I see your angle. That's within human experience and expression. I agree with your point on emotion as the drive. It's subjective still.
I'll tell you something, (with danger of sounding superior and egotistical) I once detached from Humanism. It was an odd and dark experience but also cleansing and mind altering. It was truly transcendental.
My physical watched: by my virtual.
At the time I was pursuing deep spirituality and shamanism. Dreaming was the place I considered myself awake. Awake, I viewed the experience as observing another life form.
I achieved such detachment that I no longer "felt human" and therefore didn't feel any pain. So one day, while doing some home improvement, I drilled a hole through my finger and viewed the experience completely outside of myself. It was a self-tapping metal phillips head, so I was applying much force. It jumped off the screw head and burrowed a large hole into the underside of my index finger. I sat there like I was watching a medical video. Examining the internal "goo" on my flesh. This was what "snapped me back to reality".
Because I realized existing disconnected was dangerous to my life and also what made me completely come to the realisation that WE ACTUALLY ARE outside of ourselves - as consciousness - OBSERVING ourselves. Yet we view consciousness as WITHIN, because from BRAIN emerges MIND. Thus, EMOTION is proof of that duality. (the nervous system: has physical existence but virtual expression), So this duality is highly necessary for us to VALUE that lifeform (physical entity) that we are attached to.
SUBJECTIVITY then, is most definitely how we view environment, all interactions within it, and all elements of this external Energy field, outside of our primary position (SELF). Including other Humans. So it makes clear sense why SUBJECTIVITY is wrongfully seen as THE REALITY and so many struggle to see the difference it holds from OBJECTIVITY.
OBJECTIVITY doesn't emerge out of individual/subjective experience. It is THE FIRST INSTANCE of Energy Manifestation, before interpretation by Experiencer. That's what I attempted to achieve with this comment chain. To prove how MORALITY is second layer, constructed exclusively by Humans. That it's only within Human systems (spectrums) that it means something.
Now the conundrum that now exists (if you've picked up on it) is that there's a conflict here in my body of text. How do I see objectivity as the ruling truth, but also claim spirituality.
That's a DUALITY. This is... "true".
To expand on that however requires much more than words alone. So it will exist as.. a cliffhanger. Because the easy story is that, I intended to put that on here (steemit originally) but then after understanding the system and community I arrived at thinking that it would not be seen as value, and then gave up on wanting to put that on the platform.
Hive has aged well, in the community sense, but still not the spiritual/mindful collective I thought I would find. I wait patiently though. Because I don't see the passage of time from then (when I joined) to now and to future as length. Just process in effect. I hold belief that these platforms will mature and then attract mass of many walks, so likely, I'll end up fulfilling that ambition of content expression once the system is sufficient.
Time - Will - Tell