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RE: "You have NO RIGHT to NOT be Vaccinated": Dershowitz, Madman Authoritarian

in Deep Dives5 years ago

the counter push will be so massive, I mean, I don't see force vaxxers as human beings, I see them as target practice and crab feed... I am not mercy, humanity or pity toward them, they made their choice (to want to force me to injected), that's it...

maybe I will throw up, but a few thousands of those dead, I am sure the last one, will be flawless, emotionnally and physiologically...

it's them, or us...

my choice is made... them.


I've been saying, for over a year, that someone should do all these globalists (like Soros and Bill Gates) a big favour and help them. They are so busy taking care of us and our children that they are ignoring the safety and benefits to their own children of vaccinations, so we should take them all into protective custody and vaccinate them with ALL the vaccines they've have used on our children.

They want their bloodlines to rule the Earth - well, as they tell us now - about our kids, it is not right that they do so without having their own DNA also altered.

Do you think they will appreciate our efforts on their behalf, or will they curse us?

Plus, if none of them have pure and capable (intelligent) bloodlines to take over, will they remain as committed in taking over and doing a massive depopualtion?