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RE: "You have NO RIGHT to NOT be Vaccinated": Dershowitz, Madman Authoritarian

in Deep Dives5 years ago

LoLthat your argument? I have no problem to kill and feed to my crab all your loved ones, old, young, anyone you care, and laugh about it knowing that my crab will be great.

you can't vaccinate against all illness, your loved ones will die. There is no solution to death but to accept it. Furthermore most illiness are the result of your choices or your parents choices, as such I have no responsabilty in their weakness, and said for defending my liberty, KILLING THEM will be enjoyable, I have no mercy, nor pitty, nor anything you will pretend to inflict me upon, like guilt, I will sleep like baby after having roasted my crab feeded on you.

Remember it, to win, we kill...