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RE: A Tale of Two Truths

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

Well that 'right to life' debate is a great example of subjectivity. I am on the side of allowing all life from the point of existence, but then I also support Elitism which means almost all humans alive are dispensable and in fact, useless. Most carry disease and are not achieving betterment. They live in decay and continue the lifestyle through their offspring. Therefore the existence of so many humans is damaging to the health of the species. That's the dilemma of society. To achieve perfection, there is a high price to pay. To have humans rights, is to not be achieving true progress where the species corrects it's flaws.

There is no wrong and right outside of human psyche. WE created that belief system. Universe only honours process and effect. Universe judges nothing. Only its own "laws" of physical manifestation and interaction. If a person throws a baby from a bride (which happened in the country I live) the universe does not alter physics to save that innocent life. Entities outside of our realm likely do but interaction to defend "right" is either not an ability, of there's an even greater force that has only one principle "everything that can happen will happen when it happens".

Your last point is.. somewhat odd. Because strangely, you've chosen to view time subjectively or more accurately: philosophically. PROCESS/ENTROPY very much exists in this realm of physicality and only in a forward direction. Consciousness does not recognize Time (we can both reflect on past and imagine a future), thus as mentioned earlier TIME TRAVEL is possible in such a realm. At no point do I mix physical reality with virtual reality though. I also do not claim the two will always exist parallel to each other. That's again determined by process and entropy.

It might well be that a Trillion "years" from now the universe experiences "reverse time" but not before process indicates that the fall of "time" as all physical expressions know it (action+reaction) have seized to be 'THE Reality'. If human is around at that point, it's not a recognizable being to the human of now. Again process determines and governs that.


I pretty much disagree with everything you said, but you are the one who chose to believe in this.
I will just reinstate one single thing, and you can go further on from there - time as a dimension and proposed as such does not exist and there is no proof to it whatsoever. What is considered the quantifiable is a fabrication.

I don't "believe" in time either. I made clear that PROCESS/ENTROPY is the REAL effect (causality) of physics. That's ACTUALLY Objective Truth.

Do you not see entropy as a process of the universe?

What I see is that things are adding up, and the only thing that can add up is the effort. Conclusion in general is that no conclusion makes sense, and the main question is what/who and how. This is undeniably correct, but numbers are a bit too big for our math or we can't quite get it under dimensional/sensor/other(?) limitation.

That's all subjective.

ENTROPY is part of the expression of physics. THERMODYNAMICS has absolute laws that existed long before human came along and realized them. They will likely exists until the end of "time". Because it's how the Universe formulates matter: thermodynamics.

That's the point I make all along.
That people mix the two.
SUBJECTIVITY: which is from view of a subject/perspective.
OBJECTIVITY: which is from no perspective.

The "view" is actually virtual because it's usually outside of the system. When we talk about thermodynamics, we're actually holding position either outside of the universe: cosmology, or deep within: quantum.

That's why morality/immorality only exist within Human psyche. We deem killing wrong. Yet killing is natural outside of our civilized world.

has absolute laws that existed long before human came along and realized them

Do you know how futile this even sounds? In fact they are made by humans and subjective to our own narrative and capabilities, same like any it is so far very limited knowledge, that is why we are powerless in the first place.

Viewer can't hold any position but the one preset in the current subjectivity, especially not assume one outside of the Universe, because there is no acknowledgment what is outside and that point of view can't be attained or used from within.

You actually have to get out which will ( by some) negate your existence. So how do you plan to do that? With basic theorem? Good plan, can I join?

Pretended realization is obscured by people entertaining something they are not. You or anyone else can not be outside of the Universe, it is delusional. Also if you assume all the behavioral patterns of an animal like you explained, than what are you beside the pile of mindless matter?

Do you think that the awoken consciousness will communicate to the matter, or use it? I mean, even extraterrestrial advance civilization or AI, or whatnot, ( if they exist) once they make their mind about it, seeing us eating other living beings, I guess they will find it perfectly OK to stockpile us in sausages, don't you agree?

So you seriously think HUMANS "made up" THERMODYNAMICS?

Sorry but I can't read anything you say if you believe that... That's INSANITY.

Believe? We wrote all those calculations from our own perspective and within our own capabilities to comprehend. That is quite obvious. It is our interpretation.

Actually this here

Conclusion in general is that no conclusion makes sense.


Which is my point. That it's a trait of human to need to make sense of things. A burden really, because we judge by set spectrums where subject is the viewpoint.

Making sense of things is in many cases just making stories. The whole gigantic failures were neatly tucked under the carpet to make a theory fit the narrative. And then with the time those little things become big problems, because something that is logical ( by theory) is not even closely possible in reality. So, we kind of miss a big chunk of it. Philosophy or science, take it either way.