According to the popular establishment and pedo-connected lawyer Alan Dershowitz, you basically have no rights unless the government lets you have them. What's more, is that this guy is considered a "scholar" in the field of United States constitutional law! What a pathetic joke!
In the video at the bottom you can listen to the "noted civil libertarian" get asked by Jason Goodman, about Gov. Cuomo and if he's allowed to "shut down the constitution" because of allegations of COVID-19. To which the "esteemed" scholar responds that the state has the power to close parks for "health" reasons:
You have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread disease, even if you disagree.
Where does the United States Constitution grant states "rights" to prevent people from going into parks? If you don't have a right yourself, then a group of people can't have that right either. States don't magically have more rights than any individual does. That's a big lie of the belief in authority.
All these "laws" aren't moral law. People just claim some imaginary right to create "legal" demands on others backed up by the threat of violence if you don't do what they say. That's a gang. And that's how society works.
People have the right to do anything unless it causes harm to other sentient beings. People go through parks with the flu, why weren't parks closed before? It's bullshit. Even if you are sick, I agree it's not cool to get other people sick and you should avoid spreading an illness. Like say, don't cough/sneeze into you hand and go rubbing shit in the park.
He elaborates and keeps telling people what they don't have a right to do:
You have no right not to be vaccinated. You have no right not to wear a mask. You have no right to open up your business...
And there you have it. The most insane thing for a so-called "constitutional expert" to say. But wait, there's more from the scholar of constitutional law:
And if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor's office and plunge a needle into your arm.
Wow. Witness the belief in authority leads to, folks. This is what you get when you believe in authority and justify everything they do. You get someone who doesn't know right from wrong. Or at least advocates wrong over right, which is an immoral person. Period.
Unfortunately, many people believe what he does: You should be fined for not doing as the state says. You should be arrested. You should be forced to get a vaccine. Otherwise, stay in your home and never leave, live in a bubble.
What right does anyone have to kidnap you and force a substance into your body against your will? This is insane. And Jason Goodman perks up to challenge Dershowitz's insanity that you should bow down and obey what they state commands of you. But Dershowitz just keeps peddling insane claims. Like how caselaw from courts trumps the common sense of moral law understanding. As if a court not upholding the constitution as a foundation somehow becomes a "constitutional" judgment to stand by.
It's interesting that he refers to the state's "power", and not "right" in these sentences. I think he's being a clever manipulator and u sing legalese rhetoric to advocate for anti-constitutional arguments under the veil that they are constitutional.
Just trust the state. They can work on virus strains, make them more deadly, and sell them to other governments to work on as well. Then, the virus can potentially leak and start spreading in the world. Or they can tell people that a "deadly virus" is spreading in the world, while it's not that much more deadly compared to something like the flu that sounds no alarms year after year.
Trust in your masters. They will take care of you. You don't need rights.
Anyways, if you want to hear it yourself, listen to this fool attempt to justify the immorality of the state:
You can also listen to HighImpactFlix going over the madness of this fake-ass "law" expert:
We need to give all of these lying pedophiles a first class ticket back to Epstein island. Constitutional scholar or not, he knows nothing about disease and human biology.
Let's vaccinate them, shut down their businesses, and see how they fare when forced to follow the rules they made up. Mandatory social distancing: No sex, no visitors, no traveling. No government stimulus because they made too much money last year.
Any violators will be open to a full investigation on their past crimes. We already know these outspoken experts are guilty of treason to overthrow the nation with their cuckoo propaganda, organizing mass global genocide and human rights violations, and monopolizing of businesses.
Right on! I agree, vaxx them and shut down their business, and see how they like it. LOL. Make them go through the "final solution" before us :P Make sure its "safe" lol. Not that they would, and would just tell us they did.
Well said.
It's good that you're solution oriented.
What are your suggestions? What can we do to overcome our challenge?
Was weird seeing Jason Goodman giving this interview, exposing the push for mandatory vaccinations that Trump said he will roll out the military to administer. Goodman was on quite an anti-Steem campaign years ago, and shredded (imo) Aggroed in a video back then. It didn't make me anti-Steem obviously, just exposed that Aggroed wasn't the best candidate for that interview. I must admit, that video made me disgusted with Goodman, as he was ruthless/cunning in such an attacking way. I guess there are times that can be good, such as this. Never thought I would experience an appreciation for the guy.
People better wake up. This mandatory vaccination talk is gaining speed. Thanks for a great post.
I see. I don't know anything other than this interview, but I guess you know how devious the guy can be in other circumstances for things he doesn't like, like blockchains? The vaxx push is hard on its way for sure.
I've been saying, for over a year, that someone should do all these globalists (like Soros and Bill Gates) a big favour and help them. They are so busy taking care of us and our children that they are ignoring the safety and benefits to their own children of vaccinations, so we should take them all into protective custody and vaccinate them with ALL the vaccines they've have used on our children.
They want their bloodlines to rule the Earth - well, as they tell us now - about our kids, it is not right that they do so without having their own DNA also altered.
Do you think they will appreciate our efforts on their behalf, or will they curse us?
Plus, if none of them have pure and capable (intelligent) bloodlines to take over, will they remain as committed in taking over and doing a massive depopualtion?
Considering that so many people get the flu shot every year although many doctors themselves state that it’s pointless it even worse - more harmful, no wonder so many people are ok with getting whatever new vaccine they are coming up with...
We need to get more people to think and stop supporting this insanity. If the majority of us refused vaccines, staying at home rules, etc., no authority would be able to stop EVERYBODY
they may threaten that if you don’t get vaccinated that means no work, no school for kids, no travel... But what if like 80% of the nation stops going to work? But G or that, we regular people should be ready and self-sufficient enough. Dependency creates obedience
Yup, if no one obeys, they can't do shit. The belief in vaccines as necessary is strong and got stronger with COVID with all the idiots talking about vaccines as the only solution to the evil deadly COVID... lol. We are very co-dependent in society, and we obey what our masters so in fear of the retaliation they will put upon us. We live in duress, constantly. And people are fine with this...
There has been some digging down into the instances and number of covid related deaths here in Nova Scotia. As of a couple of days ago there had been 51 death, 45 of which were all from a high rise, shated room, old age home in the capital of Halifax. As we really have no idea on the percentsges infected at this poibt ond can really only work out the valid per capita death rate attributed to covid-19. With an approximate population of 1 million my math brings the per capita death percentage to 0.0051%. Have not yet compared to other per capita death rates, like falling down the stairs or getting hit by a bus. It is still nore dangerous than getting hit vy lightning, thankfully.
Sounds right, I've only done US and Sweden in my posts to show lockdown vs non-lockdown. The defected death rates are high but not reliable as you say, since we don't know the real higher amount if actual infected.
My gut is saying 60-80% of most populations have come into contact with the virus. This will not be confirmed or disproven until a reliable test is available.
Maybe we can have a boxing match to settle things. That used to be his style. 😎
More like: You have NO RIGHT to have a RIGHTS
LOL yup basically...
Absolute insanity! People should fight for their rights, amazing how some folks can really be manipulated into giving up their rights. I refuse to imagine such a future for humanity
Well it's fast approaching...
That bastard was the ‘VIP user’ of Lolita Express…
Yeah, hes's been accused by Virginia Roberts as well, or it was another victim of the pedo elite, I forget...
buy the way, Dershowitz worked for Assange in 2011
Consultant eh, guess they wanted a shark and didn't know what he was involved in...
1984 much
Very much ;)
Seems to be these senile, so called 'experts' do not comprehend the notion of Inalienable Rights. The constitution is not 'not a real thing' that you can just ignore as you see fit. The constitution is not null & void as you please. It is, however, a means by which to guide the government's actions, and limit their capacity as a whole. The public has the right, by force, to compel the government to uphold constituional rights, regardless of what the government wants. The constitution is in place to keep the government in line, and behaving in a manner which is appropriate according to the powers afforded to them by the people. You government employees are, and always have been, PUBLIC SERVANTS. You serve the people, their will, always, according to the constitution. Failure to do so is a breach of your oath, made to the people. Trickery and deception in any form, at any level of government is not contracturally capable of being a binding agreement. If the government is in breach of contract, or changes the terms without proper lawful means, you are acting in bad faith, and without consideration. The contract has been breached and you are stripped of the powers afforded to you by the people. Any actions beyond this point are unlawful, and any harm done to the people after your breach of oath and actions of publically unsupported actions are a crime.
Get back in line.
So true... Your freedom ends at a point where it crosses the freedom of others and vice versa.
The answer to that is quite simple, because I care about my loved ones...I don't care about you or any other random man. But please do bare in mind not everyone can get vaccinated due to age or medical conditions. Would you be ok with yourself if you transmitted a disease to let's say your parent, who couldn't get vaccinated and died of it?
All in all, if you want to be a direct threat to the society, don't expect to remain part of it.
These people which are found all over the world, instead of helping the government or institutional with their knowledge always spew venoms.
Yes who knows, the best way is to avoid them at any cost. They are the parasites of the society
Yes, it does give you the liberty to fight for it but again most people fight if it comes on them.
Unvaccinated people should be gassed in an oven.