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RE: A Tale of Two Truths

in Deep Dives5 years ago

Well that's the confusion.
Talking as THE ACT of transmitting information from mind to mind cannot be confused with the ACTUAL INFORMATION.

MATHEMATICS is a perfect example.

We: HUMAN (as far as we know) are the only being which utilises it. Definitely the only being on Earth (consciously, by choice) Yet MATHEMATICS did not need us to discover THE OBJECTIVE TRUTH which is mathematics. GEOMETRY is well realised as THE FABRIC of the universe. A Proven fundamental of how matter formulates. Geometry is the visual expression of complex mathematics at work.

If human was to go extinct tomorrow, OUR knowledge of that truth might be lost with us, but it could very well be discovered again by another life form. The Universe also doesn't fall apart because no human mind is around AWARE of mathematics.

That's how it's FACT that the objective truth of mathematics exists outside of us.

Now IMO, (because consciousness is still a big mystery) We (MIND) actually exist parallel/alongside that realm. Because consciousness is VIRTUAL before it finds expression (as instance*) in the frame of reference which we experience as a constant of the NOW/PRESENT.

PROOF? Our ability to return (mentally): To a PAST MEMORY or IMAGINE A FUTURE possibility. The INSTANCE of past/future (thought) however still only takes place in this NOW frame of reference.

Anyway I need to start charging for this educating. I could earn some Hive running virtual lectures. Kidding.. :)
But really, I've explained over and over.



Hold on. You just said "HUMAN (as far as we know) are the only being which utilises it."

If only humans use it, how can you consider it "objective"?

Doesn't the very definition of "objective" demand something be "identical to all observers"?