You could say that it is wrong to bring your kids to a protest .
Antifa , BLM and other lefty woke shit protests are not ever set up to be peaceful , on the other side anti lockdown protest are set up peaceful , mostly just put up as a peaceful mars for freedom with no intent to do any harm . No cop's means no riots with those protests . Where , when those lefty's , if left alone , will start looting and destroying infra structures , the anti lockdown protesters will just walk the walk and go home leaving no mess behind .
And as our children are the future , i can understand parents taking their kids on a peaceful protest mars true town . Yes we could wonder if that is a wise thing to do , but any damage done to those kids comes single and only from those shithead riot cops on a power trip .
I have bin to some peaceful protests against the lockdown narrative , most people where well over 60 and did not so do anything wrong . Still riot cops charged them , beating them up , for not taking 1,5mtr's distance between each other .
They where attacked by brutal evil power tripping forces for a crime-less crime , where obviously they where taken down harder then any antifa blm or extinction rebellion protest ever was .
FUCK the UN ,.. they are part of the problem , . they even created it .