell has undoubtedly received the bulk of media scrutiny both in recent years and arguably ever since the suspected homicide of the family patriarch, Robert Maxwell, in 1991. In the years since his death, Robert Maxwell’s close ties to Israeli intelligence and links to other intelligence agencies have been documented by respected journalists and investigators including Seymour Hersh and Gordon Thomas, among others.”
Ghislaine’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein was likely a product of her intelligence ties rather than shared sexual proclivities. Whether he was running her, or vice-versa is unclear, but given Ghislaine’s background it was likely she was in charge, Epstein was just more visible. I’m not a big proponent of Qanon, but information is information -- the message is more important than the messenger:
In this light, the arrest of Ghislaine is far more significant than the arrest of Epstein, however, she’s not the only Maxwell involved in the family business. Her twin sisters Christine and Isabel also play significant roles as well.
The theft of the PROMIS software from Inslaw, a tech company owned by William Hamilton and his wife Nancy would not have been possible without massive corruption at the DOJ -- some things just never change. The Hamiltons designed PROMIS (Prosecutor’s Management Information System) to modernize the outdated records system, in fact computerizing it.
"Designed as case-management software for federal prosecutors, PROMIS has the ability to combine disparate databases, and to track people by their involvement with the legal system. Hamilton and others now claim that the DOJ has modified PROMIS to monitor intelligence operations, agents and targets, instead of legal cases."
In 1983 Hamilton and his partner Dean Merrill were visited by a man called Ben Orr, a “prosecutor from Israel,” who managed to walk out with a copy of the software under his arm. Orr turned out to be “...Rafael Etian, chief of the Israeli defense force's anti-terrorism intelligence unit.”
“The Department of Justice sent him over for a look at the property they were about to "misappropriate," and Etian liked what he saw. Department of Justice documents record that one Dr. Ben Orr left the DOJ on May 6, 1983, with a computer tape containing PROMIS tucked under his arm.”
“According to Federal court documents, PROMIS was stolen from Inslaw by the Department of Justice directly after Etian's 1983 visit to Inslaw (a later congressional investigation preferred to use the word "misappropriated"). And, according to sworn affidavits, PROMIS was then given or sold at a profit to Israel and as many as 80 other countries by Dr. Earl W. Brian, a man with close personal and business ties to then-President Ronald Reagan and then-Presidential counsel Edwin Meese.”
Among the crimes listed by the House Judiciary Committee by “high-level Jusrice officials and others are:
>> Conspiracy to commit an offense
>> Fraud
>> Wire fraud
>> Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies and committees
>> Tampering with a witness
>> Retaliation against a witness
>> Perjury
>> Interference with commerce by threats or violence
>> Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) violations
>> Transportation of stolen goods, securities, moneys
>> Receiving stolen goods
Naturally, no one has been arrested or held accountable for these crimes that also include the murder of investigative journalist Danny Casolaro. “WIRED has spent two years searching for the answers to the questions Inslaw poses: Why would Justice steal PROMIS? Did it then cover up the theft? Did it let associates of government officials sell PROMIS to foreign governments, which then used the software to track political dissidents instead of legal cases? (Israel has reportedly used PROMIS to track troublesome Palestinians.)”
Congress appointed a Special Counsel Nicholas John Bua to investigate the DOJ’s theft of the software that included three sitting Atty. Generals in addition to Edwin Meese:
"Meese wasn’t the only corrupt DOJ head according to Rodney Stich in Defrauding America, “by misusing the power of their office…three U.S. attorney generals in the Reagan-Bush administrations, Edwin Meese, Richard Thornburgh, and Vice President George H.W. Bush’s man William Barr, misappropriated, or aided and abetted, the theft of the software called PROMIS.”
Just as it was 40 years ago, the last thing you can count on from the DOJ is justice. The PROMIS software is still in use, upgraded and now called PRISM, which is built on the same platform. It is still used for the same purpose, tracking and recording individuals and groups. Makes one wonder why Trump chose Barr as AG in light of his prior corruption. It was Barr who encouraged Congress to appoint Bua.
In retrospect, these questions seem to have answered themselves, particularly in light of the COVIS-19 outbreak and “contact tracing.” PROMIS is the prototype of all tracking software and can easily be adapted to track CV-19 dissidents. As a matter of fact it can and has been adapted to perform a number of different functions.
“Why is this of interest and perhaps a huge component of the Epstein affair (and for that matter, the various human trafficking network stories that we've seen emerge, beginning all the way back with the Franklin Scandal, and continuing to today with "Pizzagate" and so on)? Here a brief review of what the PROMIS software was capable of is perhaps in order. PROMIS itself stands for PROsecutors' Management Information Software (or in some versions, System). It was developed by Hamtilton's company Inslaw for use in the Justice Department to allow prosecutors to track cases through state and federal systems. As such, it had to have a ""multi-lingual" computer language reading capability. In effect, it was a database reader for any database, and this capability, of course, made it of interest to other agencies, for one could track almost anything with it, from cases, to terrorists, to weapons, to money flows, and so on. Think of it as a very powerful early version of Google, for such database management implied a search capability, and yes, just for the record, I do suspect a link between Google (and other emergent search engines in the early days of the web, and PROMIS). According to the story, the software was literally stolen by the DOJ, and then several modifications in the form of "backdoors'' were added to the software, which was then sold to several foreign intelligence agencies - you know, to countries like Iraq, Egypt, Germany, Canada's RCMP, Israel, and so on. Indeed, I ran across fictionalized versions of the story back in the 1990s, that alleged one of Inslaw's original programmers had added his own personal backdoor to the software, and then promptly disappeared, though I've never been able to confirm that aspect of the story. In any case, I also strongly suspect that PROMIS was the software that was allowed to be stolen by the Soviet Union as a part of the infamous "Farewell" case of the French mole inside the KGB's technical procurements division, and that it may have been responsible for the explosion of a Soviet gas pipeline in the 1990s, visible from outer space. And there are indications that PROMIS and its numerous backdoors may have had a hand in the case of Chinese espionage as Los Alamos.”
The last sentence also provides some perspective into Hillary’s private server at her NY home being “hacked” by foreign entities. The importance and potential of this software was evident to the DOJ as far back as the 80s, imagine the importance of having the keys to the backdoors.
“But now the appearance of Robert Maxwell in the narrative, as being perhaps one of the agents who helped disseminate the program, is intriguing to say the least, for Maxwell is, of course, connected to the Epstein affair. So the question is, why would PROMIS be connected to Epstein, and here's where my daily High Octane Speculation comes in, for I can think of at least two reasons: (1) it was used to maintain and update the "database" of whatever control files as may have been gathered in connection to Epstein's alleged network of human trafficking, and (2) it was used to track the actual member-victims of that network. It would, and could, be used to track the "merchandise" of a global human trafficking network.”
More importantly, who would be in possession of these records” My guess is the Maxwell sisters. “While Ghislaine’s own ties to intelligence have since come to light in relation to her critical role in facilitating the Jeffrey Epstein sexual blackmail operation. Little, if any attention, has been paid to her siblings, particularly Christine and her twin sister Isabel, despite them having held senior roles at the Israeli intelligence front company that facilitated their father’s greatest act of espionage on Israel’s behalf, the sale of the bugged PROMIS software to the U.S. national laboratories at the heart of the country’s nuclear weapons system.”
The PROMIS story itself is much bigger than this. It involves Danny Casolaro’s investigation, the BCCI scandal, and more. The link below will give you an idea of how big it is and how widespread the corruption that made it possible was. It involves the DOJ, FBI, CIA, Iran-Contra not to mention many others.
The Sisters
It seems that Ghislaine’s sisters are as much a part of the family business as she is, although they command far less media attention. Both are involved in technology-based businesses as well as intelligence. It’s possible that while Ghislaine and Epstein ran the blackmail/sexual entrapment end of the business, the sisters Christine and Isabel were involved in the tech end. It was Christine and Isabel who took possession of the PROMIS software after their father’s death and both are involved with Mossad and the CIA. This also gives them privy to all of the corruption surrounding the theft of the software. In the event of Ghislaine’s “suicide,” it will be interesting to see how far the sisters would go to avenge her death -- all are in possession of very sensitive information, not only about the blackmail from Epstein’s honeytrap, but DOJ corruption as well. Perhaps Ghislaine has an insurance policy after all.
“Ghislaine herself also became involved in these affairs, as did Jeffrey Epstein following his first arrest, as they began courting the biggest names in the U.S. tech scene, from Silicon Valley’s most powerful venture capital firms to its most well-known titans. This also dovetailed with Epstein’s investments in Israeli intelligence-linked tech firms and his claims of having troves of blackmail on prominent tech company CEOs during this same period.”
In 1982 Robert Maxwell bought a company called Information on Demand through his own company Pergamon, which was to become the front company that “owned” the PROMIS software. This is at the same time that his partners Rafi Eitan and Earl Brian were installing the backdoors.
"One of these databases included Lockheed’s Dialog database and ‘the Defense Technical Center which is connected to the Department of Defense (DOD) which contains classified information.’ She asserted, however, that the company ‘has no password for access and further no need for access.’ Elsewhere in the document, it notes that Information on Demand claimed not have any access to classified information ‘to the best of their knowledge’ and ‘includes information concerning government and various available means of tapping government information databases.’”
In other words the PROMIS software acted as a gateway into a vast array of databases provided you have the key -- which Robert Maxwell, Eitan, and Brian had, in addition to Israeli intelligence. In all likelihood Maxwell passed this key on to his daughters prior to his mysterious demise thus solidifying their relationship with the Israeli intel services.
“In early August 1984, FBI headquarters and other higher-ups in the Ed Meese-led Department of Justice, which itself was complicit in the whole sordid PROMIS affair, ordered the New Mexico office to halt its investigation into Information on Demand, Maxwell and PROMIS. The cover-up, oddly enough, continues today, with the FBI still refusing to release documents pertaining to Robert Maxwell and his role in the PROMIS scandal.”
Meese, by the way, became one of Donald Trump’s most trusted advisors -- it’s likely that he is responsible for Barr’s being appointed as AG. The PROMIS software gave the keyholders access to classified information from governments, corporations, and anyone they chose to target around the world. It was even used to target America’s own Sandia Laboratories, the home of our most sensitive nuclear weapons program.
“Through Degem and other Maxwell-owned companies based in Israel and elsewhere, Maxwell marketed PROMIS so successfully that Israeli intelligence soon had access to the innermost workings of innumerable governments, corporations, banks and intelligence services around the world. Many of Maxwell’s biggest successes came in selling PROMIS to dictators in Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America. Following the sale and after Maxwell collected a handsome paycheck, PROMIS’ unparalleled ability to track and surveil anything – from cash flows to human movement – were used by these governments to commit financial crimes with greater finesse and used to hunt down and disappear dissidents. Israeli intelligence, of course, watched it all play out in real time.”
“Though Israeli intelligence found obvious use for the steady stream of sensitive and classified information, their biggest prize was yet to come – top secret government laboratories in the United States. Eitan tasked Maxwell with selling PROMIS to US labs in the Los Alamos complex, including Sandia National Laboratory, which was and is at the core of the US nuclear weapons system. Notably, the eventual sale of PROMIS to these laboratories by Maxwell occurred during the same period in 1984 when Eitan tasked one of Israel’s top experts in nuclear targeting with supervising Jonathan Pollard’s espionage of U.S. nuclear secrets on Israel’s behalf.”
After Robert’s death five of his children picked up the pieces and began to rebuild the family business. “Kevin and Ian Maxwell took over much of his businesses (and the associated fall-out) and his murky network of interlocking companies, trusts and foundations spread throughout the world. Ghislaine, having already positioned herself in New York at her father’s behest to anchor his efforts to expand his empire and operations into Manhattan, began a sexual blackmail operation on behalf of Israeli intelligence alongside Jeffrey Epstein. Christine and Isabel, however, would take off where Maxwell’s intelligence-linked work with PROMIS and in technology had left off by cashing in on a new revolutionary technology, the Internet.”
“Exactly how involved Ghislaine Maxwell was involved in the McKinley Group and Magellan is unclear, though her decision to describe herself as an “internet operator” and her documented “substantial interest” in the company suggest that it was more than superficial. What is notable, however, is that Ghislaine’s time as an “internet operator” and her business interests in Magellan overlap directly with her time working alongside Jeffrey Epstein in an Israeli intelligence-linked sexual blackmail operation.”
It was the advent of the internet and the Maxwell sisters’ Magellan software that led to Ghislaine and Epstein’s interaction with Bill Gates. “Notably, an article from The Evening Standard in 2001 makes an odd comment about a major source of income from Epstein during the 1990s, stating that “has made many millions out of his business links with the likes of Bill Gates, Donald Trump and Ohio billionaire Leslie Wexner, whose trust he runs.” In addition, Epstein victim Maria Farmer noted in an interview that she overheard Ghislaine and Epstein discuss Bill Gates as though they knew him well in 1995. However, these mentions of Bill Gates here defies the official narrative about the Epstein-Gates relationship, which claims they first met in 2011.Given the “major alliance” between McKinley/Magellan and Microsoft that was forged in 1995-1996, it is certainly possible that Epstein’s pre-2001 “business links” with Bill Gates were, in fact, related to Ghislaine’s involvement and stake in Magellan. This is also supported by the fact that, as will be shown in Part 2 of this report, Magellan co-founder Isabel Maxwell had a personal relationship with Bill Gates and that he put her subsequent company, Israel-based CommTouch, “on the map” after a major investment that had been brokered between Gates and Isabel personally. Part 2 will also show how both Isabel and Christine’s overt involvement, with Israeli and U.S. intelligence, respectively, deepened after Magellan was sold to Excite in 1996.”
It looks like Epstein’s sexual depredations may just be the tip of the iceberg, a useful tool to keep people in line. Membership in the elite circles of the cabal depend on them having something on you, something they can use for blackmailing people into complicity. The more they have, the higher one is allowed to ascend in the cabal. It is also important to remember that all of these intelligence services are linked, working for the same people toward the same goal. In the Epstein-Maxwell relationship it’s likely that Ghislaine had the upper hand making her more valuable to the cabal… Epstein was expendable, Ghislaine is not.
Using the Clintons as an example, Bill is a sex fiend who can’t “keep it in his pants,” while Hillary is more circumspect. Bill is useful because his true genius lies in money-laundering. Hillary’s usefulness -- and downfall -- is her unbridled lust for power, she will do anything to get it and that makes her useful.
Ghislaine is just one link in a much larger chain that includes her sisters Christine and Isabel, and her brothers Ian and Kevin, all part of the family business and all linked to Israeli intelligence which means MI-6 as well. Now that she’s been arrested, the question is how much will she spill to keep herself safe. The sexual allegations pale in comparison to the family’s involvement in PROMIS and the corruption at the DOJ. It’s in the interest of the DOJ to keep her safe because her family has the same information that she does, and like the saying goes, “blood is thicker than water.” If they should decide to “suicide” Ghislaine, they will also have to get rid of four of her siblings. It’s unlikely that Ghislaine will divulge anything useful. The whole story of her paying cash for her New Hampshire hideaway stinks, as does the story of her arrest. As usual, the powers that be are just trying to deflect attention away from the truth, and cover for their own corruption in the process.
wow, new info and really deep dive.
Did you happen to find that confession that told how Epstein wore a bull mask during the rituals?
I found seemed legit, because it was from a low-level worker on the island....and it has a lot of horrible info in it...Roger Stone doing something also talks about other celebs like Rhianna who regularly get children for their parties.
Here's a link to that:
"I fucked up really bad one evening and entered one of the maintenance sheds to return some tools I'd been using, and saw the sweaty, pale back of a large man, hunched over and thrusting. He had a tattoo of Nixon on his back, and he was wearing a bull's head mask. He was fucking one of the regular staff member's mouth. He turns to me, I'm just standing in shock, and says quite angrily, "DO YOU MIND?" and I slam the door shut. As I'm closing the door I get a glimpse of my coworker's face and he is crying. I googled nixon back tattoo later and realized that man was Roger Stone, who I'd never even heard of up to that point. I knew I was in deep shit. The next day and for two weeks after I got all the worst jobs - trash pick up, cleaning toilets, scrubbing his boats. It fucking sucked, but I kept my mouth shut anyway. As far as I understood my pay had not been cut so whatever, I'll do the shitty jobs where I'm by myself because at least, hey, I'm by myself. That was fine with me."
"Anyway things started getting really tense on the island from that point. People started making little comments to me about being nosy, or about minding my own business. I was started to get worried I'd be branded a "troublemaker", which you don't want to be. Things turn very quickly in this business, that's how they've kept a lid on it for so long, any small mistake and you're out. Most people are let go with NDA's and the understanding that they will be watched the rest of their lives which, ultimately, is how I got out as well. After Epstein died they cut me lose, I guess they figure since he's dead nothing I'd know would matter anyway. They're probably right, honestly. It probably won't matter anyway. But the rest of my time on that island was pure terror. I was just waiting to be taken away or worse, never happened, but I was still really scared. I saw a few of their weird "plays" they would do, around the bath house. Mr. Epstein had a little portable stage he would get set up, he would wear the bull head I saw Stone wearing and give a big speech about what he called freedom. He would say this island is the only free place in the whole world, where everyone on it can do whatever they want. Bullshit. Not your employees, not the children you bring here. Total bullshit. Everyone would cheer, they'd get up and do a sort of conga line with tiki torches, really cringy old rich people shit and go into the bath house. There is a trap door on the floor that has not been reported in any of the investigation photos that I've seen which lead to what they call "The chamber", and it is essentially a bondage dungeon. I don't know what all happened in there and I never want to know, I stayed as far away from that bath house as I could."
"They called them "plays" and "theatre" but from my eyes yeah, I would say the speeches and stuff I saw looked a lot like rituals. The bull's head mask was scary. I mean it was a rubber mask for sure but whoever spoke would wear it all night. After they would come up out of the chamber the masked person would roam the island all night, and it was generally understood that you are to avoid them at all costs. When they wear the mask they're like animals, they just wander around from one carnal satisfaction to the next. Food, sex, sometimes violence, whatever. And they could do whatever they want. If they came to you and told you to suck their dick or whatever, you have to do it. It never happened to me thankfully, but I made sure on those nights to stay out of sight."
No surprise about Roger Stone, or Trump for that matter. I don't believe Trump was into any of the really sick shit, but a lot of those people are into wife swapping and that kind of stuff.
I think Epstein was a minor player in the grand scheme. He was important for gathering intel for blackmail and no doubt worked for Mossad. His relationship with Leslie Wexner (Victoria's Secret was a white slavery front). But Ghislaine and her sisters are way higher up the Mossad food chain.
Trump and Epstein raped that 13 year old girl together. Trump has raped lots of women. I don't know why people think Trump is an ok guy. He's not. He's a rapist. Remember "grab 'em by the pussy" and "I can get away with anything.."
yeah, but from a victims' point of view, abusing and raping 3 girls per day puts you in a really sick and evil category.
yeah, Ghislaine and her sisters are no doubt protected by elites....
Also think about this....Epstein was obviously a slave to his pedophilia whereas Ghislaine was more into power, and i bet could think more's obvious that she did more work and had all the connections.
Excellent piece @richq11!
These are the elements of the Epstein story that are conveniently left out of msm coverage and Netflix documentaries that attempt to paint him as a lone psychopathic evil genius type of villain. As we both know, they do not want the true story to be dragged out into the light - that the Epstein operation of sexual blackmail has deep ties to Israeli intelligence. Thanks for putting this together, I've been reading Gordon Thomas's book off and on for the past few weeks - Robert Maxwell Israeli Superspy - it's fascinating. Whitney Webb's latest article on the Maxwell family no doubt helped inspire this post. I'm really looking forward to the release of her own book about the Epstein case as well. Take care!
Thanks so much for the kind words! What I find particularly interesting is the Danny Casalaro angle and those people, like Menachem ben- Menasche and the Israeli/DOJ relationship. Barr appointed the Special Prosecutor that derailed the investigation... I guess nothing changes in Washington. Ghislaine and her sisters inherited their father's info, including I'm sure the keys to PROMIS. Epstein was a lone wolf pervert who did the dirty work. Ghislaine ran the operation and is very well connected... certainly better than a Jew from NY with a questionable background. If they kill her, her sisters can do an info dump that will take down a lot of people.
Very important piece, pinning this to DD community page!
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