It should be abundantly clear by now that despite massive protests in his favor -- something that seems to have escaped the mainstream US media -- Magistrate Barasiter in the UK has no intention of allowing Julian Assange to leave England alive; nor will she release him from Belmarsh Prison.
While he was exposing the war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan of the Bush administration, Assange and Wikileaks were the darling of the MSM, however, when he began exposing the crimes of the Obama administration he became persona non grata even though both administrations were controlled by the same deep state. In his latest appearance in court he was rearrested and charged with 18 additional charges.
“He was re-arrested in the court's cells on Monday over new charges contained in a US indictment. It details a further 18 charges, lodged in June, which accuse him of plotting to hack computers and obtain and disclose national defence information.”
To further complicate matters Assange was subpoenaed to testify in the investigation into the murder of Seth Rich making him even more dangerous to the Deep State and DNC. “Imprisoned leader of Wikileaks Julian Assange has been ordered to testify in a lawsuit concerning Seth Rich’s death. Assange consistently denied Russia was behind providing DNC emails to Wikileaks. Seth Rich was murdered after the leaks began in Washington, D.C. The police called it a robbery; however, his wallet and other valuables were not taken. Many believe Rich was the DNC leaker.”
According to court documents:
“The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York presents its compliments to the Senior Master of the Royal Courts of Justice, and respectfully requests international judicial assistance in accordance with the Hague Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (“Hague Convention”), as implemented into English law by the Evidence (Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) Act 1975 (the “1975 Act”), to obtain evidence in England to be used in the above-captioned judicial proceeding. Specifically, this Court requests that the Senior Master, by the proper and usual process of your Courts, direct Julian Assange, located at Prisoner #A9379AY, HMP Belmarsh, Western Way, London SE28 0EB, United Kingdom, to appear for testimony.”
Given that Rich was killed in Washington DC it seems odd at best that he would be called to testify in the Southern District of NY who has no jurisdiction or standing over the investigation of Seth Rich’s murder except that this is a civil suit brought by Seth’s family against Fox News and Ed Butowsky who has been fighting to keep the investigation open. This could well be an effort by the Deep State to put an end to the investigation using the Riches as foils to stop Butowsky’s efforts. But what testimony could Julian offer?
The answer could be found in a meeting between Assange and former US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher in August of 2017. “A statement from Assange's lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, showed "Mr Rohrabacher going to see Mr Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out if Mr Assange... said Russia had nothing to do with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) leaks", Mr Fitzgerald said.”
Now, almost four years later, these new charges show that the Deep State and their allies in the UK have no intention of ever releasing Julian. If he should be extradited he will be put in a maximum security facility to ensure that the truth dies in darkness along with Assange. “If convicted [a virtual certainty], he faces a maximum possible sentence of 175 years in jail.” If the two-tiered American justice system can convict an innocent man like Gen. Michael Flynn with nothing but lies and fabricated evidence, Julian Assange stands no chance of exoneration. Our judicial system is designed to punish the innocent and “enemies of the [deep] state.”
From the time he was dragged from the Ecuadorian Embassy until now, Magistrate Vanessa Barasiter has used every ploy at her disposal to keep Mr. Assange incarcerated, even when far more serious offenders were systematically released due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The intention is clear -- to keep Assange inside Belmarsh Prison either until he breaks or dies. In a letter penned by 117 doctors back in February the dire condition of his health was acknowledged.
“The letter says: "Assange is in a dire state of health due to the effects of prolonged psychological torture in both the Ecuadorian embassy and Belmarsh prison, where he has been arbitrarily detained according to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.”
"Should Assange die in a UK prison, as the UN special rapporteur on torture has warned, he will have effectively been tortured to death. The medical profession cannot afford to stand silently by, on the wrong side of torture and the wrong side of history, while such a travesty unfolds."
It is now 6 months later and if the British judiciary had any concerns whatsoever for Julian’s health his living conditions would have been improved, proving that the intent is to see him killed via “natural causes.”
According to Assange’s lawyer Mark Summers QC: "fresh allegations at the 11th hour" were brought without warning or explanation, which meant they had no time to prepare a response.”
"It would be an impossible task for the defence to deal with these fresh allegations in any meaningful way in the time that has been afforded to them, and that time is a matter of weeks in respect of which we are provided absolutely no explanation for the late arrival of these matters. What is happening is abnormal, unfair and liable to create injustice if allowed to continue."
Predictably the response from Magistrate Barasiter was: "These are issues which must take place in the context of considering the extradition request and not before it." In other words she intends to drag these hearings out for as long as possible in hopes that Assange will die in the interim solving both the UK’s and the Deep State’s problems. According to Australian investigative journalist Andrew Fowler:
"It seems quite clear that there is an attempt by the British and US administrations to destroy Assange, either driving him to suicide or a psychological breakdown."
"[…] The ultimate purpose of Assange’s treatment is a warning to others. Particularly other journalists. It’s the modern day equivalent of crucifixion, putting heads of enemies on spikes, or public hangings."
Julian’s partner Stella Morris has presented a petition with over 80,000 signatures calling for his release and crowds of protestors have gathered for the hearings expected to last for four weeks, yet the American MSM never reports about any of it. It goes without saying that journalism is dead, replaced with the propaganda arm of the Deep State. In a just world journalists would be raising the alarm about the loss of their ability to tell the truth instead of parroting state-controlled propaganda. Complicit in this war against the truth is the US government, the ones with the most to lose from Julian’s revelations. It is they who have the biggest stake in silencing him.
“[…] the US government has been building its extradition case and expanding the scope of its vendetta against all those who have helped WikiLeaks bring the truth to the people of the world.”
Seth Rich was the one of the first to be sacrificed to the Empire of Lies, and now Julian Assange’s head is on the chopping block. The truth and the illusion of justice no longer have any place in today’s world, only expediency matters now. There is no lie that the Deep State won’t tell or life they will not take to maintain control.
“What awaits Assange next month promises to be resoundingly ugly. He will have to ready himself for more pain, applied by Judge Vanessa Baraitser. Throughout her steering of proceedings, Baraitser has remained chillingly indifferent to Assange’s needs, a model of considered cruelty.”
The UK is not only an ally of the Deep State, it is their headquarters. Since the beginning of the coup attempt against the Trump administration the UK has been involved, their intelligence community working in tandem with our own CIA, NSA, FBI, and others, all with the same goal in mind. Behind it all are the international bankers, the Rothschild/Rockefeller diaspora that includes the Schiff family and their puppet prince in Congress Adam. The intelligence community was the creation of the Rothschilds based on the British East India Company/Rhodes Roundtable model.
“There is an increasingly dangerous authoritarianism growing in the West, where people are being surveilled to a much greater extent than than the German Stasi ever was able to achieve, because of our digital spying apparatuses that we have in our pockets called smartphones.”
“The outcome of this case has huge repercussions for press freedom. It is the first time a publisher has been charged under the Espionage Act. It would be the first time any foreign journalist is prosecuted and extradited to the US for publishing truths they didn’t like.”
The outcome of this case will have permanent ramifications for journalists around the world. If Assange is killed or convicted the truth will lose and the media will become the permanent mouthpiece of the state, similar to Pravda. Julian Assange may only be one man but he represents something much bigger and more important -- the truth. If the Deep State prevails it will discourage others from coming forward. Whatever the outcome of this case, it is incumbent upon all of us to keep moving forward exposing corruption wherever we may find it. There are some things more important than life, and preserving the truth and integrity is one of them Julian knew what he was getting into when he started and he went forward knowing that someday it may come to this. It’s obvious now that the powers that shouldn’t be, have no intention of allowing him to live, but the rest of us can’t let that discourage us from fighting for the truth… from taking up our pens and fighting Julian’s war for the truth.
The Censorship of Julian Assange reminds me of the one of Wilhelm Reich or inventors like Nicola Tesla who were suppressed. I think in the age where freedom of information has taken new shape in the freedom of value and it's indirect exchange through the decentralised network of the new web. It will make this forever known as a very primitive censorship of some one who risked his life to reveal the truth to all of us and got convicted by a bunch of assholes who will have a worse mark in history than Hitler! Why ? because they want a majority of the world to be locked up in cages like chickens, as slaves and produce more eggs? Maybe in some countries some of us live as free range chickens, unaware of the fence? In history people like Bruno Giordano got burned at the stake. The dogmas of mass indoctrination by western media monopolies should make us all stand up and charge the gates of Basel!
Those in power will always do whatever it takes to keep their corruption from the masses. Corruption and fear are the modes of control available.
Gee, it's almost like governments do not in fact work for us, and consider our knowledge of their doings to be a threat...
Good thing we know better lol!
The extradition trial is a complete farce!
The Kangaroo court of England is now in session.
The biased and dishonorable judge Vanessa Baraitser presiding.
From what I understand there are huge demonstrations that the MSM of course won't report. It's the only thing that can save him... they have no intention of letting him live.
Congrats for sharing the truth!
What's your opinion about about time?
Do you think we have all the time in the world to overcome our challenge?
No, I think time is running out. The world elites will use the virus scare to take over.
You're right: they use fear to fast-track their agenda.
What's your opinion about effectiveness?
How can we be more effective?
What do you think?
Thank you for writing!
It's going to be a sad day.
PS: Sorry to hear you are not well, will pray for you.
Thank you, I'm feeling a little better, just weak. I guess it's old age catching up.
I am glad to hear you are better ...waiting for the next chapter of your story.
Good luck. ❤️
I'm working on an entry for the Deepdives writing contest and then it will be back to the book
Oooh ok, good luck with that. 🙃
Whew, I'm back! I almost died from an abscess in my gums last weekend. I spent 7 days in bed, delirious.
Oh my goodness, glad you made it. Are you on discord?
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