At a human rights protest this weekend in Schweinfurt, Germany, a four year old kid was attacked by aggressive German police. Over 2500 people took part in the protest. The protesters were standing up against the Orwellian corona measures imposed upon them by the German neo fascist government. A total of eight protesters were arrested.
The police used batons and pepper spray against the peaceful protesters. The mother and the four year old child got caught in a cloud of pepper spray when they tried to flee from a police line. The child suffered eye irritation but luckily could still be treated on site.
It was reported on Twitter:
According to witnesses, nurses in the area were not able to take care of wounded people, as the police was stopping them from helping out. Germany in 2021 is not a place to grow up in for young kids.
In a recent statement, the United Nations expressed their concern about the growing police violence in Germany. The UN special rapporteur says use of excessive force against demonstrators "absolutely unacceptable".
He particularly mentioned a video, which showed a German police officer punching a woman in the throat and knocking her unconscious, although she posed no threat. "She could have died," he said, adding that such behavior by the police was not acceptable. In another video, a police officer was caught on camera punching a teenager in the face and putting him on the ground.
Nils Melzer, the UN’s special rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, has said his office is currently examining dozens of videos from Sunday’s protests in Berlin, and also interviewing eyewitnesses.
My question is what kind of parent takes their child to a riot.
By all means you can protest. However taking your child someplace where there is going to be a major issue with these kind of causes...
I am more worried about the safety of the child because that is not appropriate.
There are actually parents that take their children to these riots for pictures and all that. Which is highly dangerous and extremely traumatizing to a child.
I get police violence however the shift from non-violent protesting to violent rioting and attacking the police during these so-called protests... I have actually watched Portland antifa systematically Target businesses for vandalism as well as assaulting police officers and both of these as coordinated orchestrated attacks.
The standing Rock protest was highly moderated by the elders and leaders of the tribes in which all these so-called direct action violent rioters and protesters were called out for attacks on police with Molotov cocktails.
The actual protesters removed these criminals after clearly identifying all of them and bringing them before a council. And then they were expelled by the elders.
If people are peacefully protesting I completely support that and that should be protected as well as violence used against a peaceful protester is abhorrent.
However this current culture of rioting at protests... Needs to be addressed.
Excellent post and I need to look into the entire situation in Germany rather than just reacting off of your headline.
I agree with you. The problem is also that in Europe the police now uses "instigators" mingling with the normal protesters to justify police violence. It's very hard to say if violence is coming from the protesters or from people pretending to be.
Exactly what's happening here...
And yes usto be that is protestors would expell and identify the criminals.
Most of these agitated individuals are paid police infiltration units.
Protesting is dangerous now...
Excellent question, as a mother I would not put my child's life at risk. Taking them to a protest where the first thing you see is violence and abuse, I don't agree with that. I imagine the face of that innocent scared child, in the middle of all that chaos. In cases like that nobody is watching, who is who, you have to take those things into account. A protest is not a game or a playground where we run the risk of losing our lives.
You could say that it is wrong to bring your kids to a protest .
Antifa , BLM and other lefty woke shit protests are not ever set up to be peaceful , on the other side anti lockdown protest are set up peaceful , mostly just put up as a peaceful mars for freedom with no intent to do any harm . No cop's means no riots with those protests . Where , when those lefty's , if left alone , will start looting and destroying infra structures , the anti lockdown protesters will just walk the walk and go home leaving no mess behind .
And as our children are the future , i can understand parents taking their kids on a peaceful protest mars true town . Yes we could wonder if that is a wise thing to do , but any damage done to those kids comes single and only from those shithead riot cops on a power trip .
I have bin to some peaceful protests against the lockdown narrative , most people where well over 60 and did not so do anything wrong . Still riot cops charged them , beating them up , for not taking 1,5mtr's distance between each other .
They where attacked by brutal evil power tripping forces for a crime-less crime , where obviously they where taken down harder then any antifa blm or extinction rebellion protest ever was .
FUCK the UN ,.. they are part of the problem , . they even created it .